/ / Operating system "Elbrus" and the domestic processor. Monoblock "KM4-Elbrus"

Operating system "Elbrus" and the domestic processor. Monoblock "KM4-Elbrus"

The Russian computer industry is capable ofdeliver solutions that may well be competitive with respect to the products of the world's leading brands. So, in the segment of microprocessors - one of the most technologically advanced and very high-threshold inputs - the domestic company MTSTS is ready as an alternative to chips from Intel and AMD to offer Russian processors to the market. The computer "Elbrus" in any of the modifications, which are presented in the widest spectrum, is an example of a functional system based on such chips. In this case the devices can operate under the control of the Elbrus OS, which was also created by the MCTS. What is the specificity of the software and hardware solutions developed by the Russian brand?

History of computers "Elbrus"

Прежде чем изучать специфику ОС «Эльбрус» и the corresponding type of processors, we will study the key moments of the history of the domestic computer brand. For the first time, computers that laid the foundation for the Elbrus technological line appeared in the 1970s. They were developed by the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Engineering. In the 80-ies and 90-ies the possibilities of computer systems were improved. Since Soviet times, the key consumer of the Elbrus systems is the military-industrial complex. Processors met the most stringent criteria, which is understandable because of their defense use. It is known, for example, that the Elbrus complexes were involved in the structure of the ABM system of the A-135 type.

Operating system Elbrus

In 1991 the work on the complex was completed"Elbrus-3". Due to the economic difficulties after the "perestroika", it was not possible to implement the necessary setup of the complex. In 1992, the developers of computers of the Elbrus line created the company MTSTS and began to work on the implementation of a special microprocessor architecture. They managed to successfully solve the task. The architecture created allowed to combine energy efficiency and productivity in computers.

Compatibility with Intel and AMD algorithms

The task was also solved to ensure the compatibility of Elbrus processors with the algorithms of the x86 architecture chips, on the basis of which solutions from Intel and AMD operate.

The system on the Elbrus crystal

Due to this possibility, modern domestic computers based on Elbrus processors can operate under different operating systems, including some versions of Windows OS.

Computing modules

Based on the Elbrus chips, severalcomputing modules. Let's consider their specificity. Under the module in the company MCST is understood a motherboard, which is equipped with the necessary interfaces. In principle, this is a ready-made computer that only needs to be connected to a power source, and also to equip the required type with disk drives. The computer system on the Elbrus crystal is built in the following modules:

- MVKUB / S;

- module "Monocub";

- MVK / U;


- module MV3S / C-K.

In the module MVKUB / S - two processors "Elbrus", in the others one chip is installed. In the system type MV3S / C-K there is an additional module of flash memory, intended for binary translation.

General information about the Elbrus

Actually, in each of the listeddevices have a built-in flash drive, on which you can install the operating system - that is, strictly speaking, the computer will be functional even without connecting hard drives.

Computing systems

Another category of devices based onprocessors "Elbrus", - computer systems. These include ready-made computers, which the company MCST also developed in a wide range. Let's consider the basic decisions created by the Russian brand.

A laptop

In the line of computer systems there is a laptop, the name of which sounds like "The portable terminal of NT-Elbrus S".

Elbrus MIC processors

It is somewhat larger in size thanthe type of computers that are common in modern stores, but this is due to their high degree of security. Features of the complex allow you to run on it basic office applications.


An interesting model is Monocub-PC, which can beclassify as a desktop. It has 4 GB of RAM and a hard drive with a capacity of 500 GB - quite average market indicators. They also can always be increased. Any monitor that supports VGA or DVI interfaces can be connected to this computer system.


The monoblock "KM4-Elbrus" is aa universal computer, it is somewhat similar in configuration with the well-known solutions from Apple. The device is interesting in that its screen is touchscreen, and also has a decent resolution of 1600 by 900 pixels. Monoblock "KM4-Elbrus" can also be used with another monitor.


Комплекс «Эльбрус-3С» - это мощный сервер.It is equipped with 16 processors. It has 128 GB of RAM installed. In this complex, solid-state disks are used, as well as an optical network type controller. The construction of the Elbrus-3C complex is modular. Due to this, it can be configured in accordance with the specific requirements of the customer.

The Elbrus-4S processor

The subject of special pride of the Russian computerindustry - a new 4-core microprocessor "Elbrus-4S". Let's consider its main features. It belongs to the 64-bit category. Each of its cores operates at a frequency of 800 MHz and can interact with 3 channels of RAM type DDR3-1600. It is possible to combine up to 4 processors into a system with a common set of memory modules. The processor is manufactured in accordance with the technology of 65 nm. Power consumption of the chip is about 45 watts.

Total processor performance withThe use of all the cores is about 50 gigaflops at single precision or 25 gigaflops at double. The chip "Elbrus-4C" is compatible with the binary translation of codes of the world's leading processors manufacturers - Intel and AMD. As for the comparison of the speed of the Russian processor and solutions from Intel and AMD, much depends on the specific operating mode of the chips. Undoubtedly, according to the nominal frequency index, the Elbrus processor is inferior to microcircuits from the world's leading manufacturers. And that's why, according to experts, it may not be optimal for launching popular computer games. But it works on other algorithms, assuming advantages in its use when performing a different type of operation.

