/ / How to remove Webalta search engine from browser settings

How to remove the Webalta search engine from the browser settings

Very often during the installation of programs,downloaded via the Internet, the alert system begins to issue unusual messages about changing browser settings. Often, users do not pay attention to them and very soon forget about them. However, then they are very surprised when, after the next logon, they instead of the usual interface appear on the home page system Webalta.

how to remove the search engine webalta
This very malicious program gets on ourcomputer viral, it can not be removed in standard ways. As a rule, such developments are spyware, that is, by penetrating the system, they collect information about the owner and send it to the developer.

Webalta was launched in 2005, originallyit was developed as a regular search engine. At that time, such sites as Mail and Qip were launched, but the project to introduce Webalta to the Russian Internet technologies market failed. Then the developers went not very legal ways and reconfigured the program for installation on users' computers without their consent.

From the foregoing, the desire of Internet users to quickly remove this application from their computer becomes clear.

remove the webalta search engine
However, when installed, it is deeply prescribed inregistry and system folders, and in order to completely remove the search engine Webalta and its components from the hard drive, you will need certain knowledge and skills. But to eliminate it is still real.

This article will focus on how to cleanWebalta search engine from the browser settings. All actions will take no more than 15-20 minutes, you should only strictly follow the order of their accomplishment, and then you will permanently get rid of the annoying service.

So, a brief guide on how to remove the Webalta search engine:

1. Close all active browser windows.

2Now you need to remove the program from the registry entries. To do this, click Win + R, type regedit in the line, then OK. Before removing the Webalta search engine, it is necessary to create a copy of the registry in order to avoid possible deletion of the necessary files. In the search for the content type "Webalta" and delete all the results issued to us by the system. This procedure can be done several times.

3We go after this in the "Control Panel" ("Start" - "Control Panel"), in the management section of the installed programs, click "Uninstall programs and components". We need something similar to Webalta Toolbar, delete.

remove the webalta search engine

4. In order to remove the Webalta search engine from our computer, it is necessary to delete all the folders and files created by it. To do this, in the search type the name and delete all objects containing it.

5. It is necessary to move all browser shortcuts from the "desktop" and from all panels to the trash, since the virus is also written in them. You can restore them through Program Files.

6How to remove the Webalta search engine from the browser settings: in App Data / Mozilla / Firefox, look for the user.js folder, delete all the records that mention Webalta in it. Then, in the same tree, we find the prefs.js folder, the user_pref record (www.webalta.ru is replaced with the address of Google or Yandex).

If you are using Opera, in the Winows / System 32 system file, look for the component operaprefs_fixed.ini, also click "Delete."

7. Restart the computer.

8. After switching on, we launch the browser, open the settings and in the "Address of the home page" section, register the required one. Is done. Webalta has disappeared!