/ / From personal experience: how to change the file format

From personal experience: how to change the file format

Sooner or later, all users appearThe question is how to change the file format. In what cases this may be necessary? First, sometimes the size of a file is of great importance, and it can be different in different formats. If you need to increase or decrease the file, you will have to change the format. Secondly, it is not a secret to anyone that certain devices can only play files of certain formats. The phone does not read the video? Change the format of the video! And there can be a huge amount of such reasons.

For my part, I will try to prove to readers that changing the file format is quite easy and can be done by anyone, even the most inexperienced user.

I decided to divide my article for convenience intotwo main parts. In the first, I'll talk about what exactly should be understood under the concept of format, and in the second it will go directly on how to change the format.

Part 1. What is the file format?

First of all, I note that under the file formatimply a certain specification of the structure of the data recorded in the computer file. As a rule, the format is indicated in the name of the file itself as an independent part, separated from the name by a dot.

Sometimes, among not very experienced users, you can hear a bold statement that the file format and its extension are concepts that are quite synonymous. This is a huge mistake!

I will give examples. Files with the extension ".txt ", as a rule, contain some kind of text (and only text) information. ".Doc" files also include text data, but they are already properly structured and meet the standards and requirements of Microsoft Word. So, both ".txt" and ".doc" have data of the same format, and therefore they are often called files belonging to the same type. And their extensions, as you see, differ.

Part 2. How to change the file format?

First of all, of course, it is recommended to decide on the required format. Already decided? Then I bring to your attention three ways to solve this problem.

Option 1. Change the file format manually.

This method is considered the simplest, butUnfortunately, it does not always work. Formally, in order to get the file in a new format, you need to change its extension. How to do it? Right-click on the file itself, select "Rename". In the menu that opens, find the required format, create a new name for the file and save it again.

Option 2. We use various converting programs.

Для изменения аудио, видео или графического файла special programs were created, called converters. The most common applications of this kind are ZuneConverter, SuperC, FormatFactory and many others. Following the prompts, install one of the applications on your computer, select the required file and select the required format. The program with ease and in seconds converts your file.

Option 3. How to change the file format by using online resources?

This item applies if there are problems with the installation of converter applications.

I suggest the following ways out of the situation.

It so happens that you install the necessary programon a computer or any other device is simply impossible. How to change the file format in this case? Easily! Ask for help to online converters on the Internet. As a rule, I use the services of sites www.zamzar.com. or www.youconvertit.com. After visiting the desired page, upload your file in the proposed field. The system itself will offer you the formats available for conversion on this resource. It remains to choose one that will meet all the requirements set in advance. Choose a format, click the "Convert" button. The file will be changed in seconds.