/ / How to change the username correctly?

How to change the username correctly?

Often the owners of computers for various reasonsthere is a need to change the username. Whether an error was made during the installation of the system, or the installer did not enter what the customer wanted - the reasons are not so important. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do it at all. Some do it not quite right. For example, in the Windows operating system, many people run the "change username" item. It is located in the control panel. But this does not guarantee that the username will be changed. In this case, there are often problems with authorization, as well as other nature. But first things first.


Now we will understand why and howdo it right. People who are responsible for the convenience of using modern operating systems have long been using two names for identification. In all systems, as a rule, there is a real user name (it is also called physical), as well as a name for display in the system. The real one is used for service tasks (authorization in the domain, entrance to other workstations, etc.), and the second is for display to end users.

Любому компьютеру будет неудобно применять в its components and services name Chapaev Vasily. It will be easier for him to display chapaev_v. The username, as you understand, is taken for illustrative example. So, at the moment when you change the name through the setting in the control panel, only the display of it changes. Thus, the change occurs only in the display name. Microsoft, for some reason, calls it "full name". When you have to configure authorization from another computer over the network, you will not get the desired result by specifying this name.

change username
Так как же правильно поменять имя пользователя?It is often written on the Internet that this is done using the “Users and Groups” snap-in, if it is available. However, very often, many fail to do so due to the fact that the system does not allow changes in this field.

There is a way much easier, and the desiredThe result is always achieved when using it. In the operating system Windows 7 or XP run the command line console. This is done like this: press the "Start" button, then in the search box enter CMD and press enter. The console is running. Now you need to type the following command in it: control.exe userpasswords2.

change username

Перед вами откроется окно, в котором отмечаем tick the box “Require a username and password”, then select the required users and run the “properties”. Here you need to enter a new name and confirm with the "OK" button. After that, the computer will need to restart and log in under your updated account.

Thanks to this straightforward method, manyusers have successfully replaced their name, and they have never experienced any problems (loss of information, difficulty entering, etc.). At least no one anywhere talked about it and did not write. Perhaps there are ways that differ from the above, but I do not know about it. And the main thing is always the result.