/ / 4G router for giving: description, characteristics, reviews

4G router for giving: description, characteristics, reviews

Correctly chosen wireless router for givingallows you to complement the process of working on the plot with a good rest. With it, you can organize and watch movies, and social networking, and surfing Internet resources. Moreover, the coverage of operators is constantly growing, tariffs for such services are periodically reduced, and the list of equipment is impressive. Untrained potential user in all this diversity is quite difficult to understand. It is about solving this difficult task and the correctness of the choice of network equipment that the discussion goes on.

router for giving

Ways to organize a wireless network

A wireless network in the country can be organized in the following ways:

  • Using a smartphone.
  • Using a mobile router.
  • With the use of such a device as a stationary router for giving with a built-in slot for installing SIM cards.
  • You can also solve this issue with a stationary router, 4G-modem and external antenna.

Each of these methods has both strengths and weaknesses. It is about their pros and cons and possible applications that will be discussed further.

Equipment selection

First you need to decide on what type of mobile network the router will interact with to give. Now there are several types of cellular networks. In this list you can highlight:

  • GSM network.These include 2G standards (in this case, you can count on a speed of 500 kb / s at best, this standard can also be referred to as GPRS, WAP or EDGE), 3G (with such coverage, you can count on a speed of several tens of megabits per second Also in this case there may be UMTS, WCDMA, HSPA + and HSUPA symbols - these are all derivatives of the same technology, and they are compatible with each other) and 4G (the second designation of this type of cellular networks is LTE, the maximum speed in them can reach 150 Mb /with).
  • CDMA network. They are of two types - Rev.A (the transmission rate in this case is 3.1 Mbit / s) and Rev.V (15.6 Mbit / s is the peak speed for such coverage, sometimes they are designated as 3G).
  • WiMAX - these networks are mainly designed to transmit information. Their speed can reach up to 28 megabytes per second. Sometimes they are referred to as 4G.

Whatever it was, namely the first type of cellularnetworks is currently the most common. Therefore, the most correct way to focus on them. Moreover, they are backward compatible with each other. That is, 4G-equipment without any problems can work in 3G. And the latter can be registered and fully function in networks of lower order, that is, 2G or GSM.

4g router for giving

Smartphone-based wireless network

The most economical and least reasonable optionCreating a mobile network in the country is the use of a smartphone. Of course, the flexibility of setting up such mobile devices allows you to solve such a problem in a matter of minutes. But with the speed and quality of coverage in this case there may be problems. High speed can be obtained only if there is a powerful signal from the cellular operator (that is, in relative proximity to the tower).

And this condition is not on every summer cottagedoable. And the WiFi transmitter built into the smartphone itself cannot give a powerful signal. Therefore, the coverage area will be small in such a situation. At best, it's a couple of rooms on the same floor. But for testing before purchasing stationary network equipment, this approach is fully justified.

wifi router for giving

Option with a mobile router

You can also specifically purchase mobile4G router to give. But this solution has a number of significant drawbacks. This is the need to constantly monitor the battery level on such a device, and a weak cellular transceiver, and a relatively small range of such a device. The main sphere of their use is the creation of a mobile access point to the global web in places with high-quality coverage, that is, within large cities and megacities.

If the cottage is in relative proximity (to2-3 km) from the tower of mobile communication, this is the best option, which at low cost allows you to get the maximum result. You can, of course, if you need to find more expensive such devices with an antenna input and use it even away from the mobile tower. But with this approach, it turns into a regular stationary router with an installed external 4G-modem with antenna input. In the second case, its cost is significantly less, and such use of network equipment is more justified.

Examples of mobile routers

As an example of such a mobileRouter can bring Huawei's E5573 model. This is a great 4G router for giving and not only. The capacity of the built-in battery is 1500 mAh. This is enough for 4-5 hours of work in networks of the 4th generation. There is also support for 2G and 3G.

Еще одной важной особенностью этого устройства is that it can work in repeater mode. The only drawback of this model is the high cost, which is currently about 6000 rubles. But in this case, it is more than ever justified: the quality of the equipment is impeccable.

router for giving what

Stationary router with SIM card slot

There are also devices such asstationary WiFi-router for giving with a slot for installing a SIM-card. Such a router, in principle, duplicates the previous one. But only in that case the device was mobile and it could be transferred to any part of the summer cottage, and in this case the router will be tied to the outlet in which the power supply is installed.

