/ / Registration dll for the program

Registration dll for program operation

dll registration

Very often, such a situation occurs thatthe program is installed, everything went well, but if you double-click on the shortcut and wait for the start of work, you receive an error message that notifies you that the required file (file_name.dll) was not found, so the application can not start. It also says about reinstalling the application, which, probably, will correct the existing problem. Although such an action does not always lead to the desired result, and still requires registration dll.

Why libraries and what role do they perform?

To begin with it is necessary to understand thatrepresents this file and what it is for. In fact, dll is a dynamically connected library, this is how the English abbreviation is translated. That is, with the help of such a tool, the operating system is given the opportunity to run and use various applications many times.

Registration of DLLs

This library includes the ActiveX system anddifferent drivers. It is worth noting that as the new OS, dll also changed, although the registration of dll in windows 7 is not much different from the similar process in windows xp. Initially, such libraries were used to save the occupied size on the hard disk, since in the years of the initial development of computers the amount of their disk space did not differ in capacity. The "* .dll" files included a component that was a special library module for various applications running on the OS. Thus, several programs could use the same file for their work. That is why the registration of DLLs is so important for the overall operation of the entire computer. Later, Microsoft developed a modular system of application, the meaning of which was that the modules are interchangeable, and the opportunity to organize completely different applications is provided.

Registration dll in windows 7

Correction of error

Only after the notification ofproblem, you need to register dll so that applications can function properly, and a similar error no longer appears. Registration should be correct and, most importantly, safe for the system.

There are several ways:

  1. Try to reinstall the application.
  2. In the event that the previous action is nothelped, it is necessary to check directly libraries dll. Information about this is located in the system32 folder, you can access it from the Windows directory of drive C. If the required file is not found, you will need to download it first, then move it here.

After the necessary library has appeared on the computer, it is necessary to copy it in system32, and further registration dll is necessary.

There are several methods:

  1. Go to the Start menu and select the option "Find Files and Folders ...", then write "regsvr32.exe" followed by the file name and press "Enter".
  2. Use the cmd command, enter the commandstring on behalf of the administrator and type "regsvr32.exe" with the file name separated by a space. Next, the OS will do everything on its own, and if the dll registration succeeds, the system will display a pop-up window with information about it.