If you compare a computer and a laptop, thenIt turns out that the last device is more problematic. Therefore, users often prefer to have a PC, despite the mobility of the laptop. What are the problems with the laptop?
The fact is that a laptop is a device thatdifficult to take apart. If a computer can be separated from the motherboard video card, sound card or RAM, then in a laptop, most of the components are built into the motherboard. Therefore, if any problems occur with one hardware, the whole system may suffer from this. If the entire system suffers, then its replacement will be very expensive. But with a computer in this regard, things are easier. The video card broke - pull it out and replace it with a new one. The same with the sound card. But what to do if the sound is gone on a laptop?
This problem has many reasons.Most of them can be solved programmatically, correcting some settings or updating the driver. But if the problem lies in the sound card, then more serious troubles can arise.
If you notice that the sound is gone on a laptop,What to do to start? Do not rush to grab the device and carry it to the service center. The reasons for this breakdown can be many. Some can be solved on their own literally in a matter of minutes. Among the main reasons are:
- problems with the playback device;
- reset the volume;
- driver failure;
- sound manager settings;
- sound card activation in BIOS;
- audio and video codecs.
Playback device
Determine why the sound on the laptop disappears,possible without the help of specialists. To do this, just look closely at the devices that play the sound. For example, such a device you served headphones. They often have problems that are difficult to solve. Most of them lead to the fact that the headset is sent back to the store, to the service center or to the garbage.
If you listened to music on a laptop, and the sound is gonein the headphones, turn them off and listen to whether the melody is playing the laptop speaker. If everything is in order, then, most likely, there are problems with headphones. But such a test does not guarantee that the headset is indeed broken. It happens that you used headphones in the evening, the next day you turned on the laptop, but it does not make any sound. You turn off the headset, but the speakers also do not make any sounds. As practice shows, this is a common hardware failure. You need to connect and disconnect the headphones several times, and the sound will appear.
Often users use instead of headphonescolumns. The acoustics are also not eternal, problems happen to it, which are difficult to properly assess at first. The speakers may be damaged, they may be damaged plug or power cord. In this case, it is better to check them on another device. This is more likely to show the whole situation. Perhaps it was the malfunction of the acoustics that caused the sound on the laptop to disappear.
Ну и, наконец, как бы это глупо ни звучало, при Such a breakdown is important to check the sockets and plugs. You may have forgot to connect the speakers to the outlet or turn them on. Maybe the wire that connects to the laptop was damaged. All this can also cause the described problem.
Volume settings
Not all PC users can be called experienced.Some knowledge is limited only to the launch of the system and the entrance to the browser. Therefore, it is important for such people to be attentive to all processes that occur at the time of their use of the laptop.
If you notice that the sound on thea laptop (with Windows or another operating system - it does not matter), look at the tray (lower right corner of the screen). In this area, the date and time are usually displayed, there is an input language setting, a wireless network, power supply, etc. There is also a special sound icon.
It happens that by pressing some combinationkeys, you could turn up the volume or mute it altogether. In this case, you need to click on the icon in the tray and see: if there is a cross on it, it means that the sound is muted, if not, perhaps the volume scale is turned to the left, so the sound is very quiet, and therefore it seems that it disappeared.
But that's not all.If you right-click on the sound icon, the usual volume scale opens, and if you use LMB, you can select several settings. First, go to the mixer.
This option is also important in the sound settings.The mixer indicates several programs on a laptop that use sound. For example, Skype, browser, system sounds, etc. may be displayed here. Each program has its own volume scale. Your browser volume may have been turned off, so when you turned on the video on the Internet, you thought that the sound on the Windows 7 laptop was gone.
Next you need to check the installed device.playback. To do this, click on the icon in the tray and select the appropriate section. The sound setting will open. The first tab will indicate the playback device. There may be several. Need to carefully look at the names. It happens that one speaker is installed instead of another.
It is important to set everything up correctly.If you can not determine which device is needed, try to click on each of them and turn on one by one. When you select the right one, you will notice that the volume scale is activated next to the name.
Alternatively, you can also try runninginternal troubleshooting service. To do this, click with the left mouse button on the tray icon. Find the line "Detect problems with sound." The system will automatically start the diagnostics and, as far as errors are found, will indicate the solutions. Sometimes it automatically fixes the problem.
