/ What is defragmentation and why is it needed?

What is defragmentation and what is it for?

Modern users are often spoiledpowerful computers and inexpensive components to them to such an extent that they do not even know the basic concepts. That is why they often find themselves in a situation when the car begins to shamelessly "brake" and with extreme reluctance to respond to any team. As a rule, they accuse "evil viruses", which penetrated the computer, but reality is sometimes much more prosaic. For example, do you know what defragmentation is and why is it extremely necessary for your system? If not, we invite you to read this article.

what is defragmentation

Be aware that all information on harddisks are not ordered arrays, but in a fairly "free" order. The file system is designed so that any object can be written in scraps (much depends on the size of the cluster), each of which is often located far apart. Given the frequency of rotation of the spindle of modern hard drives, we can say that in most cases, there is nothing wrong with this. But how will this information help us to know what defragmentation is? Do not rush, as soon we will get to this point.

program for defragmentation
Problems begin whenscraps of a large file becomes too much, and they all are far apart from each other. In this case, the load on the reading heads of the disk is so powerful that the access time to some document is seriously slowed down.

And now we learn what defragmentation is:This is the process where all the individual fragments of the file are again located nearby. So on a hard disk not only the amount of free space is freed, but also its "mileage" is considerably increased due to the less load on the reader.

Разумеется, что для этого существует немало applications: some of them are paid, but many are distributed under the GNU license, so you won't have to shell out for them. However, the program for defragmentation in Russian is built into all currently used versions of Windows. To run it, you need to click on the "Start" button, select the "All Programs" submenu, find the "Standard" folder, find the "System Tools" subdirectory and select the "Defragmentation" program in it.

Нашли? А теперь запустите ее.You will see a rather concise dialog box in which all the drives present in the system are displayed. Select the desired one by clicking on it with the left mouse button. After that, click on the “Analyze Disk” button - and the defragmentation program will find out how much the files are “scattered”.

 program for defragmentation in Russian

Если после анализа процент фрагментации будет above 14%, it is better to immediately click on the "Disk Defragmenter" button. If this figure is higher than 40%, then it must be carried out urgently, since the hard drive is subjected to very serious loads.

Учтите, что при сильной «запущенности» носителя the process can take a very long time. During this period, the computer is better not to touch. Ideally, you can leave it “clean up” all night. Of course, it is advisable to worry about UPS, since power surges are completely useless at this time.

So you know what defragmentation is!