/ / How to change language on Steam. We change the interface

As in Steam, change the language. Change the interface

So, today we will talk with you about how toSteam change the language. After all, as a rule, initially the interface is launched on the international one - English. So, problems can arise in those who do not speak this language. Let's try to understand with you, how it is possible to solve the formed question.

how to change the language in steam

Find customer

Well, the first step that you need to take to solve the impending problem is to find and download the Steam client. If you do not have it, then, in fact, there will be nothing to change.

Find "Steam" can be on the Internet.It is best to download the client from the official site. After you install it, you will be able to think about how to change the language on Steam. However, at first it would not hurt to try to search for already “modified” versions in which one or another interface is “sewn”. True, this is not the best option - very often, instead of "Steam", you risk installing a virus. In general, once the client is installed, you can proceed to action.

We change in the client

Now let's try to figure out with you thatfor what. Namely, the way in Steam to change the interface language to any other. Of course, from all available. First you need to have an account where you can "shaman". True, this does not mean at all that the interface will "become attached" to akk. You set the settings for only one computer. When running on another "machine", you will have to go through this process again.

So, in order to answer, as in SteamChange language, connect to the Internet and log in. Sign in? Next, you have to dig a little in the settings. This is where the "customization" of the program takes place. Find the Settings tab in the system. Go into it. Here you will see a lot of functions and parameters. True, we do not need them now. Now you need to find the Interface tab. Here we will understand how to change the language. There are many options available on Steam. However, since we are Russian-speaking users, then we’ll stop with the great and mighty.

Russian language in steam

Switched to our "Interface"? Things are easy!Click on Language. Now you will see the full list of languages ​​available to you for the interface. Select "Russian". Click OK. Next you need to allow the system to restart the program. Otherwise, do it yourself. Now look what you got. Language changed! You can safely use the client.


But sometimes users really need to change the language.Not in the program, but on the site. And all the problems arise for the same reason - ignorance of "foreign dictionaries." However, this is not easier for us. Let's try to figure out how to put the Russian language on Steam (on the page).

In fact, the answer is very simple.You will not be able to translate the site if the browser does not have such a setting. After all, it is here that information is processed, which is then shown to you. In order to change the language, i.e., to install the one you need, just go to the web page. After that, you should have a bar with a question from the browser: "Do you want to translate?". You can also choose the language of translation. So it will be enough to click on the "translate" button - your page will safely change its "interface".

how to change the language in steam

A game

But how to change language in Steam in any game?Especially if it has support for the layout you need. First, you should go into the game's Steam system and see its settings there. Maybe there is an "interface language"? Found? Then just change the setting to the desired one. Confirm the action and run the game.

And what to do if there is no such setting?Then you have to run the toy and go there in Options. See what language settings are available. Found that "layout" that you need? Choose it and save your actions. No language needed? Look for a patch on the Internet that will have to be installed "on top" of the program so that you have the opportunity to Russify a toy. So now you know all the options for changing the language on Steam.