/ / Warframe: game review, characters, weapons

Warframe: game review, characters, weapons

To date, there is a hugea variety of games for every taste, but in some of them it is worth playing anyway. For example, in Warframe, the review of which is waiting for you in this article. Game for several years, during this time it has acquired a huge number of fans around the world. This browser-based third-person shooter, created by Digital Extremes Studio development team, has an excellent story, bright and beautiful graphics and easy gameplay.

warframe review

The plot of the shooter

Overview of the game Warframe is worth starting with an explanationthe whole prehistory. In the Universe of the future there is a daily mortal struggle for resources. Unions of opponents break up and new ones are created, some alliances go against others, and no one can stay away from this war. The world of the game Warframe is full of the most diverse characters, thrown here from all points of the galaxy.

The gamer will act as one of therepresentatives of the powerful and ancient race of Tenno - soldiers who slept in suspended animation for many centuries since the end of the ancient war. Now, when a new battle rages in the universe, they have to do what they know best: to kill. Our heroes will have to fight against three factions: the clones of the empire of Grinir, encased in heavy and hard-to-break armor, as well as irreproachably possessing weapons; traders from the Corps, hiring a myriad of high-tech and killer robots to protect themselves; infected - people or robots, stricken by the "technocyte" plague.

Warframe: a review of gameplay

The game is dynamic, you can fight against enemiesas in the near, and distant battle. Parkour, whose elements help overcome obstacles and traps, and evade attacks, plays a significant role. Character management is quite convenient, and the elaborate physics of combat adds a lot of pleasure to the process itself. A huge number of characters, each of which is completely different from the rest, will force many of them to try, until the player finds the most suitable option.

game review warframe

Also impresses with the mass of additionaldevices and weapons. Warframe is a multiplayer project that can be played in a team of 4 friends in PvE missions, but even a single player will find in it a lot of interesting. Graphics game at the highest level and deserves praise.

The beginning of the adventure

The game Warframe, whose review is in front ofyou, will start with the training that delivers a lot of fun. Here you will learn how to shoot, run, jump, learn skills and much more. Upon its completion, three different suits will be given to the gamer, which are called "warframes" (where the name of the game came from), which differ in their characteristics.

warframe review of characters

Each exoskeleton hasself-healing shields and unique abilities that allow you to increase dexterity and strength, control elements or become invisible. But the skills will need to be pumped in the course of the game. To upgrade, you will need a synthesis, the same experience. It can be obtained for killing opponents, passing missions, assisting partners, or in boxes and containers. Already there are 20 modifications of costumes in the game Warframe. The review of characters should begin with specification - any of them it is possible to collect under the drawings bought for credits in game shop or to receive directly for platinum (the currency got for real money).

Start suits

The training mission takes place in the Excalibur suit,perfectly combining the balance between attack power and maneuverability. By the way, this exoskeleton will be one of three, which for the start will offer us the game Warframe. The costume review can begin with the ability to deal pure damage, as well as control the enemies, blinding them. After the recent update, all swords and katana used along with Excalibur received a 10% bonus to damage and speed. This warframe is one of two unparalleled polarities. For beginners, the exoskeleton will become a true friend and assistant.

warframe story summary

The Volt is another of the starting warframes.Ability to create and control electricity gives it power, and excellent fighting ability makes it an ideal choice for players who prefer not to use firearms. Meg is the female initial warframe, possessing the art of controlling magnetic forces and manipulating opponents. Among the advantages of the costume is a strong attack and the ability to help team members.

Men's Warframes

Master of cunning and illusions in the game Warframe - Loki.Overview of this character should start with the words that earlier this suit was included in the number of starting. But since it is quite difficult for novice players, it was replaced by the Volt.

warframe loki overview
This warframe does not possess any of the attackersskills, but still remains popular among gamers, and all thanks to his ability to create baits or become invisible. Another of its virtues is the art of disarming the enemy and changing places with other characters, which seriously disorients the enemies.

Slaughter exoskeletons

Chrome is able to change the color of energy, which makeshis master of deadly effects. Frost is an excellent character with powerful defensive abilities that increase significantly at low temperatures. A master of tactics, who knows how to set deadly traps, damage electricity and immobilize opponents, is Vauban. Character for lovers of stealth - Ash, male exoskeleton, which perfectly combines deadly skills, complete with the ability to skillfully distract opponents.

warframe review of male characters

Hydroid is able to control the water element, andLimbaugh can change the universe and destroy enemies, while remaining virtually immortal. Nekros can summon souls of defeated opponents to his side. Oberon is an excellent healer, but at the same time a deadly character. Rino is a "tank" among the warframes, which has an excellent balance between defense and attack.

Female characters

Valkyrie is an effective killer, despitelow base characteristics and level of shields, has the strongest armor, which increases the chances of survival. Another female character, Nova, has the ability to use the electromagnetic energy necessary to control antimatter, which is the basis of her abilities. Zephyr - the air lady, probably the most moving and dexterous character. Nor does her poisonous Sarina, capable of inflicting a huge amount of damage to the enemy, while a large index of armor makes it the most adapted to surviving on difficult missions. Fans of rapid shooting should pay attention to the exoskeleton Misa. This warframe has an excellent reaction and hardness of the hand. The costume is accompanied by the strengthening of the rate of fire, increasing the speed of recharging weapons, and increased sniper skills.

warframe review of female characters

Mirage - a craftsman to create illusions, capable ofto arrange for the enemy a play that confuses him. Banshee is a female exoskeleton capable of using a sound wave for damage or searching for an opponent. Can perform both an attacking and supporting role. Suitable for players who prefer the hidden tactics of the game. Amber heats the air to an unreasonable height, making it a nightmare for easily armored enemies. Nix has the ability to manipulate opponents with the help of psionic attacks. Trinity is an excellent "sapport" with a good ability to heal team members.

Latest Additions

Any self-respecting game pampers itsfans of new characters, does not stand aside and Warframe. Equinox, which should be reviewed separately, appeared quite recently, but has already declared itself as a brand character. This exoskeleton has not only the ability to change sex (day and night form), due to which its aura also changes, but also has more than four active abilities that significantly increase its lethality.

warframe equinox review

The recently appeared warframe Atlas has already earnedhuge popularity. This master of the earth element can cause an explosive strike, throwing opponents, can create a stone barrier, falling at the right time on enemies. Also among the skills is the art of turning opponents into stone and summon two elementals with rock strength to help melee.

Warframe weapon review

The number of deadly devices in the gamejust amazing. Weapons are presented in three categories: for melee and ranged combat, as well as auxiliary. And on the mission, you can both take all kinds at once, and leave only one toy. Katanas, crossbows, pistols, shotguns, rifles, manual installations and much more - every gamer will find himself a killer weapon, the most suitable for the style of play. In this case, any of them can be pumped and improved with the help of mods.

warframe weapon review

But developers do not stand still and add allnew weapon in warframe. Overview Soma Prime - rifle, which appeared in the last supplement, you can start with its ability to destroy the enemy unit with a single magazine ammunition. We can say that this weapon has no analogues in terms of slaughter.

warframe review catfish prime
The advantages include two polarities, low returns and a high chance of a critical hit, causing maximum damage. The disadvantages are the rapid consumption of ammunition and low initial damage.

No matter how complete the review of Warframe is, it’s notwill unlock all the subtleties and secrets of this browser-based shooter. In this game, even the most sophisticated and biased gamers will find a lot of interesting, exciting and fun.