/ / Error d3dx9_43.dll: How do I fix it?

Error d3dx9_43.dll: how do I fix it?

If you try to count all kinds of errors, withwhich met gamers when trying to install or run the game, then they are typed just incredibly much. The fact is that a computer game is a kind of program, only much more complex, multi-level and demanding to the resources and computer configuration. Accordingly, there are many more levels at which something can go wrong. The reason can be both in the game itself, and in your computer, as well as in compatibility between them. Difficulties can arise because of the software that was installed on your computer, even because of software that, conversely, was not installed. For example, many players often experience the d3dx9_43.dll error when they try to run the newly installed game. What is this mistake, how to fix it?

What is the essence of the error?

d3dx9 error 43 dll

It's unlikely that there will be a gamer who neverthere would be an error d3dx9_43.dll, because it is incredibly common. Most often, the text of this error tells you that the above file was not found on your computer, respectively, the game can not be started. It's enough just to look at the extension of this file to understand that the game lacks some library from which it would consider important data. Accordingly, the game does not start, and if you still want to get it, then you have to give it this file. But how to do that? In fact, the d3dx9_43.dll error is "treated" very simply, you just need to know what it is that you need to "heal."

Installing the right software

tanks error d3dx9 43 dll

As mentioned earlier, installation errorscomputer games can arise not only because the programs conflict with each other. For example, the error d3dx9_43.dll occurs just due to the fact that the game lacks a certain software. In this case, you can easily guess which program is involved, if you look at the name of the file that the game lacks. Naturally, this is DirectX, a distribution, without which almost no game is currently running. If you receive a message about such an error, it means that this software is not installed on your computer. Or it is installed, but it has an outdated version. Accordingly, the solution to the problem is to install or update DirectX, after which any game will start - both "Contra" and "Tanks". The error d3dx9_43.dll can occur in any gamer, and you need to know how to solve it.

Another way

error missing d3dx9 43 dll

If you see an error "Missingd3dx9_43.dll ", then you need to install DirectX - that you already understood, but there is another way that allows you to run the game.In view of the fact that the error clearly indicates which file is missing the game, you can open" Google ", insert the name of this file and find a site from which it can be downloaded directly, then copy the file to the game folder and try to start it.There is a high probability that you will no longer have any problems and the game will work ideally.

Dangers of this method

However, it should be noted that this method,except convenience, is also distinguished by an increased level of danger. The fact is that you run the risk of encountering a site that distributes malicious software, that is, various viruses, one of which may be hidden in the file you downloaded. And as soon as you start the game, and she turns to this file, the virus activates and attacks your computer. Therefore, always check the downloaded files with an antivirus before using them, or even better - avoid this method if possible. Moreover, it does not give 100% guarantee that the game will work - as soon as it gets access to the right file, it may turn out that it lacks another dozen, and you still have to install DirectX.