/ / Chrome Flags Enable Npapi: description, settings and reviews

Chrome Flags Enable Npapi: description, settings and reviews

What to do if you met the phrase "Chrome Flags"Enable Npapi? Such unknown words often lead us to a dead end. We try to deal with them, but in vain. Of course, if you are a programmer, then you already know what will be discussed. But if you accidentally learned that you need to somehow include these four English words, do not worry, everything is not as difficult as it seems.


Начнем по порядку.We will talk about some of the tools that worked before in the browser Chrome. This is a fairly well-known web browser from Google, which now occupies a leading position among all its "colleagues", a program based on the free browser Chromium paired with the engine Blink.

chrome flags

This is a young application that appeared in 2008year. It has already been updated many times and now version 59 is in use. At the same time, the browser is not devoid of shortcomings, but it is still considered convenient, fast and safe.


Next, go to Chrome Flags.Like any program, the browser has prepared for the experts some hidden opportunities. Especially they will be useful for programmers. Here you can find many hidden options that are not in the settings menu. But this does not mean that some of the functions will not be needed by an ordinary user. There are some that can surf the Internet to make it more comfortable.

So, to get there, you need the chrome command:// flags. This line should be entered into the browser and press Enter. You will see a page with a large set of commands and options. To study them all makes no sense. In addition, despite the availability of descriptions, it is not so easy and understand their capabilities to an ordinary reader. But there are some that can make your work with the browser simple and fix some flaws.

Basic Commands

Rewrite all functions that can be found inmenu chrome: // flags. it makes no sense. You can consider the main ones that can really come in handy. For example, here you can change the translation toolbar to the icon. Usually it appears on foreign websites. You can ignore the ban on autocomplete. It happens that this function is used for you, but it is not possible for individual pages to use it. To do this, you can try this option.

chrome flags enable npapi

There is an option to enable automatic correctionerrors. So, if you enter text somewhere, the browser will help you "become more competent". The app can predict your desires. One option loads the page faster, because it knows the end position of your finger on the touch device.

If there is no Internet, you can use a function that takes pages from the cache and allows them to be viewed.

There are a number of commands in the chrome menu:// flags, which are responsible for performance. It is possible to perform compatibility checks, enable Direct 3D to speed up work, or quickly close tabs and windows.


Since it is clear from our set of words that Enableis responsible for enabling the function, and, accordingly, Disable - for disabling, then proceed to the incomprehensible word NPAPI. This, as you might guess, is an abbreviation. In Russian, we will get the "Netscape plug-in programming interface".

In simple language, this is some kind of architecture, thanks towhich can appear plug-ins. Most likely, there will be a question, what are plugins. These are program modules that can be connected to the program. In this case, plug-ins will supplement the application, expand its capabilities. These modules look like a library for users.

NPAPI appeared a very long time, together with one of thethe first Netscape browsers, hence the name of the architecture. Later, this architecture, which developed plug-ins, was adopted by all existing web browsers. But it was a long time ago. Already a couple of years ago, popular browsers began to abandon it, and the plugins began to lose their functionality.

chrome flags include npapi


Because it's about the chrome command:// flags / # enable-npapi, we will continue to view the history of the relationship between this architecture and the Google Chrome browser. Since this web browser appeared in 2008, it was from this moment on that plug-in support began with the Netscape Plug-in API. But already in January 2014, the developers decided to abandon them and stopped their support.

In general, the denial of the case has been going on for a long time.Firstly, this is due to the fact that the architecture itself is from the nineties, and indeed it would be time to replace it with a new one. After it was blocked by Windows in Metro mode, suspicions arose about the danger of the interface.

Чтобы не оставлять плагины без присмотра, решено was to develop independently PPAPI. He, according to programmers, is safer. After it all plugins were translated. And to have an alternative to Flash Player, which worked with the Netscape Plug-in API, Pepper Flash Player was launched.

chrome flags enable npapi enable


Before you enable NPAPI in Chrome Flags, you need tothink about security. It's not for nothing that almost all browsers abandoned this architecture. When Google Chrome disabled it, all the plugins by default stopped working. But the most popular still functioned for a while. Among them were Silverlight, Unity, Google Earth, etc.

Already the 42nd version of the browser came out with disabledinterface Netscape Plug-in. Although some ways of detour still existed. Since the 45th version this has ceased to be possible. Functions that work with NPAPI have been disabled and removed from the web browser system.


Many immediately rushed to look for ways toturn it on. Chrome Flags Enable Npapi has finally come in handy to many. This command allowed to use the interface. This was necessary for those who frequently visited sites with the Netscape Plug-in. And until Google Chrome finally cut off all the way to the interface, it was still possible to reach it.

chrome flags include

To do this, you need to open the browser and addressEnter the string immediately chrome: // flags / # enable-npapi. The interface was easy to include in the same name line with a highlighted inscription. Below the "Restart" button appeared. By the way, next to the inclusion there was information that this method is suitable for those who work with browser versions from the 42nd to the 45th. Later this function will be disabled.


That's how we met with a difficult conceptwhich was relevant in 2014. Now this command is unlikely to work, since the NPAPI story for Google Chrome ended up, like, in general, for many other browsers. Now, those who work with plug-ins of this interface can use special applications of the Mozilla project, Safari, Konqueror and a couple of other web page browsers.

The chrome: // flags command also remained.You can enable many options with its help. But to activate NPAPI plug-ins already does not work. The company "Google" offers to work with newer standards, among them - HTML5 and NaCL.