Опять-таки, такая система может нормально work only in relative proximity to the cell phone tower, that is, at a distance of up to 3 kilometers. Above this value, the network signal will decrease, and the transmission rate will drop. Therefore, this device, like the previous two, is perfect for the suburbs of large cities and cities. That is, where the density of communication towers is high, as well as the level of the cellular signal.

4g wifi router for giving

An example of a router with a slot for a SIM card

Now let's figure out what in this versionchoose a router to give. Which is the best of them in terms of parameters and characteristics? The answer in this case is one - 4G-N12 from ASUS. It has a slot, there are 4 ports for creating the wired part of the network, there are 2 antennas that increase the coverage area of ​​the WiFi signal by 1.5 times.

К этому стоить добавить хорошую информативную panel and the ability to install on any surface: horizontal or vertical. The router itself supports all existing 4th generation GSM communications. Another plus of this model is the ease of setup. The only thing that is needed is to set the parameters of the WiFi network. Everything else will be done automatically - this is connecting to the network of the mobile operator, setting up a profile, and setting values.

Combination "fixed router and 4G-modem with antenna input"

А как же быть тем, кто имеет дачный участок вдали from mobile towers? How to choose a router for them? What set of network equipment is needed to create such a network? The answer in this case is one: a router with a USB input (into which you can install an external modem), an external modem with the ability to connect an external antenna, a connecting wire and the antenna itself.

This kit will function normally inanywhere and will allow you to get both excellent signal quality even far from the mobile communications tower, and high transmission speed. The only drawback in this case is the high cost of the equipment due to the fact that the equipment is expanded with a special version of the modem, non-standard router model, antenna and connecting wire.

wifi router with an external antenna for gardening

Selection of equipment in the case of a stationary router and 4G modem

At the first stage, you need to call the numberphone support subscribers and find out the quality of coverage in the place you are interested in. Also in this case, it is necessary to find out the location of the nearest cell tower and to clarify the distance to it.

After we select the model of the 4G modem.It should support all three types of the most common mobile networks, which are based on GSM technology. It should also have an input for connecting an external antenna. Then we select an external antenna. The greater her gain in decibels, the better.

Then select a WiFi router with an external antenna forcottages. It must have a USB port, and it must support the selected 4G modem model at the software level. For greater certainty, it is recommended to check with the seller the compatibility of the 4G modem and router. After that, we buy a set of selected network equipment.

Setup order

You can, of course, to build and configure the networkequipment to attract a specialist. But you can independently perform this operation and configure such a “hybrid” 4G WiFi router for cottages. The installation procedure in this case is as follows:

  • Install the SIM card in the 4G modem.
  • We select a place to install the antenna. The bracket must be firmly and securely locked. We install the antenna, but do not fix it.
  • We select the installation location of the router and modem.The shorter the distance from the antenna to the modem, the better the signal and the higher the transmission speed. There should also be a power outlet nearby to power the router. Install the router and modem. We connect the power supply to the router.
  • We forward the connecting wire and connect it to the equipment.
  • After the circuit is assembled, we check its correctness and apply voltage.
  • Now for fine tuning you will need 2person. By smoothly rotating the antenna in the direction of the cell tower location (this is done by one person), we achieve the maximum signal level (the second person is watching its value). The value of the latter must be monitored on a PC using special application software. After we have reached the maximum value, we fix the antenna in this position.
  • At the next stage, you need to configure the router at the software level: set the network name, access code for it, and parameters for connecting to the cellular network.

a router for giving which is better

Example router for 4G modem and external antenna

The best router for a summer residence in this case isKeenetic 4GIII by Zyxel. It supports almost all existing models of 4G modems. He also has an excellent degree of reliability and there are immediately 2 external antennas (that is, the signal area of ​​the wireless network will be increased up to two times). At the same time, his cost is very democratic - about 3,000 rubles.

This is the most optimal router for a summer residence. for today.Also, the last considered option for organizing a wireless network allows you to get high speed in almost all cases. It is it that it is recommended to use in all cases, regardless of the range of the base station. He will work everywhere. Only an antenna with an appropriate gain should be matched.