/ How to update the plugin? Helpful Tips

How do I update the plugin? Helpful Tips

Undoubtedly, everyone who works with the Internet,multimedia content, is a developer of web or media applications, constantly collides with an integrated plug-in based on Flash technology from Adobe. Consider the issue of how to update the Flash Player plug-in in several simple ways in different browsers, without affecting the development environment.

What is Flash Player and what does it need: general information

By itself, Flash technology isunified. A browser built-in player based on it allows you to display the multimedia content of a web page in the most correct and complete manner. This includes vector and bitmap graphics, animation, video and audio.

how to update the plugin

The plug-in itself is installed in the form of speciallibraries, and the executable does not have an executable as an EXE file, so it can not be used as a regular program - only in the environments in which it is integrated. The question of how to update the Shockwave Player or Flash Player plug-in will be considered for Internet browsers, although some points should be taken into account by the developers.

What is the difference between Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Shockwave Player?

Many users, apparently unknowingly,that these two names correspond to the same plugin. This is incorrect at the root. Although the technologies used in their operation are very similar in their basis, in fact, there is a big difference between them.

update plug-in shockwave flash

Adobe Flash Player is the standard version withminimal set of opportunities. But Adobe Shockwave has them much more. The toolkit includes XML analysis tools, HTML management, supports the control of vector forms and objects, allows to perform remote file search, has a special scripting language, etc. Not surprisingly, it is on its basis that the majority of multi-user chats are created.

Let's see how to update the Shockwave Flash plug-in or standard player. For simplicity of understanding, we will combine these plug-ins into one whole.

How to update plug-ins automatically

In the initial installation, the plug-in builds intosystem own update facility, which by default is constantly in active mode. If there is a permanent connection to the Internet, there is no update problem.

update plug-in adobe flash

The updater himself tracks the appearance of new versions andat a certain point, prompts the user to update. You just need to agree with the offer and download the distribution from the official site after the redirection. But install the plug-in yourself. Unfortunately, there is no automatic installation and integration into the system. All automation is reduced only to the fact that the app is timely informed of the availability of a new version of the plug-in.

How do I update the Adobe Flash plug-in manually?

If for some reason the automatic update is not available (the update is disabled, there is no Internet), you can do it manually, downloading the latest version of the player from the official Adobe resource.

In some cases, update the Shockwave pluginFlash or the standard player does not work, especially if the distribution is not downloaded from the official resource, but from another source. The system displays a message stating that a later version is installed on the computer. To avoid such situations, you first need to check the modification in the system itself.

For this, the "Control Panel" needsUse the programs and components section and select the application installation and uninstall menu. In it we simply find the desired player and compare the installed version with the one that is supposed to be installed. Further, as they say, it's a matter of technology.

Update in Mozilla

Now let's focus on the issue of updating directly in browsers. You can update the Shockwave plug-in or regular Flash Player in the Mozilla browser in two ways.

update shockwave plugin

In the first case, in the settings you need to go toadditions and select a section of plug-ins. We find the element of interest in the list and look at its state. If on the contrary there is a notification that it is obsolete and is vulnerable, just click the immediate update button, and after the process is finished, restart the browser.

How do I update the plugin in another way? Too simple.You need to go to the official site of Mozilla and refer to the section of automatic online checking of installed plug-ins on the relevance. In the list of results, find the player. If there is a warning there, as in the previous case, update the plugin and restart the browser.

Update in Internet Explorer

Now let's see how to update the plugin in IE. First enter the settings menu by clicking on the button with the gear, then use the settings section where we select their types.

update plug-in flash player

Next, in the toolbar menu, we find extensions, where among all the plug-ins the desired player will be displayed. If necessary, run the update.

Update in Opera

This browser has an interesting feature:in some cases, the update of the browser itself automatically updates all installed components and plug-ins. If this option is not provided, you can do otherwise.

how to update the plugin

In the address bar, type opera: plugins (without quotes). In the list we find our player. If necessary, use the update button.

Update in Chrome

This is the best case with this browser.In the latest versions absolutely all plug-ins in the browser are updated automatically. If for any reason there are failures, you can do this yourself.

update plug-in shockwave flash

How to update the plugin in this situation?The process resembles an update in the Opera browser. In the address bar, write chrome: // plugins, and in the list of installed plug-ins opposite the player, click the plus sign to display detailed information. If necessary, we update the component. Please note: this browser supports the installation of several versions of the plug-in. They can conflict with each other. Therefore, to work, you need to leave only the most recent modification, and the rest to disable (or better - and completely delete).

Something for the last

Sometimes an update can not be madeautomatically, and not all browsers warn that the plug-in requires an update. But, for example, 360 Safety Browser issues such messages, and does not block the work of the browser, but suggests running the plugin at this stage of visiting the web page (the Run this time button).

If the players do not work after the update, inFirst of all you need to check their condition. Each browser has options like "Always enable" or pointers to the status of plug-ins (enabled or disabled). If even the plug-ins are active, you can try to disable them, restart the browser, and then re-enable them.