Probably no need to explain howunfortunate is the situation when the user turns on the computer or laptop to boot and instead of the usual start the system for no reason, on the screen writes Operating System not found. For many users, this is a real shock. How so? Yesterday everything worked ... What could have happened, and how to remedy such a situation, we now see.
What does operating system not found error mean?
If you look at the message itself, it is not difficulttranslate it as "operating system not found". But the trouble is that the user is absolutely sure that it is. But the computer system does not share such confidence with the user, because it simply does not find the components responsible for loading the system.

In general, such situations are most often manifested, for example, when a user removed a hard drive, replaced it with a new one. Maybe just a hard drive failed, but who knows what.
Possible causes of
Если уж вдруг получился такой казус, и система Constantly displays the message Operating System not found (Windows 7, 8, etc.), first of all, do not panic. To get started, just check, maybe a flash drive is inserted into your computer or laptop, and in the BIOS settings, the USB device is the priority for loading.

If the hard drive was shot or changed to a new one (thisfor stationary computers), it may very well be that when it was reconnected, the corresponding loops were incorrectly or loosely connected. Let's see what can be done in this situation.
The simplest BIOS settings
The easiest way to change the BIOS settings can be to reset all settings to factory defaults (Default). In any version of the BIOS there is such a setting.

In a pinch, you can simply change the priority.boot in the section Boot Device Priority or Boot Sequence, and as the first (main) boot device (boot device) install the hard drive.

It happens, however, that the hard disk in the BIOSis determined, but the download is still not performed, and the system again and again gives a warning Operating System not found. What to do in this situation? First, see if there is an exclamation point in front of the hard drive model. He signals that the device in the system, although present, but simply disabled or not involved.

Usually in most BIOS versions on the rightthere is a special field of help for the device (Specific Item Help), where the shortcut is indicated, allowing you to enable or disable any component. The most likely combination is Shift + 1. But here it all depends on the manufacturer (combinations may be different).
Switching modes of the hard drive in BIOS UEFI
On the other hand, if a warning occursOperating System not found on a laptop, where removing the hard drive is quite problematic, separately you should pay attention to the settings of the operating modes of the hard disk. As an example, consider the settings of the latest UEFI system, although they can easily be used in other versions.

In general, the SATA configuration has two mainMode: AHCI and IDE. When you first install "OSes", as well as in the default settings, the AHCI mode is enabled. When switching to IDE, no matter how you try, installing Windows on the hard drive will fail.
The same goes for the moments whenusers at the end of the installation process, whether through ignorance or accidentally turn on the IDE mode. As is already clear, the system also issues the string Operating System not found. By the way, even if at the moment you put another fully functional “screw”, it will not work either without changing the SATA settings to the initial ones.
Therefore, it is immediately worth advising users to change such settings only as a last resort, when it is really necessary.
Windows boot loader recovery
There are often cases where the message"Operating System not found" appears when the Windows boot loader is damaged, which is associated only with errors on the hard disk, for example, due to incorrect shutdown. In this case, as is already clear, the entire system can “fly off”.
In such a situation, you can try to restoreboot loader, and at the same time check the system disk or partition for errors. To do this, always at hand, it is desirable to have the original installation disk or system disk for recovery.
Тут потребуется выставить оптический дисковод в BIOS as the first priority device to boot, then use the recovery console. Note that in this option there is no question about restoring Windows from a breakpoint. It still does not help, and the warning Operating System not found will appear again.

Here you need to use the recovery modeboot or command line, which is preferable. In it, you need to enter two main commands in sequence: bootrec.exe / FixMbr and bootrec.exe / FixBoot, after each pressing "Enter". If such a sequence does not help, in addition, you can add the bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd command.

Before performing such actions stronglyIt is recommended to check the disk for errors with their automatic correction (commands chkdsk / f / r or chkdsk / f / x / r). You can also use the chkntfs / x c: check tool, provided that you have an NTFS file system in the system partition (drive “C”).
If nothing has helped
However, if all of the above methodsCorrecting the situation will not help, then you definitely need to diagnose the hard disk. That's only if for stationary computers to remove it is not a problem, then you will have to contact the nearest service center or workshop with a laptop and not try to remove it yourself.
As is already clear, if the hard drive "fell down", thatnothing can be done, it is necessary to change it to a new “hardware”, after which install the “OS” again. You can, of course, try out the effect of the HDD Regenerator utility on it, but one hundred percent success in restoring a hard disk is difficult to guarantee.