/ / APC Back-UPS ES 700 uninterruptible power supply: specifications and reviews

APC Back-UPS ES 700 uninterruptible power supply: specifications and reviews

Modern personal computer is a set ofcomponents that are quite expensive. That is why if something burns due to a power surge, the user himself is to blame, not the power grid. And tearing the hair on the head will have a careless PC owner. After all, it cost only to buy an uninterruptible power supply, and all system components would remain safe and sound. The UPS not only supports the computer when the power is turned off, but also stabilizes the incoming current, preventing sudden voltage surges. And now we will talk about APC UPS Back-UPS ES 700. This is a good budget solution for home.

back ups es 700

A little about the company

The company ARS was founded in 1981 onbasis of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She specialized in the production of voltage regulators and uninterruptible power supplies. As such, the firm existed until 2007. And then it was bought by the French engineering company Shneider Electric. And now ARS is a subsidiary that manufactures bespereboynik for user needs.

user's manual

The company's entrance to the concern Schneider does notaffected its productivity. Its products are still being supplied to the market and are equally popular with owners of personal computers. In the developer’s arsenal there are a variety of models for different needs: from simple blocks to multifunctional combines. The uninterruptible power supply ARS Back-UPS ES 700 belongs to the budget options and fits almost everything. We analyze it in more detail.

Contents of delivery

Bespereboynik comes in an inconspicuous boxfrom recycled cardboard. Inside there is the unit itself, the user's manual, the warranty card, a bunch of unnecessary papers on safe operation, a connecting cable for connecting to a computer, a 62PC telephone cable and a CD with drivers and software. As you can see, everything is pretty strict. Aged in the corporate minimalist style of ARS. An interesting thing - life insurance from the manufacturer. It is also included. According to this document, the company gives a lifetime warranty on its products. And if any component fails, the entire device should be sent to the manufacturer (at its own expense) and a new one will be sent to you. And who will do this with us? Easier to buy new.

back ups es 700 Price

The most interesting thing is that the user manualincludes Russian language. This is a sign that the manufacturing company is really solid and wants people to trust it. Many people neglect language support. But not ARS.

Appearance and design

Bespereboynik ARS Back-UPS ES 700 looks likeblack plastic box with a bunch of connectors for connecting power cables PC. The body is completely made of durable plastic. At the bottom of the case is a device battery. Thanks to him, the device turned out to be heavy. In the appearance of this UPS there is nothing interesting. Feels corporate identity ARS. But no more than that. From the design to squeeze a lot out. So it is better to go directly to the specifications.


Максимальное входное напряжение, идущее на device must be 230 volts. No more. Otherwise, the uninterruptible power supply will not stand. And no rectifier will help. In this case, the UPS provides a constant current of 230 volts with all corrections. The output power of the unit - 405 watts. The operating time of the personal computer from the UPS battery depends on the configuration of the system unit. But the average figures are: at half load - 15 minutes, at full load - 4 minutes. Indicators are average. What was expected at such a price.

back ups es 700 beeps

If Back-UPS ES 700 beeps, it means thatThere is something wrong with the battery. The unit is equipped with a special indicator, which also shows that there are problems with the battery. But it can be easily replaced with a new one. Find the same cartridge is not difficult. Some "craftsmen" even manage to install car batteries in this UPS. Why? Perfect solution. They live longer. But it is better to use the original components.

Owner feedback

Reviews are incredibly important when choosing this or thatgoods. They can show how the device behaves in real conditions and how reliable it is. And in the case of uninterruptible power supplies, the last factor is especially important. So users say about the ARS Back-UPS ES 700 UPS. The price is the first thing that pleased people. It is really worth a little. Many owners note long battery life and built-in technology that prevents the battery from quickly deteriorating. The unit works quietly, not annoying. He begins to make noise only when switched to autonomous power. In general, almost all the owners of this device are satisfied with his work. And this is the most important thing.

ups es 700 battery

Однако нашлись и недовольные товарищи.Some immediately "died" battery. Apparently, they got a device with a factory marriage. There were some more complaints about the UPS ES 700. The battery, for example, did not want to charge. But these are all isolated cases. Particularly ridiculous owners of ancient computers, who said that they do not install drivers. Of course, if they still sit on Windows 2000, then this is very likely. You need to carefully read the device specifications. And then such questions will not arise. And still need to properly and safely operate an uninterruptible power supply. And then with him there will be no problems at all.

Rules of operation

In order for an uninterruptible power supplyARS Back-UPS ES 700 served as long as possible and did not burn your apartment, you need to follow the basic rules of safe operation. Remember, never install a besperer box near the radiators. Especially in winter. It turns out, uninterruptible batteries - a very delicate thing. In case of overheating, they flow, fill up those parts of the UPS that are energized and they, in turn, burn. And well, if this does not melt the body. So do not put your Back-UPS ES 700 to the batteries. The instructions in Russian will surely warn you about this. But who reads it?

back ups es 700 instruction

Еще одим правилом является недопуск домашних animals to uninterruptible power supply. If your cat or dog wants to bite the no-breaker wires, then there are two options for the development of this situation. In the first of them, your pet will bounce back with an electric current and all subsequent actions on its resuscitation will be useless. In the second variant there will be a short circuit and then a fire. In accordance with all the laws of the genre. Do not let animals play with live devices. It is important.

Features of the replacement device under warranty

The company ARS has a very specific vision.warranty service procedures. They strictly forbid users to contact the seller of the uninterruptible power supply. They offer users to send them themselves a damaged device, and the company will send another in return. New. Well, who will do this with us? Especially when you consider that you will have to send a bespereboynik at their own expense. And the prices for postal services we are not particularly pleased. Especially since you have to send as much as in the United States.

ups apc back ups es 700

Так что, можно с уверенностью сказать, что There is no warranty service per se for ARS products. At least for our country. After all, to imagine our man sending somewhere at his own expense a faulty device is simply not enough imagination. But usually there are no problems with uninterruptible power supplies from ARS. And if they do, the sellers go to meet the customer and change the defective goods themselves.


Источник бесперебойного питания АРС Back-UPS ES 700 is the best solution for home and office. It is easy to use, unpretentious in operation and cheap. And the last factor for many can be decisive. Bespereboynik perfectly proved itself when working in real conditions. Also pleased with the presence of user manuals in Russian. It is only necessary to follow the rules of safe operation. And then the device will work faithfully for quite a long time.