/ / AMD FX-6350 (processor): features, overview and reviews

AMD FX-6350 (Processor): Features, Overview, and Reviews

Six-core AMD FX-6350 processor reviews frombuyers gets different. The clock frequency of this model does not exceed 5200 MHz. Power dissipation is 125 watts. Special attention deserves the core "Vishera". The amount of cache memory is 96 KB. The process technology in this case is designed for 32 nm. The AMD FX-6350 processor (market price) costs about 10,500 rubles.

amd fx 6350 reviews

Main functions

This intelligent memory processorThere are as many as 6 MW. Bus subsystem is used to transfer data. The interface is used by the ISI series, for point connections it fits well. It is also important to note that the presented modification supports the Quick Pat system. It represents a set of basic commands, first of all they help to cope with various extensions.


Multi-core system allows you to solve differentcomplexity of the task: at one time the central processor is capable of processing up to six data streams. Basic instructions for this are provided in the system. Special attention is given a high rate of clock frequency. If you believe the experts, the processor handles the processing of instructions quickly. The system "True" in this case is provided, it can be used to adjust the speed of computational cycles.

amd fx 6350 review

Memory Specifications

This CPU is capable ofsupport various types of memory. The throughput of the model depends solely on the system clock frequency. Directly single-channel memory is readable with support for PP, in this case, the maximum bandwidth is at the level of 24.5 GB per second. Flex memory system supported.

Advanced Technology

To reduce power consumption in the centralAMD FX-6350 processor has Turbo Boost technology, which is capable of influencing the height of the clock frequency. Thus, this technology is often used for overclocking the CPU. In order to ensure data protection technology is used "Pro". It represents a large set of tools; the system reliably protects against rootkits. Also "Pro" allows you to solve problems with the safety of data that are on websites.

To handle multi-threaded applications inAMD FX-6350 CPU has Hyper technology, it physically uses its cores quite quickly. To improve the quality of virtualization there is a TX system. It is aimed primarily at accelerating the output of data. The system also contributes to the support of the security center. Works TX on the basis of architecture "A-32". This system is also very often found in Itanium processors.

Tables technology features

To transfer virtualized applications do notdo without technology "Tables". Very often it is also called the "Second Address". Memory for storing virtualized applications connects dual-channel type. The function “Vaet” in this case allows solving the problem with information processing. Basic problem solving instructions are stored on the TX platform. If you believe the experts, then the "Whit" technology does not affect the protection system. It is also important to note that it aims to reduce the energy consumption parameter. This is done by reducing the time to enter offline.

Table forwarding technology "Tables"provided for. It is also important to mention the TLC function, it is intended for data scaling. First of all, this has a positive effect on the hardware optimization of the system. Another function of TLC allows you to solve a number of problems that are associated with the safety of multi-threaded applications. However, it should be noted that it does not affect the protection of the AMD FX-6350 CPU.

amd fx 6350 testing


To provide wireless communication with devicesWi-Fi technology is available. With its help, it is possible to connect printers to a personal computer, as well as various speakers. In this case, architecture 64 is supported. It is aimed at transferring 64-bit applications. The architecture also contributes to fast data processing at workstations. However, please note that it does not affect the server.

Technology "Speed ​​Step" processor

Another tool to increaseCPU performance AMD FX-6350 Six Core Processor is considered the technology "Speed ​​Step". Its difference lies in low power consumption, it also does not use a large amount of physical memory. Thus, the cost of its support remains minimal.

Работает "Спид Степ" на базе архитектуры СХ.It is intended primarily for processing mobile systems, it also has a function that aims to reduce the power consumption parameter. However, it is not able to switch the frequency level. To solve problems with the restoration of the signal in "Speed ​​Step" provides a variety of strategies.

Thermal control function in this case is available,with various failures, it greatly helps the central processor. Also, the temperature control function allows you to change the mode of the device. A special digital sensor is used to monitor core processes: many call it the Thermal Sensor. First of all, it is able to quickly determine the temperature of the core. You can also use it to monitor the status of the AMD FX-6350 CPU case.

amd fx 6350 six core processor

Privacy protection

Conducting a review regarding AMD FX-6350mention privacy protection system. It works on the basis of multichannel tokens and is primarily aimed at supporting commercial data, it also protects information on servers. Using the above system, it is possible to verify the authenticity of the software. She also has many tools for identifying applications. In this case, all network services are connected.

amd fx 6350 Price

"Platform PP" CPU

The program "Platform RR" allows you to implementvarious data security projects. For this, several stable platforms are provided. If you believe the experts, the program allows you to quickly increase the speed of file transfer. It is also important to note that it affects system performance. In this case, the data transfer is secure. For this purpose, a monitoring system is continuously operating, which monitors various types of threats. For data recovery program "Platform PP" is also used. It should also be noted that it is capable of connecting a device blocker.

amd fx 6350

Customer reviews and processor testing

AMD FX-6350 tested on Fallout4. At the maximum settings, the game went very well. With a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels, there were no problems with swapping the graphics system. It is also important to note that on average, the computer produced 45 frames per second.

Many consumers claim that the processorgood "pulls" The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Given all the above, it can be noted that the model is perfect for modern games. However, please note that the AMD FX-6350 price is quite high.