/ / The term "validation". What is it and what is it for?

The term "validation". What is it and what is it for?

Many people have heard such a term as "validation".What is it, however, is not known by all. In general, the very definition of this word implies the confirmation of legality, authenticity, legalization. Some sites, in particular social networks, can be requested validation. What does it mean?

Account Authentication

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Account validation in social networksimplies that you are a real person, not a robot. In this case, enter the number of your mobile phone in the appeared window. He will be sent a free SMS with a confirmation code, which you will need to write on the same site. At the same time, social networks guarantee that the information received from you will not be disclosed or transferred to third parties.

Users usually without any hesitationValidation takes place. What kind of measure is this and for what it is really needed, however, not everyone knows. It can provide some security for your account. So, for example, all major changes or additions on the pages of social networks require confirmation of your phone. Thus, scammers will not be able to completely take possession of your account. In addition, the adoption of these measures allows you to quickly return control of your page if it was hacked.

Validation as a virus

validation classmates

It should be noted that the validation of "VKontakte" orother networks can be used for fraudulent purposes. In this case, the Internet user is most often asked to enter a login and password in the appeared window or send SMS to the offered number. In no case do not do this. Most likely, this is just a virus that will provide your information to intruders, and for SMS from your account will be able to withdraw a lot of money.

In such cases, it is often asked,how to determine whether this is validation. That this is not a virus you can make sure by going to the same page of the social network, but from another computer. If there is still required validation, then it is genuine. If, on the other computer, authorization on the site is normal, then your PC has been "infected".

Elimination of the virus

validation in contact
In order to eliminate the virus, in the first placethe queue needs to get rid of malicious applications, and then restore the changed settings. Most often, the viruses change the DNS server addresses and hosts-files. Recorded by the virus hosts codes redirect the user from this site to the swap site, which uses "VKontakte" to perform pseudo-handoff. "Classmates" and other social networks can also have similar sites-clones, almost no different from the original.

Restoring the normal operation of the system can,having performed several step-by-step actions. First, using any antivirus program, you should check the PC for threats. It is essential to use a full, not a quick check. Then, with the help of a special utility, you need to perform system disk healing and remove the detected viruses. After the system is restored and the hosts files are cleared, you must verify the correctness of the preferred DNS server that is marked in the properties of the connection you are using. If it is specified incorrectly, we change it to the desired one ourselves or choose "automatic receipt". After all these actions, the computer should restart, and most likely everything will fall into place, and you will no longer have any problems with validation.