/ / My computer's IP address on the local network: how to identify a newbie

My IP address of the computer on the local network: how to identify the newcomer

Many people are interested in the question:how to find out your IP-address in the local network? And the Internet receives information from your unique address! The article describes the method of determination, and also describes the main types of addresses.

my ip address of the computer on the local network

The concept of a wireless LAN

Computer network, which includes computersa single room or building is called local. Local networks are always used by enterprises and companies. It is also very convenient to set up a home LAN if you have several computers at home that you use all the time.

For the local network is very important such a parameteras the speed of data transmission over the same network. Therefore, if possible, use the highest quality communication lines. In the case of a home network, two computers can be connected if they are connected to the same Wi-Fi router.

The local home network will allow you to significantly expand the capabilities of your computers, and this:

  1. Accurate data organization and instant transfer between devices.
  2. The distribution of data.
  3. The speed of data transmission over the local network greatly exceeds all other methods.
  4. Wireless LANs organize your work time.

To connect several computers to a network, you need to know about the concept of an address and what constitutes "my IP address of a computer on a local network".

determining the ip address of the computer on the local network

The concept of IP-address

Your computer’s internet protocol is called"ip" address. In essence, this is the address of your computer on the Internet. An address consists of numbers (always from 0 to 255). Numbers are separated by dots. Before reading the IP address, the computer first converts it from the decimal form we are accustomed to in the binary number system.

An IP address has two components:

  1. Computer network number.
  2. Node number

Together, all the digits of the address helpdetermine the location of the computer. This is necessary so that other computers “know” where to send a request or data. Absolutely all devices that have access to the Internet have their own IP address. However, the number of addresses on the network is limited. For this there are several types of addresses, each of which performs its role in connecting to the network. To better understand what is "my IP address of the computer on the local network", you should deal with the varieties of IP addresses.

find your ip address on the local network

Types of IP-addresses

There are several types of addresses:

  1. Internal. It is often called local.
  2. External (External). Other names: global, public.

Local addresses are not used on the Internet.They are intended for use in local computer networks. Access to this type of address can be obtained only if you are within the boundaries of your local network. Determining the IP address of a computer on a local network is a fairly easy process that any user can handle. Details on how to do this are described later in the article.

The external address is used by the computer on the network.The Internet. It allows you to identify the device in the World Wide Web. You can access a device that has an external IP address from anywhere in the Internet.

how to find out your ip address in the local network and the Internet

How to find out your IP-address in the local network

All data about the local address is stored directly on the computer. To reveal "my computer's IP address on the local network", you need to enable the Windows command line.

To open a string, follow one of the methods:

  1. In the "Start" menu, find the "Run" tab, and in the empty text box, type the text: cmd. Press "Enter" - and the command line will open.
  2. In Windows 8, open "Search" and type in it: cmd. Select the first application found and enable it. This is the command line.
  3. Also, the command line can be opened through the "Task Manager".

After you have opened the command line, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the following text in the opened window: ipconfig.
  2. Click "Enter."
  3. Next you will see all the data about the current connection.computer. From the whole list we need only one line. All information on the command line is divided into blocks. Each unit is responsible for a specific device with which you can connect to the network.
  4. Select a device from the command line list.through which you will connect to the network. Next, find the "PV4-address" field. The numbers opposite this field are the local address of the computer you need.

The above method is the fastest option of how to determine "my IP address of the computer on the local network".

Determine Internet IP Address

The IP address on the Internet can be determined almost instantly. There are many services that determine the address of a computer on a network, the location of a user, and the name of an Internet provider.

To determine the address of a computer on the Internetcontact your provider or use Yandex, Internet, 2Ip or whatismyip services. It takes a little more than five minutes, and sometimes even less. Depending on where the person decides to turn.