/ / What is the meaning of life Oblomov? Oblomov: life story

What is the meaning of life Oblomova? Oblomov: life story

The work of Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov"Oblomov" was written many years ago, but the problems raised in it remain relevant today. The main character of the novel always aroused great interest in the reader. What is the meaning of Oblomov’s life, who is he and was he really lazy?

The absurdity of the life of the protagonist

From the very beginning of the work, Ilya Ilyich appearsin front of the reader in a completely absurd situation. He spends every day in his room. Deprived of any impressions. Nothing new happens in his life, there is nothing that would fill it with some meaning. One day is like another. Absolutely no interest and interest, this person can be said to resemble a plant.

the meaning of the life of Oblomov

The only occupation of Ilya Ilyich is convenient andserene lying on the couch. Since childhood, he has become accustomed to being constantly cared for. He never thought about how to ensure his own existence. Always lived on everything ready. There was no such case that would violate his serene state. It is just convenient for him to live.

Inaction does not make a person happy

And this constant lying on the couch is not causedsome kind of incurable disease or psychological disorder. Not! What is terrible is that this is the natural state of the main character of the novel. The meaning of life Oblomova concluded in a soft upholstered sofa and a comfortable Persian robe. From time to time it is common for each person to think about the purpose of his own existence. The time comes, and many, looking back, begin to argue: "And what did I do useful, why do I live at all?"

meaning of life and death

Of course, not everyone is given to move mountains, commitany heroic deed, but anyone can make their own life interesting and full of impressions. Inaction has never made anyone happy. Perhaps only up to a certain point. But this does not apply to Ilya Ilyich. Oblomov, whose life story is described in the novel of the same name by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov, does not suffer from its inaction. Everything suits him.

Dwelling of the main character

The character of Ilya Ilyich can be judged fromSome lines in which the author describes the room where lived Oblomov. Of course, the decoration of the room did not look poor. It was furnished elegantly. Nevertheless, there was neither comfort nor comfort in it. The paintings that hung on the walls of the room were framed with drawings of cobwebs. Mirrors designed to see their reflection in them could be used instead of paper for writing.

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The whole room was covered in dust and dirt.Somewhere there was a randomly thrown thing lying around that would lie until it was needed again. On the table - untidy dishes, crumbs and scraps of yesterday's meal. All this does not cause feelings of comfort. But Ilya Ilyich does not notice this. Cobwebs, dust, dirt and uncleaned dishes are natural companions of his daily reclining on the sofa.

Dreaminess in the character of Ilya, or How to change life in the village

Often, Ilya Ilyich blames for sloppinessown servant, whose name is Zakhar. But he seemed to have adjusted to the character of the owner, and perhaps he himself was not far from him, quite calmly responding to the untidiness of the home. According to his reasoning, there is no point in cleaning the room from dust, since it still accumulates there again. So what is the meaning of Oblomov's life? A man who even his own servant can not force to restore order. He can not even control his life, and the existence of those around him is generally beyond his control.

meaning of the life of Oblom and Stolz

Of course, sometimes he wants to do something forhis village. He is trying to come up with some plans, again - lying on the sofa, in order to rearrange the village life. But this man is already so detached from reality that all the dreams he has built so remain them. Plans such that their implementation is almost impossible. All of them have a monstrous scale that has nothing to do with reality. But the meaning of life in the work "Oblomov" is not revealed only in the description of one character.

The hero opposite Oblomov

In the work there is another herowho is trying to awaken Illya Ilyich from his fallen state. Andrei Stolz is a person filled with boiling energy and mental alertness. Whatever Andrei takes, he succeeds in everything, and he derives pleasure from everything. He does not even think about why he is doing this or that thing. According to the character himself, he works for the sake of labor.

What is the difference between the meaning of life of Oblomov and Stolz?Andrei never lies, like Ilya Ilyich, without work. He is always busy with something, he has a huge social circle with interesting people. Stolz never sits in one place. He is constantly on the road, meeting new places and people. But nevertheless, he does not forget about Illya Ilyich.

breaking the problem of the meaning of life

Andrei's influence on the main character

Oblomov's monologue about the meaning of life, his judgments aboutShe is completely opposed to Stolz, who becomes the only one who was able to lift Ilya from a soft sofa. Moreover, Andrei even tried to get his comrade back to active life. To this end, he resorts to some trick. Introduces him to Olga Ilinskaya. Understanding that a pleasant conversation with a beautiful woman, perhaps in Ilya Ilyich, will quickly evoke a taste for life more diverse than the existence in his room.

How does it change under the influence of Stolz Oblomov?The story of his life is now associated with the beautiful Olga. It even awakens tender feelings for this woman. He is trying to change, to adapt to the world in which Ilinskaya and Stolz live. But his long lying on the couch, his personality degradation does not pass without a trace. The meaning of Oblomov’s life, connected with his uncomfortable room, is deeply rooted in it. It takes some time, and he begins to deal with Olga. And, of course, their rupture became inevitable.

meaning of life in the work of bummer

The meaning of life and death Oblomova

The only dream of Ilya Ilyich becomesdesire to find peace. He does not need the vigorous energy of everyday life. The world in which he is closed, with his small space, seems to him much nicer and more comfortable. And the life that his friend Stolz leads does not attract him. It requires fuss and movement, and this is not typical of Oblomov’s character. Finally, all the vigorous energy of Andrew, who constantly encounters Ilya's indifference, dried up.

Ilya Ilyich finds his consolation in the house of the widow,whose surname is Pshenitsyna. Having married her, Oblomov completely ceased to worry about life and gradually fell into a moral hibernation. Now he is wearing his favorite bathrobe again. Again lying on the couch. Oblomov's family life leads him to a slow extinction. The last time Andrei visited his friend was already under the vigilant eye of Pshenitsyna. He sees his friend sink and makes a final attempt to pull him out of the pool. But there is no point in this.

monologue oblomova about the meaning of life

Positive traits in the character of the protagonist

Revealing the meaning of life and death Oblomov,it is necessary to mention that Ilya Ilyich is still not a negative hero in this work. There are bright enough positive features in his image. He is infinitely hospitable and welcoming host. Despite the constant lying on the couch, Ilya Ilyich is a very educated person, he appreciates art.

In relations with Olga, he does not show rudenessor intolerance, gallant and courteous. His inner world is very rich, but destroyed by undue concern since childhood. At first you might think that Illya Ilyich is infinitely happy, but this is only an illusion. The dream that replaced the real state.

Oblomov, the problem of the meaning of life whichturned into a tragedy, seemingly happy with his position. And yet he understands the worthlessness of his existence. The moments of realization of own inaction come to it. After all, Ilya Stolz forbade letting Olga to him, did not want her to see the process of its decomposition. An educated person cannot fail to understand how empty and monotonous his life is. Only laziness does not allow to change it and make it bright and diverse.