/ / Hyde Diablo 3, "Infernal Device"

Hyde Diablo 3, "Infernal device"

With the release of the game Diablo 3 a lot of fansthe universe of Sanctuary rejoiced with happiness - the game was very atmospheric, exciting and beautiful. The old world was reborn in a new way: three-dimensional monsters, covered with high-quality textures and obeying the laws of physics, replaced pixelated monster pictures. Sound and music became juicy, colorful and alive. Behind them, the mechanics of the game also went ahead: it became even more profitable to pass the game many times. With each pass, the player received more and more new opportunities and pleasant rewards. However, the most ardent fans quickly coped with the tasks and overcame even the highest level of complexity. In response to this, the game developer added an extra mode for the most furious, with which it was possible to quickly assemble the strongest artifact available in the game - the legendary Hellfire Ring, giving the owner tremendous power. But the fans were insatiable, like a vampire’s bloodlust, and the developers realized that they shouldn’t hesitate: the addition of Reaper Of Souls (“Soul Reaper”) was announced, which, judging by the advertisements, greatly changed the game.

Diablo 3 hellish device

Diablo 3 Supplement - Reaper of Souls

And really, with the release of the supplement to the light Diablo 3transformed to unrecognizability: from the usual menu to the complete reworking of the mechanics of the game for each of the characters. Only the interface remained familiar, which could not but rejoice - almost no one would like to re-learn an already familiar game. Well, I didn’t have to do it - Blizzard, although it did not bad update the game, didn’t make something completely new out of it. As innovations were the following elements: raised the maximum level of all characters (from 60 to 70); the limit on maximum cultivation has been lifted; the extraction system was revised; the opportunity to join the clan (like guilds in the game World of Warcraft); A new system of levels of difficulty in the game and many other details. And finally, as the developers like to do, they added the ability to assemble a new legendary artifact. This time it became Hellfire Amulet, which by its capabilities was clearly stronger than its predecessor.

Diablo3 hellish device guide

Legendary Amulet of Hellfire

This artifact gives the owner no longer a bonus toexperience for killing monsters (as gave the ring) - he gives him a valuable passive ability, depending on the class of the character. And from what ability you get, depends on how strong your hero will become. And all the players, having received a level 70 of their hero (or more than one hero), seek to get this amulet. And the truth is - who does not want to proudly wear the legendary artifact, giving the owner fantastic power? Alas, to wear such an amulet, it takes a lot of time and effort to end up boasting a "new dress". And as usual, few people at first know exactly how to get this artifact. In this article I will help you to deal with all the necessary aspects.

The infernal device diablo 3 ros

Subject "Infernal Device" in Diablo 3

В настоящее время найти ответы на большинство Questions are available on the World Wide Web. Increasingly, in popular Internet requests you can see "Diablo 3: hellish device." Not far from him, and other similar search phrases. For example, "Diablo 3: hell device, guide." It is seen that most players with this device the biggest problem. In Diablo 3, "Hell device" is an item that opens a portal to the realm of absolute evil, where, by killing superbosses (or as other uber players call them), you collect ingredients from them to create the desired legendary amulet. It is not an easy task, because to create a hellish device, you still need to collect the necessary keys. But this does not end there: to collect an amulet, you need 4 types of ingredients that can be found in different places of absolute evil, which are opened (ironically, isn’t it?) By various hellish devices. To make it clearer and clearer, I will begin in order.

Diablo 3 hellish evil device

We are going to go

First of all, we need a current game client.On it, we will collect the "Hell device" - Diablo 3 ROS (Reaper of Souls). This is the game itself, and the addition of "Soul Reaper". Then it is desirable to have one of the available characters of level 70. Then it would be nice to get good ammunition for your hero - the journey will not be easy, and you will not overcome your future enemies with your bare hands. Well, dressed up? Well, well - then let's go for a walk!

Diablo 3: keys - "Hell device"

Each "Hell device" is made up of fourkeys that can be found on the guardian daemons. In total there are four of these monsters - one for each ingredient. So, we need to kill at least sixteen demons. It is the minimum, for it is not a fact that every time they will have the key with them. No, I'm not kidding - just in the game there is such a "wonderful" feature, as the chance of lunge of each thing. Most often it depends only on the complexity of the game - the higher the level, the greater the likelihood. But it means that it is necessary either to kill at a light level for a long time and persistently (and hope that "this time it will fall out"), or to gather the will into a fist, put this fist in mail more firmly and hope that your ax the demon.

In the vastness of the virtual world - Sanctuary -each key keeper wanders in certain places. The Keeper of the Key, Odig, took a liking to the Loopies in the first Act of the game. When carrying himself, he wears the Key of Bones. The guardian of Sokar can be found in the Dalgur oasis in the second Act. This demon is the keeper of the Key of Gluttony. In the stone fort of the third Act you can meet Z’Rit. He is the Keeper responsible for the Key of War. And in the brilliant halls of the Silver Spire of the fourth act of the game, you can see the Nekrata. He can find the Key of Evil. And each of them is unlikely to just give you "their charm." But when, thanks to your persistence and diligence, you will have four keys of each type with you (bones, gluttony, war and evil), then you can safely start creating the desired amulet!

Diablo 3 infernal device of war

The process of creating "hellish devices" in Diablo 3

Чтобы создать этот амулет, вам будет необходимо still find a recipe for making all kinds of artifacts. However, most likely, you will be able to find him among the things when you are digging around in the pockets of the once again defeated Nekarat, because this recipe can only fall from it. Got it? Fine! Now we find a blacksmith in the city and ask him to carefully study the recipe. He will say that you need exactly those keys that are already languishing in the bins of the backpack. We can safely give them to him and ask to make the desired device. All we can create 4 types of artifacts in Diablo 3: "Hell device" - evil, bones, war and gluttony.

Creating devices

Consider that for each of the artifacts in Diablo 3(The "infernal device" of bones, for example) requires all four keys, one from each Guardian: one key of evil, one key of bones, one of gluttony, one of war. So, each time it will be necessary to lay out the entire set to get the artifact you need. For all the artifacts, Diablo 3 "Hellish Device" (including wars) has an unchanged recipe. It simplifies the work. The same will be required from you to create a "hellish device" of gluttony. Diablo 3 loves, apparently, these ingredients. And every time it makes you run, getting every one of them.

Diablo 3 keys hellish device

Diablo 3: “Infernal Device” - Guide

The developers didn’t dodge muchhow to create the above artifact. Nevertheless, in the game Diablo 3 "Infernal Device" can only get to the player who collected all the necessary ingredients. All the mechanics are reduced to a simple and one-type sweep of the necessary location to catch the desired demon. And then the lottery immediately turns on - the key drops out of the monster or again into a new circle. But if you still have enough patience and managed to collect all four devices, then you should prepare yourself thoroughly: now the Absolute Evil Places await you, in which superbosses lurk, for killing which you can get legendary ingredients to collect the Amulet of Hellfire! Remember! Once you have activated the hellish device in Diablo 3 (one of the four assembled), it will open the portal and disappear! To re-open this particular portal, you will need this particular device! Simply put - have to collect all over again. But how to do it - you already know! Good luck! Collect the amulet itself is not difficult!