/ / How to save video to computer from "Contact": details

How to save a video to a computer from the "Contact": details

Now we will look at how to save videos ona computer with a “Contact”, because in this social network, users can not only share multimedia materials with friends, using the functionality of the site, but also download files. Details below.

Save video to computer from "Contact": the development of the idea

how to save video to computer from contact
Начнем с того, что несколько лет тому назад It was possible to watch videos or listen to music in the social network of interest to us exclusively on the service page, which caused some inconvenience to users.

Since many wanted to send their favorite songs or videos to a computer or phone, in order to enjoy them without having to be on the Internet.

Therefore, the World Wide Web began to appearapplications with the help of which supposedly it was possible to learn how to save video to a computer from “Contact”. However, to take advantage of this opportunity, it was often necessary to pay a certain amount of money.

In addition, very often such programs are hiddenvarious viruses that stole personal data of users of the project, their passwords and logins. However, the situation was quickly resolved by the efforts of the creators of the social network itself.

How to save video to computer from “Contact” using VKMusic

program for downloading video from a contact

So, there were official programs fordownload video and music from the "VK". One of these applications can be called VKMusic. First of all, it is a program for downloading videos from “Contact”, which has wide capabilities with a small size. Using the application, you can download various media files from the above site to your computer.

Нужно лишь установить программу и ее запустить.After the application is deployed on your computer, you will see a special hint containing basic instructions for use. In case you do not need additional help and advice, close the window and go to the main menu. The top toolbar has a “Download” section, a pop-up window of which allows you to activate all available download processes, pause them, and rename and copy links.

Application features

The above application also has a menu“VKontakte”, which includes sections: “Download photos”, “Video recordings of friends / groups”, “Popular music”, “Recommendations”, “My audio recordings” and others. Select the item you need - and the program will find the available clips.

We mark the necessary videos (for this purposeuse the mouse and keyboard Shift button) and click on the “Add” item on the right side of the screen. Specify the directory in which to save the file, and click "Accept".

It remains to choose only the format and quality.saved clip (you can use the function “Choose the best”), wait until the download process is complete. The program is easy to add links to videos that you need to save to your computer.

save video to computer from contact


In conclusion, let's say a few words about how to getfrom "VK" music. The VKSaver program is a success with many users and is able to help us. Thanks to this application, the process of downloading music from a social network is greatly simplified. In order to start using the application, you must, of course, download it, and then install it on a personal computer.

Запускаем программу.It will be in the conductor. You need to run an application called VKSaver. As a result, the program will be displayed in the list of running processes, while it is highlighted with a “B” icon. Then it remains only to go to the site with your personal data and find the music. At the same time, a special letter will be displayed next to each of the compositions - S. We need it to download. Now you know how to save video to computer from “Contact”. In addition, we tried to familiarize you with some other social networking application features.