/ / How to remove music from iPod manually

How to manually remove music from iPod

Removing songs from your iPod is donepretty easy. There are two main ways to remove music from your iPod - you can either delete songs from iTunes, and then sync your gadget to your computer, or you can connect it to your computer right away and manually manage the music. Any method will take only a few minutes. If you want to know how to delete songs from your iPod, follow these steps.

Method one: synchronize your iPod with your computer

Open iTunes. Connect the gadget to your computer.After that, a menu will open, allowing you to change your synchronization options. Find the device you need and select the option that best suits your needs. In iTunes version 11.0, you will find your gadget in the upper right corner of the screen. In older versions of iTunes, you can find it in the "Devices" section on the left side of the screen.

Select the menu item "Manually manage music".This option can be found at the bottom of the "Options" menu (at the bottom of the page). To select it, simply click on the field to the left of the option. You will be asked to confirm that you want to manually manage the music.

Continuing to follow the instructions on how to remove music from the iPod, press the "OK" button and start searching for songs. Go to the "Annotation" section and find the songs.

Click the Apply button.This option can be found at the bottom right of the screen, and it will allow you to make changes to the content of the gadget's songs. Select the song you want to delete, but do not click on it until the drop-down menu appears. When it appears, click the "Delete" button in it. When working on a PC with Windows installed, you can right-click, on the Mac, press the button and wait for the menu to appear. You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete these songs.

Click the "Delete" button and wait for this information to be processed.

How to remove music from iPod: the second way

Open iTunes. Select the song that you want to remove from your device, click on it and wait for the drop-down menu to appear.

Click the "Delete" button.This option is located at the bottom of the drop-down menu. You will be asked to confirm that you want to remove this song from your iTunes library. Click the "Delete Song" button. This will help you remove music from your iPod.

Затем подключите гаджет к компьютеру и sync your devices. If your settings are set to "Manually manage music", the synchronization will automatically update the availability of songs on your device.

Кроме того, для каждого пользователя продукции Apple is important not only to know how to remove music from the iPod, but also how to download new songs. This desire is natural, because every day there are more and more new performers and songs, and the preferences of each person tend to change over time. The manufacturer takes into account these wishes, so you can add music to the iTunes library in various ways - import songs from a CD, buy music from the iTunes music store, or copy songs that are already on your computer. Therefore, in order to download music to the iPad (iPod, iPhone), you need to synchronize the device with the computer and perform only a few simple steps.