/ / "Planet of the Apes": reviews of the film by viewers and critics. Should I watch "Planet of the Apes: Revolution" (2014)?

"Planet of the Apes": reviews of the film by viewers and critics. Should I watch "Planet of the Apes: Revolution" (2014)?

Writer Peter Boole, bestselling author, publishedin 1963 and became the literary source of this film, was a satirist. He skillfully and with the use of various workshops receptions disguised his snide and revealing creation under the usual science fiction novel. Why did he do it? In order, obviously, to expand the circle of its readers.

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Fashion fiction

Шестидесятые – время фантастов.And in the USSR, and in the USA, and in many other countries. Peter Buhl, Kurt Vonnegut, the Strugatsky brothers, Azik Azimov and many other prominent writers of this era put their whole soul into their works, they strive to make humanity better and kinder. Actually, science fiction for them is a genre “sweet shell” for a bitter moral pill that cannot be fed to the general reader. So the writer achieves two main goals. Firstly, he strives to “pollinate” as many people as possible with his thoughts and ideas. And secondly, the commercial potential is important both for publishing houses and for the author himself - fees and fame depend on the circulation. And now the reader of Peter Buhl’s Planet of the Apes is presented to the reader’s judgment. The reviews did not hesitate to wait, and the plot seemed so fascinating that he himself asked for the movie screen. Hollywood responded after five years.

Nice time, the end of the 60s

Let's go back mentally in 1968.Today, few of the children dream of becoming an astronaut, and then, which of the children you don't ask, regardless of gender (Tereshkova has already flown into orbit, and the Gagarin smile for seven years decorated the covers of periodicals all over the world), everyone raved into space.

On the moon, Americans have not landed, but towas going on. With all this, the triumph of technology and scientific progress, psychologically the average inhabitant of the Earth remained (as it is today) at the medieval level. Giant Stratoforthress B-52 and smaller planes plowed the jungles of Vietnam, the blood of Arabs and Jews shed in the Middle East, in Africa, too, events did not speak about the progress of humanism. From time to time, the superpower leaders smiled joyfully, shaking each other’s right hand in international negotiations, and in the left hand carefully held the handles of the “nuclear briefcases”.

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Unwashed hippies, puffing with “shoals”, promoted the rejection of civilization in favor of natural, “environmentally friendly” human relations.

In the people of the late sixties, sometimesthere was an opinion that comparison with the Middle Ages is still too flattering for humanity. Pithecanthropus with a nuclear armpit rocket is a more realistic metaphor. And then the movie “Planet of the Apes” was released.

The first "Planet"

В тот год состоялись премьеры многих мировых film masterpieces. George Romero shot "Night of the Living Dead", Pierre Paolo Pasolini - "Theorem", Polanski - "Rosemary's Child". There were many other paintings that caused a stir in the interest of critics and viewers. The movie “Planet of the Apes” was not left without attention either. Reviews about him were different. Those who read the novel by Buhl were mostly unhappy that the plot was greatly shortened, and at times changed. Such reproaches, however, can be addressed to any director who has taken on the adaptation of a three-dimensional literary work (for example, Bondarchuk, who finished shooting “War and Peace” in 1968). “And what would you do if all events need to fit in a two-digit, or, in extreme cases, a three-digit number of minutes of screen time?” - I want to ask such critics.

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Components of success

Блокбастер был обречен на успех.It combines the main ingredients of a successful film. The refined spectator was fascinated by all these “hints and half hints”, connecting plot collisions with real modern life. People simply liked to watch the intricacies of the narrative, and they were really interesting. Special effects from a film fan-connoisseur today will cause a crooked smile. Masks are simple, mass scenes are not so massive, and all sorts of explosions and "women" will now make much worse, and even in 3-D with Dolby Surround sound, thundering from a variety of speakers. Few people think about how difficult it was for the actors (and only very good ones were attracted to the shooting) to perform the roles with little or no mimicry. The film played Keri Russell, Gary Oldman, Jason Clark, Andy Serkis, Toby Kebbell and many other stars of the first magnitude of American cinema of the 60s.


Фантастическую историю, составившую основную In general, the story line can be summarized rather briefly. A starship crashes on an unknown planet. Earthlings, of course, completely Americans. It seems that the place of forced landing is deserted, but beyond the external uninhabitedness lies the terrible reality. Humanoids and primates live here, and the second oppress first. This planet of monkeys plays the role of the simplest model of a totalitarian society, the social base of which is the racial (and perhaps biological) dominance of one type of inhabitants over others. People are kept in cages as animals. There is a definite analogy with Nazi Germany or the apartheid regime.

planet of monkeys revolution 2014 reviews

Такое положение вещей должно смущать людей of the future. The brazen defiance of elementary rights resents the cinema-goer today, just as in 1968. But if this happens in real life ... Meanwhile, Taylor and the rest of the crew of the spacecraft enters the fight for the rights of people.

