/ / Irina Byakova: biography, career, personal life

Irina Byakova: biography, career, personal life

In our article we will talk about such a famousactress like Irina Byakova. What facts from her biography deserve attention? In which successful motion pictures starred actress? What can you say about the personal life of our heroine? All this will be discussed further in the material.

Childhood and youth

Irina Byakova

Irina Byakova was born on December 9, 1963years in the city of Soviet harbor in the Far East. When the girl reached the age of 5, her parents decided to move to Nizhny Novgorod. It was here that young Irina Byakova received her secondary education. After graduating from school, a talented artistic girl began to think about the profession of an actress. However, she could not afford to study at a prestigious university, because the family lived in poverty. Nevertheless, our heroine decided not to abandon her intended goal.

Instead of going to Moscow, IrinaByakova went to Yaroslavl to enroll in a local drama school. Soon our heroine was taken to the puppet department. However, this profession immediately seemed too boring to a girl. A year later, Irina, together with her friend, again went to enroll in a theater school, but now in Sverdlovsk. Both girls could not qualify. However, the next failure did not bother Byakova at all.

After some time, Irina podkopila money andarrived in the capital. In Moscow, the girl filed documents to the State Institute of Theater and Satire and was soon enrolled in the acting department. Here, the famous actress Lyudmila Kasatkina became the mentor of our heroine.

Work in the theater

actress Irina Byakova

After receiving the diploma GITIS novice actressIrina Byakova was accepted into the troupe of the Pushkin Theater. Here, almost immediately leading roles in popular performances fell on her. By the way, the actress won the prestigious award “Theatrical Spring” already for her debut work on the big stage. This was the main role in the play entitled “Scum”.

This was followed by the successful participation of the young actress ina whole series of popular plays, such as: "Demons", "Broken Happiness", "Midsummer Night's Dream". Over the years, the main roles of Irina became much less. But the actress remained noticeable on the stage, even appearing before the viewer in the images of secondary characters.

Debut in the movie

Actress Irina Byakova first appeared onwidescreens in 1987. Being a student of the last course of GITIS, our heroine received an invitation to be selected to play one of the main roles in the movie “And All Love”. It is worth noting that Irina was late for casting for a few hours, lingering at the institute. The young actress did not even expect her to wait, and moreover, they would approve for a responsible role in the tape.

The film "And all the love" was a success at the box office. The very same Irina Byakova acquired the status of one of the most promising young actresses in the country. From this point on, not a single year for an artist has passed without filming.

Irina Byakova - movies

Irina Byakova films

During his career in the national cinemaThe actress starred in more than 3 dozen pictures. Probably, it makes no sense to celebrate the frankly works of Irina. We list only the most successful films with the participation of the artist:

  • "And all love";
  • "Suicide";
  • "The file of Detective Dubrovsky";
  • "Children of the Arbat";
  • "Ellipsis";
  • "The Pathmen";
  • "Doctor Tyrsa";
  • "Vegas Tickets."

Personal life

In her student years, Irina Byakova mettalented, attractive young actor Sergey Gabrielyan. The artists had to go on stage together in the play “Little Pug”. In the process of practicing roles, the couple began a romantic relationship. Soon Irina and Sergey decided to formalize their relationship.

Currently, the famous actor couplehas been married for more than two decades. Despite the long years lived under the same roof, the couple manages to remain happy. The artists have a son, named after his father Sergei. The latter decided to repeat the fate of his parents and today is an actor of theater and cinema.