/ / Dragon Age - armor, fashion for armor

Dragon Age - armor, fashion for armor

To date, in the world of computer gamesThere are only a few projects that are incredibly successful. Such series as The Elder Scrolls or Mass Effect are known even to those users who are not very fond of this genre. Also worth highlighting the Dragon Age series, which offers gamers the deepest immersion in the world's superbly crafted world. In it you will find a wide variety of enemies, and allies with unusual abilities, as well as various sets of armor, weapons and other items that you can use in the future. In this article we will talk about what happens in Dragon Age armor, the example of the most popular game series - Origins.

Light armor

dragon age armor

Naturally, your character can play the whole gamepass in a shirt or in a robe, if he chooses the path of a magician. However, in most cases, heroes need Dragon armor. And even if you are not going to make a warrior out of your character, you can use at least an easy kit, as it will be able to protect you from a small damage, will not constrain your movements, and also will not invest in unnecessary characteristics, because to put on heavy armor, you need to pump power. And why do we need high power indicators for a magician or an archer? In this game, the best leather armor is the armor of Wade from the dragon skin. They are able to reflect almost thirteen points of damage, while giving you a good resistance to fire. And if they are also excellent, the stability increases twice, and you also get additional units of agility. However, please note that in Dragon Age, armor is not limited to what the original version of the game offers to you: the "Awakening" add-on, for example, adds new armor sets to the game.

Light armor in "Awakening"

dragon age acquisition inquiry

This addition adds severallight armor - in Dragon Age armor and so diverse, but in this case you get access to much more powerful samples. For example, you can get Blackbread's armor, which gives your character a huge variety of bonuses, while providing protection much more solid than ordinary, even the best light armor. Accordingly, it is recommended to install the "Awakening" addition, since in this case you can get more pleasure from searches, as well as from using different versions of armor. In Dragon Age: Inquisition armor is not so diverse, but this episode of the game came out quite recently, so in the near future you can expect additions that will expand your possibilities.

Average Armor

dragon age best armor

In Dragon Age, the best armor is the one thatperfect for your character. After all, each species has its own special characteristics, so the armor, which has only one, but very important bonus for you, can be better for you than another armor that will have a dozen bonuses useless for your hero. For example, if we talk about the average armor, then armor of mail, in fact, provide only the actual protection, since their bonus is a small disadvantage to fatigue. But the ancient elven armor, though, has a lesser defense, but adds to your hero and agility, and physique, and resistance to magic, and a chance to repel the attacking spell. In general, the choice must be made wisely. Naturally, there are in the Dragon Age: Origins armor modes, which can add even more options to the game, but still it is worth considering the classic samples, as well as those that appear when you install the official add-on.

Average armor in "Awakening"

dragon age origins fashion for armor

In Dragon Age:Inquisition the best armor, naturally, is among the original options. However, if we talk about Origins, then all the same models from the supplement have an advantage over the original samples - in most cases they have better protection indicators, as well as more extensive impact bonuses. For example, you can take one of the best examples of medium armor from the supplement - the armor of a scout legionary. It has almost 18 protection units, but it also adds to your character points of agility, stamina and attack. Also worth noting that this armor reduces the character's resistance to cold due to the fact that in parallel increases the resistance to fire. This is a pretty high-quality armor in Dragon Age - the armor of gray guards, of course, is much more impressive, but you are unlikely to find mid-range kits.

Heavy armor

dragon age inquisition

If we talk about heavy armor, then here you arebe sure to pay attention to the parade armor, as it guarantees you a fairly high rate of protection. But this is not all - you will also get a number of bonuses from use, and there will be only one negative among them - the loss of three protection points. But you will get psychological resistance to spells, and also increase the chances of repelling an attack from a long distance.

Heavy armor in "Awakening"

dragon age gray armor

Installing the "Awakening" add-on ensuresa gamer who chose the path of a warrior or any other class using heavy armor is a very good addition to the collection of armor. The fact is that you will have access to the Buregonitel's armor, which is considered one of the most powerful in the game. Its protection rate is almost twice the size of the parade armor, which were described earlier. But if that armor gave you just a couple of bonuses and even imposed one fine, then in this case everything is much more impressive. You gain an increase in armor, agility, defense, and also greatly increase resistance to spells of electricity. Moreover, when wearing this armor, your stamina in combat is restored much faster. As you can see, this armor can bring you a lot of usefulness on the battlefield, so you definitely need to find it to the Tower of Vigil of the Tourbillian estate.

Massive Armor

dragon age 2 fashion for armor

In most role-playing games armor endson heavy, but in Dragon Age everything is a little different. The fact is that there is another section, which was called "massive armor." These are the heaviest and most powerful designs that require an incredibly high power rating, but also protect you from an impressive amount of damage. For example, the Legion of the Dead armor has a protection rating of almost 32 units - for comparison, the previous armor, which is one of the most powerful in the game, has only about 27 units. But such an indicator of protection does not remain "naked", that is, you also receive several bonuses. Among them, an increase in willpower and protection indicators, and when collecting a complete set of armor - also a reduction in the level of fatigue, which is very important in the case of massive armor.

Massive armor from the "Awakening"

Well, it's time to tell about the most powerfularmor that exists in the game. As you could already understand, to access it you will need the addition "Awakening" - as soon as you install it, you will have two options for obtaining this armor. You can kill the First in the quest of the Shadow of the Black Marshes, and also you can get it in the chest after the Quest of the Gap in the Veil. What is this armor so good? First of all, it has the maximum protection index among all other types of armor - 39 units. It has three holes for inserting enchanted stones, but without them, this armor guarantees you non-weak bonuses. You will gain a boost to your physique, health will be restored in combat faster, and you will increase almost all primary and secondary skills, you will get a chance to evade shells fired from a distance, as well as a certain level of resistance and an increased chance of critical damage. Here is the armor you can get in the game, and then you definitely will not need other models.

Fashion for armor

As you can see, in this game there is incrediblea huge variety of different armor. However, gamers create modifications that allow you to further expand the range. Naturally, these are informal fashion, so you can safely ignore them, if you have enough armor and without that. However, for example, in the case of Dragon Age 2, armor modes may come in handy, since there are not many species like Origins.