/ / How to draw a pigeon: a phased process

How to draw a pigeon: a phased process

Pigeons are birds that can be found almostin any part of the world. There are over 300 species of these popular birds. They are wild, decorative, postal and even meat. Pigeons differ in color, build, shape of wings, tail, beak, and so on.

From ancient times comes the belief that the pigeon is a birdof the world. People believed that the pigeon is a pure and good creature that does not have a gallbladder (which was a mistaken opinion), and therefore there is not a drop of bile and anger in it. Some peoples revered pigeons for the sacred birds. Also the white dove that brought a good sign to Noah is mentioned in the Bible.

From the article you will learn how to draw a pigeon. Let's see what we need for this.

Tools and materials

To draw a pigeon, you need a simple pencil, a blank sheet of paper and a washing gum. Oh yes! There are a couple more moments ...

If you want to draw a dove with a pencil,then paint it, prepare watercolor paints or gouache, brushes and a jar of water. Instead of paints, you can use colored pencils, felt-tip pens or wax crayons. If everything you need is ready, let's start drawing!

How to draw a pigeon in stages

  1. First we draw a beak-triangle, draw a dividing line inside it. Further from the beak we draw up the line, depicting the head, and lower it further, down.
    first stage
  2. From the lower part of the beak, we also draw a slightly downward curved line in the neck, depicting the breast and belly of the pigeon. We bring it to the end and connect it with the first line, schematically depicting feathers.
    second phase
  3. Now try to portray the blue wing.We begin to draw it on the body just above the middle. We deduce it to the left side, a little further than the end of the calf. End sharpen. With the help of a washing gum we remove unnecessary lines crossing the wing. We draw feathers on it. At the bottom of the body draw two legs, not forgetting to erase the unnecessary lines. We finish the claws and leathery texture on the "fingers".
    fourth stage
  4. We finish the tail and pigeon eye. And - voila!
    fourth stage

We had a rather similar to this dove!

Coloring the pigeon

living dove

How to draw a pigeon in stages with a pencil, welearned, now try to paint it. To do this you need pencils / felt-tip pens / paints of various colors. The most important and main color is gray. Black, pink, green and blue will also be needed.

  • We start with the head: paint it gray. Fill the wings, abdomen and beak with the same shade.
  • The neck of the pigeon is blue-green, it is better to apply over gray.
  • On the wings and tail, add black.
  • We paint the paws pink and the claws gray.
  • The pupil is black, the rest of the eye is colored pink or orange.
  • Black color with a thin brush draw a pattern around the contour. That's it, the pigeon is ready! If you worked with paints, then put the picture for half an hour to the side to let it dry.

Dove in flight

We drew quietly and peacefully aside the pigeon, now let's see how to draw the pigeon in flight.

  1. We draw the beak and to the right of it we draw a curved line, which will turn into a wing. Go back and draw the head circumference. Another line we lead to the right down, depicting a pigeon belly.
    second phase
  2. Parallel to the second line going down to the right, draw another one. Next we draw the tail from them, depicting feathers one by one.

    third stage
  3. From the line of the wing drawn at the very beginning, we depict feathers, finishing them where the tail contour begins.
    fourth stage
  4. And the last action step is how to draw a pigeon in flight. Draw on the other side of the head the visible part of the second wing, draw an eye.
    fifth stage
    All dove in flight is ready!

Dove with a sprig in its beak

Let's see how to draw a pigeon with a sprig in its beak.

  1. We start the same way as in the previous stages of drawing - with the beak. From it we lead down a curved line, creating a neck, abdomen and base of the tail. Up and to the right we outline the head, we draw eye.
    first stage
  2. From the top line draw up the wing.
    second phase
  3. Next we depict the second wing, not forgetting the feathers. Wings draw as if the pigeon is preparing to take off.
    third stage
  4. Right from the feathers, we draw a line to the right, which will subsequently be a tail. Draw the feathers. The dove of a pigeon is divided by a horizontal line that does not reach the end and depicts a twig in it.
    fourth stage
    Bird of peace flies with good news!

We draw with children

We tried to draw a pigeon and paint it. Moreover, they were able to depict a pigeon in flight, threw a bird with a sprig in its beak. Now let's see how to draw a dove with a child's pencil.

If a child is 10-12 years old, then he will not be difficultto portray the pigeon as described above. If you have a crumb, then you need to look for another way. Children love to trace their fingers and with the help of them to create drawings. We will rely on this technique.

The easiest method of drawing a pigeon is this: the kid puts his hand on the sheet, leads it around the contour, removes the pen and draws a couple of details with your help.

dove by the hands of a child

Here is such a wonderful doveyour child. From the ring finger to the left you need to draw a wing and draw feathers with several lines. To the contour of the thumb to finish the beak and eyes, bottom to paint on the legs. So you can easily draw a pigeon.

Help the child do it all righthim, explain each step in stages. The first time you can help the child circle his hand and tell him that it can not be moved, it can not be removed to make the picture neat. Then the kid will be able to cope with this simple task. A big mother's hand and a small nursery will help to revive on paper the mother pigeon and the little bird - this will bring you closer to the baby.

Try to draw for yourself and teach this to your children. Good luck!