/ / Why does svchost exe ship processor

Why svchost exe loads the processor

Already for several years, inexperiencedusers ask the same question: "Why does svchost exe load the processor?" It is almost impossible to use a computer. All programs and games hang, but the Internet and does not work at all. Similar symptoms describe the action of a normal virus application. In this article, we will discuss how to fix this problem. Next, you will learn why svchost exe loads the processor.

svchost exe loads processor


Before proceeding to review the instructions,you need to understand what the process and the virus are. Svchost - this system application, which allows you to increase the speed of loading and running the entire computer. If you open the task manager, you will see that there are several processes with this name. In different PCs, their number varies depending on the running programs and other aspects. The process itself svchost is harmless and even vital for the normal operation of the computer. In case this is not a system service, then everything happens quite differently. A virus that masquerades as the svchost process will load the entire system, preventing it from working normally on the PC. It will transfer various kinds of information from your browsers and programs to the management server, and this can be important logins and passwords. Also, the virus can download various malicious files, clogging the computer. In any case, if svchost exe loads the processor, then in 99% this is a non-standard application.

svchost exe loads memory


To get rid of this virus, you canuse several methods. The first is installing antivirus software. The Kaspersky Lab application perfectly handles this problem. It's enough to put a scan, and after a while your computer will be clean. To temporarily get rid of hangs, you need to open Task Manager and complete the svchost process. You need to select the application that is not running on behalf of the system services, namely: local service, system, network service. Any other entries in the "User" column mean that it is a viral process. To end the application, you must click on it in the task manager and select the "End Process Tree" item. Then you can install antivirus software and perform other actions. If svchost exe loads the system even after scanning by special software, then you can use the manual method.

To do this, open the Windows folder (from drive C), and find the Prefetch archive - you need to delete it, and to perform this operation you must have the status of the computer administrator.

 svchost exe will ship the system,

additional information

When svchost exe loads the memory of the entire system,irreversible actions occur. After all, as you already know, a similar virus can steal data from programs, therefore, measures to eliminate this virus must be taken immediately. If you turned on your computer and see how svchost exe loads the processor, it is recommended that you reboot the PC immediately and turn it on in safe mode. Then the virus can not do much harm to the system. To turn on the PC in safe mode, you need to press the F8 key after loading the BIOS.