/ / Game "Stalker": how to become immortal?

The game "Stalker": how to become immortal?

Stalker is one of the most popularpostapocalyptic computer games of modern times. Many people thought about how to become a stalker when they passed this trilogy. You will have to make a lot of effort to succeed. However, the gameplay is incredibly exciting, the variety of characters and quests is impressive, and the huge size of the game world is simply amazing. And you can explore all this without any obstacles (of course, except for the obstacles of critically strong monsters who live in certain locations).

how to become a stalker

But it is worth paying attention to the fact thatthe game is quite complex, so often you can face situations that you cannot find a way out of. In this case, cheats would be useful, but they are not in the game, so many gamers decide that they need to learn about how to become a Stalker, exclusively in legal ways. However, this is far from the case, and in this article you will learn something about immortality in this game.

Change character file

How to become a stalker who can not be killed?There are no cheats in the game, so you will not be able to simply enter one code and enjoy the complete absence of the damage your hero takes. We'll have to look for workarounds. And here you will need the knowledge that this project is open source, that is, every gamer who installed the game can edit it. That is why there is such a large number of modifications for the "Stalker". However, this article will focus on mods, and that will help you to compensate for the lack of codes.

how to become immortal in stalker call of pripyat

To do this, you need to find a file thatresponsible for the characteristics and other details of your character. This is a file called actor.ltx, which is located in the depths of the game folder, so it's easier to find it through the "Search". After that, make a backup in case something goes wrong. Well, then open this file with a text editor, and now you have to change the values ​​of several specific lines in order to figure out how to become a Stalker who simply cannot die. Each of these lines will be disassembled separately and in detail so that you can safely change the values ​​without fear of spoiling something in the game.

Radiation damage

So, if you want to know how to becomeimmortal in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat", then you need to change a few lines of code that is responsible for your character. And the first line is radiation_health_v. She is responsible for how much damage your character takes from radiation. In the post-apocalyptic world of the “Stalker”, radiation is one of your main opponents, which can be much more terrible than mutants or members of warring factions. If you want to quietly walk around the Zone without a special suit, you should set a zero value for this string. This will be the first step towards understanding how to become immortal in the "Stalker". But this is not the last step, and you will have to change more than one line to achieve complete invulnerability.


Every gamer who wants to learn how to becomeimmortal in "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl", must understand that hunger is another secret adversary of the main character along with radiation. If your character does not eat anything for a long time, then his health will begin to be taken away. Accordingly, you need to either feed it, or change the next line of code.

how to become immortal in a stalker

This time it’s a satiety_critical string,which denotes a critical level of satiety, that is, the moment when hunger begins to affect the health of your hero. If you set the value to zero, your character will never get hungry, which will allow you to create another element of your immortality. As you can see, this is not so easy, and an ordinary cheat would be much more pleasant to use. Unfortunately, there are no cheats in the game. Therefore, if you want to learn how to become immortal in "Stalker: Call of Chernobyl", you will have to make a lot of effort.

Impact impact

Please note that in each of the three gamesimmortality is gained in the same way. The same applies to major modifications, because they are based on the code of basic games. Accordingly, if you are asked about how to become immortal in “Stalker: Folk Soup”, you can safely use this material to answer this question.

how to become immortal in stalker shadow of Chernobyl

While it is necessary to go to a very important pointimmortality, namely to hit. For what happens when an opponent hits your character, two lines are responsible: health_hit_part and power_hit_part. The value of the first determines how much health is taken away from your hero, and the value of the second determines how much endurance is taken away. You need to reset both of these indicators, and you will receive a character who does not lose his temper from an enemy strike or shot. In general, this is a big step towards total invulnerability, but it is still not the last.


If you want to figure out how to becomeimmortal in "Stalker: Clear Sky", then you also have to take care of more and bleeding. Some hits of opponents do not just cause specific damage, but also leave a wound that heals over a period of time.

how to become immortal in stalker call of chernobyl

And all this time you lose blood, and with ithealth. This can be corrected by changing the value for the bleeding_v line. Everything is just as simple here. It is enough for you to reset the value so that when receiving a wound blood does not flow from it, and, accordingly, your health is not lost.

Wound size

Wounds can be treated in other ways.For example, you definitely need to pay attention to the min_wound_size string, which is more convoluted than the previous ones. In this case, you need to increase the value several times. Why? The fact is that this value indicates the width of the wound at which it is considered to have healed and, accordingly, stops bleeding. Thus, if you set the maximum value, the wound will heal almost immediately after receiving, even if it was incredibly serious.

Wound healing rate

Another approach to wounds includes accelerationtheir healing. In this case, you should pay attention to the wound_incarnation string, the value of which you need to raise again. The higher the score, the faster your wound will heal. As you can easily understand, the last three lines reviewed need not be changed at the same time.

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Changing one of them, you can become invulnerableto the wounded. In the first case, there will simply be no blood flowing from your wound, so you will not take damage. In the second, even the largest wound will instantly be considered healed. Well, in the third case, the wound will heal with incredible speed, so that you will not have time to lose your health. But for reliability, you can always change all three lines to achieve the perfect result.

Psionic health

Well, the final touch in your invulnerability ispsionic health. Yes, on the territory of the Zone, some mutants can influence your sanity, thereby enslaving you and inevitably killing you. There are various ways to resist these forces, but the easiest way is to use the file with the characteristics of your character again and find the line psy_health_v there. If you set a maximum value for it, then your psionic health will recover at a tremendous rate. Thus, even the most powerful psi warriors will not be able to influence your mind, at least they will not have time, because you can deal with them before they begin to cause significant damage to your mind. Although this is unlikely, because practically no mutant can deal more psi damage than it recovers at the maximum speed specified in this last line.

how to become immortal in stalker clear sky

That's all, now your character is absolutelyinvulnerable, so you can safely travel the world of "Stalker", without fear of any powerful opponents, or deadly radiation, or even your empty stomach. You have already taken care of all this by changing the file with the characteristics of your hero, so you have nothing more to fear. Travel around the virtual world, improve your hero and win!