/ / Optimize Windows 7 for weak computers

Optimizing Windows 7 for Weak Computers

Windows 7 operating system along with versionXP is one of the most popular and sought after users. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford a powerful computer with all its capabilities. But let's see what can be done with Windows 7 for weak computers, so that the system works no worse than on high-performance PCs. There are a few points to pay attention to.

Build Windows 7 for weak computers

Before embarking on optimization issuessystem, it is worth noting that for not too smart PCs there is a special assembly of an already optimized system, from which many unnecessary components are excluded, slowing down the computer terminal or laptop due to too much load on system resources and disk space usage on the hard drive. This is the version of Windows 7 Ultimate PC 2.1 2010 release (however, not the only).

windows 7 for weak computers

Примечательно, что этот релиз является best for low-cost netbooks from the ASUS Pee series. Windows 7 for weak computers (512 Mb of RAM and 128 GB on the hard drive) is precisely designed to work efficiently on such terminals, providing users with only the most necessary features.

At the same time, after installation from optical mediaor a bootable flash drive, the entire system takes up 1.5 GB of hard disk space, and for its normal operation in normal mode only 256 MB of RAM is required. Among the main features, it is worth noting that it provides a so-called “cold” start, with a total of 23 system processes running in the background.

Optimizing Windows 7 for Weak Computers: Highlights

If for any reason the user wants to use the full version of the Seven on his terminal, he will have to deal with optimization issues.

What is optimization?In most cases, this is freeing up RAM by disabling unnecessary resource-intensive background processes and services, as well as freeing up disk space (for the correct operation of any system on the hard drive, at least 10% of the total space is required).

Disable startup items

So let's see how you canoptimize Windows 7 for weaker computers. And let's start, perhaps, with the background services that start with the system. Depending on the “iron” configuration, along with the “native” system processes, other specific elements associated with devices may be present in the autoload (for example, the same Catalyst service for Radeon video cards). Often, many elements can be turned off without any problems in the autoload, so as not to force them to be completed in the process of work.

optimization of windows 7 for weak computers

To begin, use the Run menu (Win + R),in which we write the msconfig command. In the settings window, go to the Startup tab and see how many ticks there are in total. What can be turned off from this, and what is not, not every user knows.

Make a reservation immediately:You can disable almost everything, except for the ctfmon service, which is responsible for displaying the language switching icon with the ability to call the corresponding panel in the system tray, and antivirus. However, in most cases, even if the task manager is forced to shut down in the Task Manager, it will not turn off, it is activated again (of course, provided that a sensible application is installed in the system, and not some cheap scanner).

Thus, improving Windows 7 for low-end computers assumes that there are only two services left in autoload: ctfmon and the antivirus process. This, so to speak, is ideal.

Providing speed

We now turn to the question of speedWindows 7. For weak computers, especially with integrated video adapters embedded in the motherboard, it is not recommended to use all sorts of decorations like “live” wallpapers. They simply "eat up" a place in RAM. The same applies to the design. It is clear that many users fell in love with the "seven" for its translucent appearance (the Aero theme), but this is also the consumption of the "RAM". In general, any visual effect adversely affects the operation of the system. Therefore, if you want to ensure high performance, alas, they will have to be disabled.

build windows 7 for weak computers

Сделать это можно из меню свойств компьютера, где the section of additional parameters is selected. There is a speed menu (visual effects used in the system). On the corresponding tab you can see several lines, from which you should choose the line to ensure the best performance. Then, if you want, you can enable or disable effects or make changes to the current theme.

Using Optimizers

If someone is too lazy to tune the system, you can use special optimizer programs like CCleaner, Advanced System Care, Glary Utilities, Windows 7 Manager, etc.

windows 7 for weak computers 512 mb

Such utilities allow you to optimize the system inautomatic mode without much user intervention. In addition, almost all applications of this type have a special Live Optimize module that works in the background and provides instant acceleration when detecting excessive load on system resources in real time.

What to choose: Windows 7 or XP?

Finally, many users sooner or laterthere is a question of choosing "OSes". Windows 7 or XP for weak computers - which one will be better? In principle, there is not much difference in terms of the load on resources. But if you use a special assembly namely Windows 7 for weak computers, I think this is the best option. XP, even with SP3, no matter how good it is, is still hopelessly outdated. For her, even the drivers and programs are no longer available. But the choice, of course, remains solely for the user, depending on which software you need to work with.

However, there is one more nuance.If you look at it, you can later switch to the “top ten” from the “seven” (you never know, Microsoft will release such an optimized version), but it will be impossible to do it from the “expish”. So think, this has its meaning.