/ / Power light is on, the notebook does not turn on: causes and troubleshooting

The power light is on, the laptop does not turn on: causes and troubleshooting

Sometimes it turns out that, although the indicatorthe laptop does not turn on. Why is this happening? What should I look for? What can it take to correct the situation? Dealing with the questions is not as easy as it seems. After all, the computer - the equipment is unpredictable. Problems, especially when turned on, can be the result of many failures. Some immediately go to the service centers. Doing so is not recommended. It is advisable to first try to diagnose the problem yourself. Maybe, it will be possible without outside help to cope with the situation.

Video card

Is the power indicator on, the laptop does not turn on?The causes of this phenomenon are different. The first thing to think about is the video card's malfunction. In the case of a stationary computer, it is easy to detect and repair a breakdown or failure simply by removing this component and connecting it to another machine.

The power light on the notebook does not turn on

But in the case of laptops will have to try.It is recommended that you seek help from a service center if you suspect a breakdown or a video card failure. Or call some system administrator. Independently, you can also try to diagnose the problem. Usually the notebook itself turns on - the work of the cooler is audible. But there is no picture on the screen. Sometimes even the operating system can be downloaded.

Screen fault

What's next?The power light is on, the laptop does not turn on, but can you exclude the problem with the video card? It is likely that the device has broken or damaged the monitor. Extremely rare phenomenon, which in practice still takes place.

If the display is broken, then, most likely,"symptoms" of the breakdown will be exactly the same as in the case of the video card. Images on the monitor will not be, but the sound of the operating system will appear.

the laptop does not turn on the power indicator is on

Independently solve this problem is notit will turn out. If only by purchasing a new laptop. In such circumstances, you can contact the service center. Maybe the display can be repaired. But usually devices after a similar repair do not work for a long time. In the end, you still have to replace the laptop with a new one.


The following situation can be corrected without assistance. Is the power indicator on, the laptop does not turn on? The main reasons for this phenomenon are either a failure or a reset of the settings.

It is likely that the settings of "BIOS" lost.Because of this, the problem that has been studied on the laptop has arisen. In this situation it is recommended to completely reset the BIOS. After that, the computer must earn in full force.

laptop samsung does not turn on the power indicator is on

Lack of components

What else could be the result of the problem?If we are talking about a new laptop that did not work before, we should not exclude the absence of any components. If the machine itself is turned on, but nothing is displayed on the screen, the CapsLock and NumLock buttons are not extinguished, most likely, the BIOS does not initialize.

It is likely that the laptop does not have a processor or RAM. Or, when it comes to a previously functioning device, the cause may lie in the failure of the listed components.


Sometimes it happens that although the indicator light is onthe laptop does not turn on, but previously it worked normally, the hard drive becomes the cause of the problem. A small failure - and the computer will refuse to start. But the power button will light. You can also notice the fan operation in the normal mode. Buttons "Nam Lok" and others at the same time light up and go out, as expected.

It is recommended to disassemble the laptop and disconnectHDD. In this condition, try to turn on the device again. Did not help? Then you can again carefully attach the component. If the problem has been malfunctioning, now it will disappear.


Is the power indicator on, the laptop does not turn on?Diagnosis of the incident requires certain knowledge from the user. Yes, do not immediately give the computer for repair. But it should be noted that most problems are usually solved with the help of a professional.

The power indicator on the laptop does not turn on.

Independently you can resolve the situation, if, toFor example, the problem lies in the battery. It is likely that it is discharged. Then it is enough to connect the power (wire) to the network and to the machine. Then try again to turn on the device. It is better to wait a few minutes before pressing the power button on the laptop. Allow the battery to get a little charge. This technique is quite effective.

Some recommend removing the battery from the laptopcompletely, then connect the power cable. Already then turn on the computer and watch the situation. If the car has earned in full force, then nothing more to do is not necessary. Otherwise, you will have to look for the source of the problem elsewhere.

As practice shows, problems with the battery or a discharged laptop are frequent phenomena. Perhaps the safest and most easily removable without assistance.


Laptop Samsung does not turn on? Is the power indicator on while the cooler is working? The next scenario is one of the rarest. And it is almost impossible to diagnose it independently.

The power indicator on the laptop does not turn on the main causes

The problem to be investigated can occur whendamage to the south or north bridge in the laptop. Why does this happen? Problems with bridges are caused by different methods. For example, by closing due to temperature differences. If a laptop is damaged due to this, say, a USB port, it is likely that the problem is being investigated.

The method of struggle is only one - repair of damagedcomponents. The most effective way is to buy a new computer. After all, laptops rarely repaired components for a long time then work. Here, each user independently decides how to act.


If the notebook does not turn on (power indicatorlights up) after the device has been functioning for some time, you should consider the effect of viruses on the machine. Computer infection often leads to the fact that the computer stops working in normal mode. Sometimes it comes to damage by viruses to the BIOS. Accordingly, there will be a problem with turning on the laptop.

It is unlikely to solve the problem yourselfwill succeed. As in most of the previously mentioned cases, it is better to take the computer to a service center. There will help not only to return the work capacity to the laptop, but also to treat it from viruses.

Fortunately, such a scenariois rare. But it should not be ruled out. Especially if the user himself admits the presence of viruses in the computer. Sometimes the problem of turning on the laptop occurs after the operating system has been fixed. Then it's enough to reinstall BIOS first, then OS. After that no more troubles will be disturbed.

The power indicator on the notebook does not turn on.

Instead of concluding

What can be summed up?It should be noted that in most cases both diagnostics and troubleshooting are limited to contacting a service center. Most often, and many people do. After all, a laptop is an extremely complex device. Repair it yourself is not as easy as a stationary analog.

If you understand why the computer does not turn on,did not work, you can immediately apply to specialized centers. If there is a suspicion of a particular problem, it is necessary to inform the employees of the service.