/ / League of Legends Guide to Katarina: description, walkthrough and recommendations

League of Legends Guide to Katarina: description, walkthrough and recommendations

Katarina can be calledHyper-Kerry-champion due to the specific skill set and good snowballing potential. She stands on the same level with such Leite murderers as Wayne, Irelia and Jax.

Catarine Guide

You can dominate your line by not givingshe needs to farm and keep Katharine near her own tower, but it is worth a couple of kilos to a wooded forester or imprudent botlain to give her a couple of kilos, as the situation will change dramatically not for the best for you. Even with one thing to damage this pretty scarf will frolic around your whole team, sending one champion after another to the fountain. It is very difficult to stop it, the only salvation is objects for magical resistance, which the leader or the ADC cannot afford, especially if only 20-30 minutes have passed since the beginning of the game.

Let us examine this very interesting in more detail.champion and make a small guide to the hero Katharina: skills, assembly, runes, talents and behavior on the line will be discussed in more detail. Immediately it is worth noting that it fits any friendly set of champions. The only thing you should pay special attention to is your opponent on the middle line. Not the best option to pick a champion against a hero with a lot of control (Morgan, Malzahar, Lux, etc.) or instant burst damage with the ability to dodge your attacks (Fizz, Yasuo and other similar LOL participants). Katharina (the guide for the 6th season) is very weak in the early game, so you should not go for it - go ahead and wait for the sixth level or the appearance of a forester.


Все способности чемпиона кастуются без затрат mana and limited only by recharge time, which allows you to exclude some expensive items for the magicians of the middle line, sending their potential only in damage. Katarina has only one remote skill to attack, so if you are a range hero against you, then you need to farm extremely carefully and try to throw your Q in time for the last minutes of minions.

Glutinousness (passively)

Last year this skill had moreattractive characteristics, but the League (the guide to Katharina in the 5th season) is balanced from year to year, and now the “Glutinousness” has been filmed by adding the time timer since the last kill (3 seconds).

Guide Catarina 6

The essence of the passive skill is that deathone of the enemies instantly reloads the basic abilities of Katharina, and this is an indispensable move in team battles. Passive gives the champion a fantastic mobility and the ability to do burst damage for a very short amount of time.

Dancing Blades (Q)

Remote skill that allows you to attack immediatelyseveral enemies. The ability allows you to farm more or less safely and also to harass the enemy during the line-phase. It is also worth noting that the skill hangs special marks on opponents (4 seconds), which can be removed either by auto-attack or other attacking skills, while inflicting additional damage.

Hyde (Katharina, 6th season) recommends pumping this skill in the first place, if you are facing a range-champion. This will allow not only to get out of the business quickly, but also to keep the enemy at a distance.

Ominous Steel (W)

The ability has a good damage radius, andwith proper pumping also good damage. Katharine throws blades around herself, inflicting magical damage to nearby enemies. It is also useful to note that in the event of a successful attack by an enemy champion, the hero will briefly increase his speed of movement. "Ominous steel" allows you to lightly inflict damage to the enemy and immediately move aside (you should not do this trick with Diana on the line).

Shunpo (E)

This ability provides a champion.fantastic mobility that any League of Legends hero would envy. Katharine (guide, 6th season) can use this skill both for attacking the enemy and for finishing minions.

lol katharina guide

The main feature of this ability isthe ability to "ride" on the Allied champions and friendly wards, that is, it is easy to change your position during protracted battles or during escape. Immediately after using the skill, Katharina gets a small bonus to the defense, which allows you to make a procast to the enemy with virtually no losses, and in the event of his death with impunity, leave the scene. Hyde to Katharina (season 6) recommends keeping in reserve “Shunpo”, as this is the only ability that allows you to exit almost any scrape more or less whole. If you are not sure that you will kill the enemy and activate the passive, which means that you reset the recharge to “E”, then it is better not to start the procast.

Death Flower (R)

The absolute ability of a champion has a verygood damage, and touches three targets at once within a radius of destruction. The only minus of the ultimate is that the caste can be interrupted by control skills by hanging Silence or Stunning on Katarina.

Catarina 6 Season Guide

It is also worth noting that the rangethe champion’s absolute ability is limited, so the target usually receives only a fraction of the damage, using escape skills or “Jump”. The advantages of the ultimate can include a small reload time and a very good increase in damage from the purchased magic items. Guide to Katharine recommends using the absolute skill to eliminate kerry or champions with a low level of health, which will activate the passive ability and continue to sow panic among enemies.

Build on the champion

Классический вариант выбора заклинаний для любого the magician on the middle line is the "Ignite" and "Jump." But if you are against any super-mobile champion like Yasuo or Talon, then it is better to stop at "Exhaustion." This will help not only to survive burst damage, but also slow down the enemy at the time of your absolute skill caste. If there are “thin” champions on the top and in the support (Gankplank, Timo, Sona, Sorak, etc.), then you can use Teleport for even bigger snowball, but only if you know how to follow what is happening on the map, otherwise case it will be just useless.

Skill upgrading

Basically, every champion skill is the same.good and efficient. The order of pumping depends on your style of play and the opponent on the line. As mentioned above, if you are facing a champion range, then the guide to Katharine recommends starting with Q - this will help you farm and keep the enemy at a distance, and in other cases you can improve W.

Talents and runes

The best rune allocation option will bethe classic version for assassin magicians: quintets AP-damage, stamping punctures, and the rest filled with armor and AP-resistance. As for talents, the order of the Lord of Thunder will be the best option for Katharina. It is well combined with the main skill set of the champion and will allow the enemy to inflict significant damage on the line.

league of legends katharina guide

Some ignore the standard guide to Katharina,adding to the runes and talents zankovannost, or, conversely, investing too much in damage without any protection. Such assemblies are either “shot”, allowing you to quickly get a bit of a snowball, or keep the champion at a very disadvantageous position until the late game (much more often).


«Лига Легенд» (гайд на Катарину в 6-м сезоне submitted to your attention) significantly reworked all the artifacts for the magicians-assassins. Now the best option to dominate the line are "Luden's Echo" and "Zhonya's Hourglass". The first is collected by default and significantly adds to the champion the speed of movement and burst of damage from the passive ability of the item.

Katarina League Guide

Hyde on Katarina recommends firstcollect Zhonya's Hourglass if you are facing a strong AD champion like Yasuo, Zeda or Talon. The rest of the artifacts as needed: the enemy goes to the AP-resistance - we collect the "Staff of the Abyss", the opponent is "thin", but biting - we go to the damage ("Death Hat of Rabadon"). Boots are best purchased "Arcane" to increase the magical penetration.