/ / How to get "magma" for 30 days in the game "Varfeys"

How to get a "magma" for 30 days in the game "Warfyus"

Every fan of the hurricane online shooter "Varface"interested in the question of how to get the "magma" for 30 days. In a limited time, a certain action was carried out, and it was not difficult to get guns. At the moment, users have found a way to get around the ban and get the desired reward.

What is "magma"

Many people are looking for a way to get "magma" on30 days, due to the incredible appearance. This kit includes a machine gun, shotgun, sniper rifle and SMG rapid-fire. They all look decorated with red streaks on a black background. In fact, this is a screen for the appearance of the weapon and it does not give any advantage in a fight against the same type of guns, but each user wants to stand out among the crowd in this way. The weapon looks as if in some places it is filled with bright red lava, which looks quite attractive. This explains the popularity of weapons and the long search for a workaround to get the set.

how to get magma for 30 days

The beginning of the action

In honor of the fact that in the game "Varfeys" were launchedregional servers, developers have prepared a huge variety of gifts for the players. The most valuable of these was the way to get “magma” for 30 days. The problem was that only beginners could take advantage of this opportunity. After entering the promotion, all newly registered accounts could pick up a gift right after confirming personal data. On the old accounts in such a way to get a weapon with a unique appearance failed. This kit was also issued as a reward to users who were not in the “Varface” for more than one month. They were given a gift for a period of seven days. For the veterans of the project was given the worst prize - elite boots for three days. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find a way to transfer weapons to old accounts, and therefore I had to be content with this.

get magma for 30 days

The method of obtaining in modern realities

Now in order to get the weapon "magma" on30 days in the game, it is not enough just to register and look in the basket. Developers have a little complicated way to get. You can pick up a prize for a new account only within a day from the time of registration. To do this, you must immediately log in to the official website and pass a simple security test. During it, the person will be asked simple questions about how to keep your account in integrity and not become a victim of fraudsters. At the end there will be a key "pick up a gift." Click on it, and then from the basket you can pick up this set. In this case, now immediately after pressing all four guns become available. Previously, at the beginning of the action it was possible to take away one weapon at a time and thus stretch the pleasure instead of one to four months. Developers have found this trick and quickly eliminated.

how to get magma weapons for 30 days

Other benefits of a new account

It is worth noting that in addition to what opensa way to get “magma” for 30 days in “Varfeys”, other benefits are provided for new accounts. For example, new users who are registered through a special link are given two weeks of VIP status from the publisher. During these fourteen days, you can strongly pump up an account. In addition to the set of "magma", the user is also given a set of "jungle", which is very useful in battles. It is worth noting that the link from the publisher is not a referral link and there will be no additional prizes for any of the other users. This method of registering an account is made so that beginners can quickly reach a new level. The VIP status for two weeks will allow you to quickly pump over your account and not invest real money from your own pocket.