/ / Dyes in Minecraft: what are and how to get them?

Dyes in "Meincraft": what are they and how to get them?

Many people play Minecraft and complain aboutthat there is not enough bright colors. In various games, the brightness just rolls over, but here everything is too realistic. The problem is solved very simply, because the game has dyes - special items that allow you to paint something in bright colors. They do not have any benefit, but they can very affectionate your aesthetic feeling. Therefore, do not ignore the dyes in Minecraft - they will make the world around better.

Dye extraction

dyes in minecraft

First of all, you should understand howextract materials that can then be used for painting. The dyes in Minecraft are mostly found in nature in almost finished form. For example, if you put a bow on the workbench and craft it, you will end up with a purple dye. If you replace the bow with a tulip, you will get an orange paint. Therefore, do not think that the extraction of dyes in the game is something very complex. Of course, there are some difficulties that you need to know about, because not all colors are obtained from crafting plants. For Minecraft "how to make a black dye?" - This is a fairly common question. But the whole thing is that you can’t make it shuffle - you have to hunt for dangerous opponents, octopuses, but when you kill them you will receive their ink bags, which are black dyes. The same goes for some other colors in Minecraft. How to make a green dye? Very simply, you need to collect cacti, but not crafting them, but burn them in a furnace, which will give an immediate result. This is how the dye system works in this game, so you have to study all the primary and secondary colors in order to be able to produce them yourself.

Wool coloring

minecraft how to make black dye

Minecraft dyes are mainly usedfor dyeing wool. This is done in order to then use wool as an element of decor - it can be used absolutely everywhere. You can decorate the walls of the house with it - this is the most common example from the world of Minecraft. Moreover, there are some features that are important for each player to know. In nature, there are sheep with a certain color of wool, so you can not waste time searching for the dye, and immediately take the wool from such sheep. For example, you can not risk your own health and not attack the octopuses, but find black sheep - and you will already have dyed black wool. Also note that sheep, painted in a certain color, when crossed with sheep of a different color will give a derivative shade in the offspring, if it exists. It can also be used to make your life easier and not to collect dyes in Minecraft around the world.

Other items that can be painted

minecraft how to make green dye

Unfortunately, in Minecraft, not allobjects are subject to coloring, that is, you can not redraw the whole world in your own way. So pay attention to exactly what objects you can change the color. In addition to wool, you can paint your dog or wolf's collar. But it is much more practical to color leather armor. Since it has far from the highest protective index, it can be used as a multi-colored aesthetic outfit, because other types of armor cannot be painted.

Typology of dyes

blue dye in minecraft

Another important point of Minecraft isdyes should know everything. Not all colors can be obtained in simple ways. Therefore, for the beginning it is worth highlighting those colors that do not require mixing. For example, the blue dye in Minecraft is obtained by developing lazurite deposits. Let the methods of extraction of dyes differ, they do not require additional processing, therefore, they are simple. In total there are thirteen, but only seven of them are entirely simple. The remaining six can be obtained by mixing other simple dyes with each other. But this does not make them complicated, because complex colors are completely different colors.

Secondary and tertiary dyes

The game also has secondary as well as tertiarydyes. They are produced by more complex mixing. For example, you can get a gray dye, an ink bag, which gives a black color, and bone meal between them. But everything is much more complicated with tertiary colors, since they require mixing secondary colors with other secondary or also with bone meal. There are nine secondary and tertiary in total, which gives a total result of twenty-two colors that you can use for your pleasure. Naturally, there is hope that the developers of the game "Minecraft" will expand both the range of colors and the variety of ways to use them, but for now the players will have to be content with such a set.