/ / A pun in virtual reality, or How to become a "Sims-3" to become a Death?

A pun in virtual reality, or How to become a "Sims-3" Death?

One of the most popular games for all generationswas the anthology "Sims". This cult simulator attracts and immerses in itself. At the first acquaintance the game simply absorbs the user, takes all the thoughts and gives space for fantasy when creating your own characters. Live creativity is warmed up by creators who regularly create all new additions.

Life is a game

A surprising case, but the most excitingthe everyday human life becomes a plot. Some special magic charges a sense of power, the ability to control people. You do not need to be a politician or a representative of the law to punish or bless, reward and promote the career ladder. In Sims-3, the interface became even better. Create your hero and build his life. This is a unique opportunity to feel like the Lord God. Death in "Sims-3" remains the inevitable result of the life path of each character. But it can also be different.

how to become a death in sims 3
The happiest, of course, is death from old age, surrounded by a loving family. Then Sim leaves life calmly and joyfully. The death of hardship and suffering will be premature and painful.

Unusual characters "Sims-3"

Virtual reality can still bemore interesting than our world. And not only because it is possible to live here without money, but love is born after a few told anecdotes. In "Sims-3" among the characters there are vampires, werewolves and even Death. The last character seems omnipotent and inaccessible, but in reality it is not. Many have a completely logical question in the Sims-3 game: how to become Death and are there any advantages in playing this character?

sims 3 how to become death
По сути, со Смертью можно лишь взаимодействовать, with no apparent pleasure for Sim. Of course, you can buy the same hoodie, remaining a man, but there is little sense from this. There are different versions of the game that allow a “breach” that allows you to circumvent the ban for those who think, as in Sims-3, to become Death. For example, in early updates, Death was accepted into the family using the entered developer code TestingCheatsEnabler true. After the code is entered, you need to wait for the appearance of Death on the site.

How to cause death to the site?

How to wait for the appearance of Death?After all, she does not go to visit for a cup of tea, and you will not meet her in the public area. The only way to kill Sim, who lives on the site. It is possible for this to take in the family of a stranger old man and hold down the Shift key on it with the selected action to “grow up”. A kind of sacrifice contributes to the appearance of Bony, and here it is necessary not to yawn and take her to the family. Then you can play for it. The pressed Shift key with the action "take in the family" will solve all the problems. Information on how to become Death in Sims-3 remains relevant if your PC doesn’t have the game updated to All Ages.

Tour of Death in life

death in sims 3
On the one hand, it's strange that so many peopleThey think about how to become Death in Sims-3. After all, the fear of dying is an obsessive nightmare for most of the world's population. Characters with creative inclinations sometimes think about how in Sims-3 to become Death, to include it in their musical group. Without sacrifice, and there is not enough. In other ways, Death is not to lure. After Bony finishes his dark business, you can invite her to join the group. By the way, Death may refuse your offer to join. Good bonuses to achieve this goal will be the reward "Attractiveness" and the developed skill of charm.

At the time of everyday life, Death disappears, butwhen the group is convened for rehearsal, it appears again. In the process of rehearsing, Death is an adequate character who behaves like an ordinary person. Therefore, you can try to have an affair with Death, have offspring, flirt and quarrel. It is worth noting that all these actions can provoke errors in the game, so they are carried out at the player's fear and risk. It is prudent to keep the game until the reception of Death in the family and, perhaps, to settle the family Sims in the new city. Like any invited character, after being accepted into the family, Death loses his job and becomes unemployed. Therefore, destiny will not work. By the way, outwardly, Death is no different from ordinary Sims, unless it is absolutely black skin.