/ / Low Pass Filter - how to achieve great sound?

Low-pass filter - how to achieve an excellent sound?

A lot of people are interested in the low filter.frequency, which is required for the subwoofer. Usually the human ear is able to perceive sound, starting from 20 and ending with 20 thousand Hertz. And the notes, the sound of which occurs at the lower limit, are bass. Accordingly, at the upper limit, the sound is more like a squeak. For those who want to find out how the sound sounds at different frequencies, a specially created program that does not require a separate installation. You only need to download and enable it. The program interface also does not cause much difficulty.

low pass filter

When studying what a bottom filter isfrequencies, do not forget about the cutoff frequency, the increase of which is not necessary. In the manufacture of a subwoofer, the lower frequencies are heard to be unchanged, while the upper frequencies are transmitted with significant distortion. To do this, use a special filter that removes all too high sound.

low pass filter

The subwoofer must meet the following parameters:the smaller the speaker playing with it, the bass speaker, the higher should be the cutoff frequency of the filters that are used in the subwoofer. In other words, if a speaker has a ten-centimeter bass speaker, then the cut-off frequency should reach three hundred Hertz. If the size of the bass speaker is thirty centimeters, then the cutoff frequency of the filter reaches one hundred Hertz.

But if the subwoofer has a small speaker,then, most likely, it will not be able to reproduce very low frequencies. If the situation is reversed, the sub will be able to recreate low frequencies. That is, a good subwoofer can be determined by how well it can resume low frequencies. Higher frequencies subwoofer usually reproduces with very strong distortions.

In general, the cutoff frequency does not cause anydifficulties. It remains to disassemble the low pass filter itself. It can be passive or active. In the first case, the filter is a huge inductor with several capacitors. In this case, there is no need to install separate amplifiers. Also, you will not need to install an additional supply voltage. A passive filter must be connected directly to the subwoofer speaker.

filter cutoff frequency
Another point you need to know whenThe study of this topic is the steepness of the recession, which is a special parameter that shows the power with which the sound is muffled at a level above the cutoff frequency. Usually when installing filters, the disappearance of sound at a high frequency should occur smoothly, without sharp drops.

Из-за того, что фильтр низких частот использует low cut-off frequency, and his order is high, the need for a passive design is eliminated. In this case, you must use an active filter. The disadvantage of it is the mandatory requirement in a separate power supply and amplifier to the subwoofer channel. In addition, in some cases, you may need an adder.

On this basic parameters, which has a low pass filter, end.