Series and sequels

Так было всегда, при появлении удачного в In commercial terms, works from the business world of show business had a desire to extend the period of profitability and extract everything from the gold-bearing vein to the very last grain. At the same time, artistic merit and the main idea often played a secondary role. So it was with the TV series "Planet of the Apes." Reviews of viewers on it in 1974 ranged from enthusiastic to extremely skeptical. The make-up and masks turned out to be worse than the movie of the same name, the plot is stretched (it is understandable, they planned to shoot a lot of series). Little is left of the literary source. The names of the characters and the monkeys themselves, that's all. And then everything is done well, the good guys fight bad monkeys with some plot twists.

Total films of the continuation of the "monkey" themethere were five, and they called themselves differently: "Farewell ...", "Under the Planet ...", "Escape", "Conquest" and "Battle". And that's not counting the aforementioned series and "The Uprising" directed by Rupert Wyatt. “Planet of the Apes”, the reviews on which became increasingly restrained as the images were replicated, became a trademark with all the signs of franchising.

planet monkeys 2014 reviews

Tim Burton shot a remake.He did not say anything new with his film. It turned out worse than what had been done before; the director completely abandoned everything that the fantastic novel “Planet of the Apes” so attracted to the reader. Reviews of the film, which can be conditionally considered positive, came only from teenagers, to whom the new version was addressed at that time.

Idea to continue

Since the last screening attemptA wonderful novel has passed many years. Strangely enough, the first film and modern connoisseurs of science fiction have not been consigned to oblivion, unlike many clearly outdated examples of the genre of the forties, fifties or sixties. For example, “Space Odyssey” today looks a bit boring, especially in scenes that shook their technological novelty at the time of their first use.

Проблема межцивилизационных конфликтов в last decades has not lost relevance. Wars and interventions for the Western world so far are relatively painless, but they also reveal differences in the attitude of the representatives of the so-called “civilized Western world” and the inhabitants of countries undergoing aggression.

Fantastic battle between humans and monkeysbecame the basis of the storyline continuation of the old film "Planet of the Apes - Revolution" (2014). The reviews on him are no less contradictory than on the first part, shot forty-six years ago.

planet of monkeys revolution reviews

As events develop in the continuation

Ten years after the mysterious epidemicdiseases that killed most of the human population, the situation on the planet is prewar. Monkeys used a breather to increase their strength, there was a genetic modification, and their number has increased dramatically. The conditions of the world, to which the inhabitants of a remote society in space have arrived, are no longer suitable for primates. They act very humanly. Possible reaction to a change in balance one, monkeys are preparing for an attack. And soon implement aggressive designs.

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Aged Andy Serkis, who played in the first film of Caesar, reappears on the screen in the same role. There are no more “first draft” actors in the second part (continuation).

New "Planet"

Итак, цели ясны, - решили в Голливуде, - задачи identified, then, for the work, Tova ... sorry, gentlemen. The topic is up-to-date, revolutions appeared here and there on our planet with different romantic-botanical or more often colored names. Or they have yet to break out. Why not disturb the good old (or not) proven humanoid monkeys? It is quite possible to shake the fragile cinematic coexistence, to which, after long conflicts, the heroes of the movie “Planet of the Apes” came to? The revolution must happen there too. And she began.

planet of monkeys revolution


Describe all the twists and turns of the plot of the new blockbuster- this is the same as before the beginning of the detective film to inform the audience that the killer is the driver. In addition, if there are a lot of events on the screen, as in the case of the film “Planet of the Apes: Revolution”. Reviews, and the most unkind, simply incinerate the author of such a review. The premiere took place quite recently, on July 14 (we are on the 17th), and not everyone had time to watch this regular American film masterpiece. Undoubtedly, in the front rows of queues at the box office stood - and will stand - fans of a fantastic genre. But, perhaps, other film fans will be interested in the film. They need to at least roughly imagine what a spectacle awaits them.

Фильм умеренно насыщен спецэффектами computer-made. To some extent, this brings the moment when the actors start playing minor roles in the on-screen narration, finally giving way to monsters written by creatives. Technological age and art is appropriate. Perhaps the cinema of the future will be like a revived computer game, already played, edited and carefully assembled to provide better entertainment. Indeed, it is difficult to mimic to reflect the inner experiences of the character, if the face is wearing a mask, as in the Planet of the Apes blockbuster (2014). Reviews of those who have already managed to look at it, are generally positive, they have a place and a beautiful sound, and careful study of details. As a rule, they did not see the very first adaptation.