Elbrus 8S processor

В числе новейших решений от МЦСТ — процессор "Elbrus 8C". It has 8 cores. The chip is based on the technological process of 28 nm - at the level of the world's leading developments. The processor has 4 MB of cache in the second level, 16 MB in the third. The chip is compatible with RAM modules of type DDR3-1600. The performance of the newest processor from the MCTS is 250 gigaflops. This figure exceeds the figures that the Intel Core i7 chip type 4930K shows. Its speed of operation is about 130-140 gigaflops. It is known that for a new processor from the MCTS, a separate type of motherboard is created.

On the computers produced by the company MCTST, the operating system "Elbrus" is installed. Let us consider the specifics of the Russian OS in more detail.

OS "Elbrus": general information

The operating system "Elbrus" is based on the Linux kernel in version 2.6.33, but there is information that it is planned to upgrade the corresponding OS component to version 3.10.

Domestic computers based on Elbrus processors

The main distribution for the Russian OS is Debian,proved to be a reliable server solution. The operating system "Elbrus" includes about 4 thousand different software packages. The distribution includes a wide range of tools to support the operation of servers, as well as solving tasks that are relevant to the user. So, in the structure of the OS "Elbrus" there are:

- graphical interface;

- browser;

- programs for working with texts;

- multimedia players;

- mail clients;

- database management system;

- web server.

It can be noted that the software that is supposed to be used on the Elbrus OS is undergoing certification.

Structure "OS Elbrus"

The Elbrus operating system is built withthe simultaneous use of open source algorithms that are widely available to world developers, as well as development tools created by MCST specialists. Among the components of the second type is a compiler capable of working with several computer languages. OS "Elbrus", like other common user operating systems, can provide multitasking mode of the PC.

Operating system Elbrus and domestic processor

Специально для данной ОС разработаны концепции control of software processes, interrupts, synchronization, etc. In order to optimize the Linux kernel for the tasks of the Elbrus computer systems, the standard library responsible for the computing threads, libpthread, was changed. Instead, the OS developers created the elpthread library.

The Elbrus operating system also includes the following useful modules:

- command line, which allows the user to work with the computing complex using text commands and interact in an appropriate way with various applications;

- tools for complex archiving of files in order to improve the convenience of their transfer or storage;

- a set of development tools: compilers, link editors, debuggers, assemblers, editors, translators, various libraries, documentation tools, etc.

Key OS libraries include Glibe, which is also used on other Linux-based operating systems.

These are general information about the operating system MVK"Elbrus". It can be noted that this OS is largely designed for the use of military structures, so it is difficult to find it in the public domain, like other Linux distributions.

Interesting facts about the developments from the MCST

Операционная система «Эльбрус» и отечественный 4C processor - among the flagships of the company MCST. However, the Russian developer, of course, is not limited to the release and support of relevant solutions. Consider what software and hardware products the brand is releasing today.

Russian computer Elbrus

It is known that CJSC MCST is developing twobase line microprocessors - with the architecture of types VLIW and SPARC. As for the first architecture, on its base, processors of the MCST-R series as well as the MCST-4R are manufactured. The Elbrus chips are based on the VLIW architecture. However, computers series "Elbrus" can be equipped with processors of both types.

Всего российский разработчик создал три основные OS First, it is an OSL_3M1 type operating system optimized for the Elbrus-3M1 complexes. Secondly, it is OSL_90, which was created for the Elbrus-90 micro complex. Third, it is OS_E90, which is based on the Solaris operating system in version 2.5.1. The first two operating systems are often combined under a single name - Elbrus. It is also known that a special version of the OS is being developed for the newest processor type 8C, which we have mentioned above.

Интересен тот факт, что название процессоров, ready solutions and operating systems developed by the company MCST are almost identical to the localization system "Elbrus", which was popular in 2000 among users of computers based on EPOC operating systems. This operating system, according to some data, has become a prototype of Symbian. The capabilities of the localization system "Elbrus" were appealed to many enthusiasts of the appropriate type of devices. However, data that would indicate the continuity of the two brands have not been made available to the general public.

Prospects for the use of OS "Elbrus"

The key consumer of development of the MCST today isit is, as we noted at the beginning of the article, the MIC. Therefore, software and hardware solutions created by the Russian brand are likely to be purchased by military structures as a matter of priority. Considered development of the company MCST can contribute to the process of import substitution in a number of IT-segments. This may be relevant for systems that require a high level of security.

New 4-core Elbrus microprocessor

In this aspect, the compute modules,developed by the MCST, have a distinctive feature: the key components that are part of their structure, have the necessary documentation, are checked when necessary in the competent structures. It is expected that computers based on the Elbrus chips of 4C and 8C series will be in demand not only in the military sphere, but also among civilian consumers.