System drivers
If all of the above solutions do not fit, thendo? There is a possibility that the problem lies in the drivers. Suppose you notice that the sound on the laptop is gone. How to fix this problem? It is necessary to check the correctness of the drivers. To do this, go to the "Start" menu, in the right column we find the section "Control Panel". A new window will open in which you will need to find the "Device Manager" section. In the new dialog box, all connected devices to the system will appear. Immediately you need to find the line that refers to the sound. Most often it is called "Sound, video and gaming devices."
Кликаем на плюсик рядом с этим названием.Another list will open, in which all devices belonging to this category will be listed. We need to look at them carefully. You may notice that there is an exclamation point or a red cross next to one of them. This means that the device has failed.
If something really happened to the drivers,you need to click on the faulty device LMB and select "Disable" and again "Enable". If this does not help, click "Update Driver". If this did not give any result, you can try to remove this device from the system. Uninstallation may give the result, but for this you need to install new drivers. If there are no installation disks left, look for the files you need on the Internet. Most of them are on the official website of the manufacturer of the laptop.
If no exclamation marks or crossesYou did not notice, see if there is an Unknown Device in the list. There is a possibility that the system could not determine the model of the device and install drivers for it, so you will need to do it yourself.
Auxiliary program
To cope with drivers and fixthe problem with the fact that the sound disappeared on the laptop ("Windows 10" can especially "please" the user of this and other problems), you can install a special program. It will definitely be useful in the future for restoring other devices. Utility Driver Booster can be installed for free. It quickly checks and finds the necessary drivers for all devices in the system. The user only needs to give his consent to download the relevant files.
Problems with the sound manager
Above, we looked at the sound settings in thesystem. But there is another service that helps to cope with a deeper adjustment of the device. Such a program is installed with sound drivers. In almost all systems, it is called Realtek High Definition Audio. The utility helps to set the optimal settings if there are any problems with the sound.
To do this, go to the "Control Panel", asdescribed above. After you need to select the option to view. It is located in the upper right corner. You can choose to display large or small icons, as well as select the "Category" section. Just the last option and you need to click. In the dialog box, all items are rearranged. You need to find "Equipment and Sound" and select the most recent item.
The built-in sound settings service will open. It must be carefully examined. Depending on the requirements, you can customize the sound for yourself.
BIOS settings
А еще, если пропал звук на ноутбуке с Windows, what to do? Of course, the BIOS is one of the last options that could fail. Nevertheless, there are also such cases that the laptop disables the sound card, and you need to turn it on yourself.
To go to the BIOS, you need to turn off the computer andDuring its launch, press the Del or F2 button. This is a common way to get into this menu. But he is not always so. Therefore, check in advance on the Internet what combination of buttons specifically supports your laptop model.
The BIOS version may also vary, depending onfrom the firmware. So you have to "travel" around the menu. Need to find the section Audio or Advanced. There you will notice the name of the sound card. Most often it sounds like High Definition Audio. Opposite the line will be written Disabled, if the option is disabled and Enabled - if enabled. Select the desired item and do not forget to save the changes. Below is the key that you need to click on for the changes to take effect.
Work with codecs
Бывает такое, что звук пропал на ноутбуке во while playing a track or movie. In this case, all the system sounds you hear. With great probability you are faced with codecs. What do we have to do?
- remove existing codecs;
- reboot the laptop;
- Download and install new codecs.
The removal of codecs will depend on whichthe software you use. Therefore, it is difficult to describe the algorithm of actions. For each available program, it can be your own. Usually during the launch of the movie you need to go to the player menu, and then find the item "Filters". It is in it that the codecs are indicated. You can also use a special program that allows you to manage codecs.
Windows 10
It so happens that the sound is gone on a laptop with Windows10 on board. In this case, there are no fundamental differences in the correction of this problem relative to other systems. You also need to first check the playback device, then explore the sound settings, both system and software. We'll have to work with the drivers and BIOS.
If none of the above described suits you, andthere is still no sound, you can begin to sin on the sound card. If the laptop has problems with it, then you have to take it for repair or buy an external device.
If you decide to repair, it is likely thathe will take a lot of time and money from you. Therefore, many people choose to buy an external sound card. It looks like a regular flash drive, which has connectors for microphone and headphones. Of course, the ideal option is to purchase a “native” sound card, but if there is no such possibility, try to find the best model.
In this decision, there is one drawback.It is difficult to understand exactly what the problem is in the sound card. Probably, the cause of problems with sound was viruses or system clogging. Therefore, many finally recommend to reinstall the operating system. There is a possibility that some system files were damaged, which will be restored during OS installation. If this option does not help, then definitely a problem in the sound card.