/ Description of the series "Immortelle." Actors and their heroes

Description of the series "Immortelle". Actors and their heroes

Loved the audience adventurous Ukrainianmelodrama "immortelle". The series consists of four parts: “Immortelle”, “Immortelle. New Hope "," Immortelle. Faith and truth ”,“ Immortelle. Paradise is where you are. ” The project consists of one hundred episodes, the events of each new can not be predicted, because of this unpredictability, the film “Immortelle” gained popularity. The actors and the roles they performed show the viewer a life story. In the real world, the events displayed in the series are very common.

Description of the series

The actors of the TV series “Immortelle” displayed complex relationships in a love triangle. Love sometimes does not know pity, and people suffer from this feeling more than from physical pain.

immortelle series actors

The plot is based on a simple, kind, naive life.girls Nadia Shevchenko. She is smart and educated. After completing her studies, Nadia received a diploma in chemistry and decided not only to work like ordinary ordinary chemists, but to create new cosmetics that will be able to prolong youth and preserve beauty for many years. Yesterday's graduate goes to work in a company for the production of cosmetics and there meets her first love - Igor Panin. The guy is rich, he owns this company. Young people once again flared up passion, they are planning a wedding and a long life together.

Fate is very cruel with happythe bride. Nadia is betrayed by her half-sister Irina Belous, she herself decided to take a seat next to a rich fiancé. As a result, her intrigues Hope is accused of a crime that she did not commit. Finding herself behind bars, Nadia saw the world in which she lived in a new way and drew the right conclusions from this. Career, personal life, respect of loved ones - the girl has lost all this, she has to regain her life, despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

The Immortelle: actors and heroes

The success of the film depends largely on the professionalism of the cast. In the TV series "Immortal" the actors, as they say, are all in their places:

  • Marina Dyakonenko - Nadezhda Shevchenko;
  • Valentin Tomusyak - Igor Panin;
  • Katya Tyshkevich - Ira Belous;
  • Victoria Litvinenko-Yasinovskaya - Polina (wife Panina, stepmother Igor and Rita);
  • Larisa Rusnak - Shevchenko Lyudmila (mother of Olya and Nadezhda);
  • Alexander Zadneprovsky - Anatoly Panin;
  • Malvina Saliychuk - Olga Shevchenko.

Marina Dyakonenko

In the crew of the TV series “Immortal”, the cast members were almost all Ukrainians. The performer of the main role, who played the role of Nadia Shevchenko, comes from the Poltava region.

immortelle actors and roles
Marina Dyakonenko was very pleased that shegot such an interesting heroine. With the work of a young actress coped perfectly, although the plot of the film she had to fight with her rival on the slippery snowy roof of a high-rise building. During the fight, Nadezhda puts handcuffs on Irina, the girls very naturally depicted hatred towards each other, although in the life between the actresses there are very friendly relations.

The Immortelle: First Actors

Groom of Hope played Valentin Tomusyak, his heroIgor Panin at first arouses the sympathy of the audience, but in the course of the action the guy behaves not like a man. Instead of supporting his girlfriend, he throws her in a difficult moment and plans a wedding with Irina. Valentin Tomusyak before this work has already starred in popular films such as “The Beach”, “First Aid”, “The Island of Unwanted People” ...

The main rival Hope played CatherineTyshkevich. Her character Ira Belous is a negative character. She betrayed her half-sister and took away her beloved man. For Katya, this role is the first; before this film, she had not starred. Tyshkevich took place in episodes of such films as Ambulance, Female Doctor, Sasha. The most memorable and difficult scene in “Immortal” for Katya was the fight on the roof with Nadya.

immortelle actors
Remembering this fight, the actress says that there will beremember all my life how real handcuffs rubbed her hands, and how she broke her knees during numerous falls. The fragile beautiful girl was scared and hurt, but she coped with the role remarkably and professionally. Although she doesn’t have much experience, she is still studying at a theatrical university.

Режиссер проекта Дмитрий Гольдман высоко оценил work of young artists. According to him, the entire film crew faithfully worked out every day. The main thing is that between the actors there was no dispute, no disagreement. The film turned out great. The touching story of Nadia Shevchenko could not help but touch the hidden notes in the hearts of viewers.