/ / How to learn the frequency of RAM and overclock it?

How to learn the frequency of RAM and overclock it?

The frequency of RAM is not the lastrole in computer performance. It is even sometimes called "brain", because its functionality largely determines the computing power of the PC. Usually users look at the amount of RAM and do not notice the frequency at all. How to know the frequency of RAM and what does it affect? About this and talk.

how to know the frequency of RAM

How to know the frequency of RAM?

The frequency of RAM can vary in enoughwide range. However, recently the most popular values ​​are 1333 and 1600 MHz. They are installed in modern laptops and computers. The very first and easiest way to learn about what frequency of RAM in your computer is using the CPU-Z program. It takes only 1 MB of disk space, and you can download it for free on the official website.

Find this program on the Internet, download it andplease install. Now start, and on the screen you will see the utility window. We are interested in the Timings section and the parameter that is specified there. It's about the DRAM Frequency parameter. If this parameter is set to 1333 MHz, this means that the memory frequency is 1333 MHz. Now you know how to test the frequency of RAM, nothing complicated here.

what is the RAM frequency

But do not stop at the frequency.Using this program, you can also find out what type of RAM slats are used (the Type parameter is responsible for this), the total memory capacity of all the slats, the number of channels, etc. It is not necessary to use the CPU-Z program. There is also a utility Aida64, which displays more detailed information about your hardware. But it is distributed for a fee, although there is a stripped down free version. It should be enough for this purpose.

Method 2

There is also a second way, telling howlearn the frequency of RAM. For this we need a Phillips screwdriver. As you already understood, we will spin the computer case and look directly at the very bar of RAM.

memory frequency in bios

The fact is that the straps are glued on themselvesinformation stickers on which data on these bars are displayed. Therefore, shut down the computer, open the system unit (do not do this if it is under warranty) and see what is written on the label. Usually it always indicates the amount of RAM module and its frequency.

Does this work on laptops?

If you have a laptop, you also need to unscrew it,but in this case all mute is simpler. Usually on laptops on the bottom panel there are covers on the screws that close the compartment with the installed RAM slots and hard disk. You just need to unscrew the screw and remove the cover. There will be installed RAM modules, which can be checked. If HDD is written on the cover, then there is a hard disk under it, so you do not need to unscrew it.

How to learn the frequency of RAM in "Bios"?

This method requires a restart of the computer,because otherwise we will not be able to go to Bios. Reboot the computer and click immediately the following buttons: Delete, F1, F2, F3, F6, F8. In fact, you only need to click on one of them, but in different computers to enter the "Bios" uses its own button. Therefore, press everything and do not worry, nothing bad will happen. So, you have entered the "Bios". Depending on the model of the motherboard, its interface may differ, so you can not exactly tell where you want to press.

how to increase the frequency of RAM

In the Main tab you will see exactly the volume.RAM, but not its frequency. Walking through the other tabs, you will definitely find information about the manufacturer of RAM, frequency, and even type. Most likely, this information is in the Advanced tab, although it may be in other sections. When exiting "Bios" do not save changes. Suddenly you paused something there, which was not worth it.

Is it possible to overclock the frequency?

Many users are interested in howincrease the frequency of RAM. This can be done in theory, but not recommended. After all, an increase in frequency without a trace for a computer will not work. When overclocking RAM, you have to change the ratio between the frequency of the system bus and the frequency of the memory bus. That is, the improvement of one parameter entails the deterioration of another.

Another thing, if your RAM hasfrequency, for example, 2100 MHz, and operates at a frequency of 1600 MHz. In this case, its acceleration involves simply setting its real frequency in the Bios. That is, you can manually specify the frequency and all. However, the default setting in the "BIOS" is set to Auto. This means that the system uses the minimum values ​​of RAM, which are written in a special chip. After setting the desired values, restart the computer, after saving all changes.

how to check the frequency of RAM

Frequency overclocking is performed in the same way.Sometimes you can simply specify a value of, say, 100 MHz above the current one and restart the computer. After a reboot, if the system is stable, and programs like Aida64 show a new frequency value, you can try increasing it further. Go back to the "Bios" and set the value to 100 MHz above. Check your computer again. We advise you not to accelerate strongly and not to use large steps for acceleration. If, after another increase in frequency, you notice that the computer, for example, began to boot up for a long time, then the value is better to return to the previous one. But the symptoms of overclocking may be different.

Is it safe?

Is it possible to burn RAM in this way? Is complete.Therefore, it is not recommended to set a frequency value that would greatly exceed the current one. Acceleration may require installation on the slat of the radiator RAM for heat removal, since the slats themselves will heat up more. That's all. We found out not only how to find out the frequency of the RAM, but even how to overclock it.