/ / Which is better - H- or 3G Internet? Choose

What is better - H- or 3G Internet? Choose

Современному поколению трудно представить, но once telephones really were telephones, not smartphones. They could make calls, nothing more. At the same time, they were small and easily fit in your pocket, but with such gadgets you could not take photos or share them. Of course, it was impossible to make an access point from a phone, let alone many other functions.

what is better h or 3g

However, now there are almost no phones left,there are only smartphones. Today, the whole world continues to actively develop high-speed wireless networks of the new generation, because of which many things seem to an ordinary user to be very confusing. For example, users often try to find out which is better: H or 3G? What is the data transfer rate in these networks, etc. But the very posing of such questions is absurd, and the person does not understand at all what he asks.

What does Internet 3G, E, H mean?

G is Generation.This means that when manufacturers say 4G, they are referring to a wireless network that is based on fourth-generation technology. True, the term "generation" in some sense confuses ordinary users. Therefore, we must try to understand all this.

But E and H are data transmission technologies that belong to different generations. But this requires a detailed explanation.


The first generation technology allowedmobile phones are a mass product. Based on this generation, TACS and NMT networking technologies have become the most popular. The first was used in the USA, the second - in Europe. Then no one even intended to provide data services. At that time, there were analog systems that allowed voice calls and provided some other features.

which internet is better than 3g or h

The data transfer rate of these technologies has beenlow, and the price of one minute of conversation cost a lot of money, so the presence of a cell phone could be considered a luxury. However, the development of the network was not long in coming. Soon, second-generation 2G networks appeared.

2G and 2.5G

The development of the second generation falls to the beginning90s. Networks based on it were better protected, faster, and the quality of sound transmission increased. Some networks supported the transfer of short messages (SMS). Therefore, no one wondered: what is better than H or 3G. Until the third generation had yet to develop.

Internet speed 3g h

In 1997, GPRS appeared, and it was a turning point.moment in the history of the development of cellular communication. It was a real revolution, because the technology offered GSM networks the ability to continuously transfer data at a higher speed.

However, this was not yet a full-fledged third generation. The first standard that approved the full 3G specification was IMT-2000. It provided data rates of up to 2 Mbit per second.

Mobile Internet 3G: E, H, G

In addition to a higher data transfer rate, this standard implied a quick transition from second generation networks to third. For this, most GSM operators have chosen the UMTS standard.

mobile internet e h 3g

At this time, the standard was widely developed.EDGE. Initially, it was conceived as an easy way to squeeze the 2.5G maximum out of generation without having to invest big money in development. On the phone with support for the EDGE standard it was possible to get the data transfer rate twice as high as on the GPRS standard.

By the way, with this standard was difficult, because Immediately it is not clear where to take it. Many experts attributed it to the generation 2.75G.

After 10 years, UMTS networks received an update inform of HSDPA and HSUPA technologies, thanks to which the speed of incoming and outgoing traffic has greatly increased. And if the letter H is displayed in your phone at the top, it means that the HSDPA or HSUPA transmission standard is activated. However, it cannot be said that it is better: H or 3G, because H (HSDPA) is essentially a 3G technology (third generation data network). Therefore, such a question of many users is not entirely logical. Internet speed of 3G and H will be equal, just some phones can change the letter on the top of the info-panel of the display. But this does not change the essence, and in both cases the third generation 3G data network is used.

which internet is faster 3g or h

But even today in some cities or villages withWhen you connect your phone to the network, you can see the letters G or E at the top of the screen. This means that the standards used are EDGE and GPRS, that is, 2G or 2.75G networks. If this is your case, then in this case it doesn’t matter to you what is better: H or 3G, because letters G and E indicate connection to the second generation network.


There is an ITM-Advanced specification thatdefines the standard of networks of the fourth generation 4G. The document defines the input data rate - 1 Gbit / s for terminals and 100 Mbit / s for smartphones. It is impressive that it is 500 and 250 times faster than data transmission in the advanced ITM-2000 network. Such speeds even overtake the direct connection to the broadband channel.

3g e h internet what does it mean

In rural areas, such technologies playa huge role because it is more cost-effective to build one 4G-station, which would provide communication for all subscribers within a radius of 10 km. Otherwise, you would have to create fiber blankets.

But it is worth noting that the specifications of ITM-Advancedso demanding that today there is practically no standard that would meet them. That is, there is no full 4G network. Yes, WiMax and LTE technologies are officially read by the standards of the fourth-generation network, but surely this is not 100% true. The fact is that, although networks use modern multiplexing schemes and 100% of their bandwidth are used for data transmission, the speed still does not reach the standards described in the above mentioned specification. In theory, LTE technology assumes a data transfer rate of 100 Mbps, it is very impressive. However, in practice, everything is much worse: the network speed usually does not exceed 30 Mbit per second. Of course, even 30 Mbit / s is extremely fast, but the fact is that this speed does not meet the specification. Therefore, the LTE standard can not be called fourth-generation technology. To date, there are no technologies that would meet the requirements of ITM-Advanced.

3G is better than 4G?

Some American operators don't evenAnnounced the transition to the standard of the fourth generation. They remain on the 3G network and upgrade it. For example, the T-Mobile operator is upgrading the 3G network, trying to improve the HSPA standard to HSPA +. However, it does not even concern the standard network of the fourth generation. It makes sense, because having improved the 3G standard to the limit, one can also achieve high speeds. The same HSPA + will actually provide the subscriber with a bandwidth of 42 Mbit / s.
In this regard, the operator T-Mobile cardinallyrethinks what 4G is really about and which internet is faster. 3G or H in the phone can mean a data transfer rate of up to 42 Mbps per second, but for now this applies only to T-Mobile subscribers.

How are things really?

It seems that third-generation networks are well developed andeven in big cities there is access to 4G Internet, but in reality everything is worse. In many regions of Russia and in general in all of Ukraine there is no 4G coverage. Why are there 4G, even if the 3G generation is very poorly developed. It comes to the fact that in many villages and cities on smartphones appears letter E when connected to the Internet. As you already understood from the article above, EDGE refers to the generation of 2.5G networks and does not reach the networks of even the third generation.

Which internet is better: 3G or H?

Initially, this material was aimed atto help subscribers of mobile operators to understand the generations of networks, because with all these communication standards you can get confused. It comes to the fact that users are trying to compare the speed between the third generation network (3G) and HSPA technology, which is directly related to the third generation networks. Roughly speaking, H is 3G.