/ / Ekaterina Malafeeva: biography of the wife of a famous football player

Ekaterina Malafeeva: biography of the wife of a famous football player

Ekaterina Malafeeva - the present wife of the goalkeeperfootball team "Zenith". Do you want to know where she was born and studied? What did you do before you met Vyacheslav Malafeev? We are ready to share the information we have.

Ekaterina malafeeva

Ekaterina Malafeeva: biography

Our heroine was born on April 7, 1988 in the town of Borovichi, located in the Novgorod region. Father and mother of Catherine - representatives of the middle class.

Kate grew up inquisitive and sociable girl.And in the yard, and at school she had many friends. She attended various circles. The girl was engaged in needlework, dancing and athletics. In high school, Catherine Malafeeva fascinated by music.

Search yourself

When our heroine graduated from high school, her wholefamily moved to St. Petersburg. In the northern capital, Katya entered the University of Culture and Arts. But her studies at the university did not last long. Malafeeva just stopped coming to class. Perhaps she just did not have enough time. After all, a tall and slim girl got a job in a Soul sisters support group. Together with other members of the dance team, she had to travel to the matches of the basketball club "Spartak", as well as the hockey SKA.

Soon Katya had another hobby. It's about music. In 2006, she and her best friend began to master DJ art. The girls created their own project DJ Dolls.

Catherine Malafeeva photo

Meet Vyacheslav Malafeev

Do tall brunette with long legs and sweetnever had problems associated with a lack of attention from men. At various times, wealthy businessmen and eminent athletes cared for her. But Katya did not reciprocate to any of them. After all, she did not seek to link her life with a "money bag."

Ekaterina Komyakova (our maiden nameheroines) and Vyacheslav Malafeev met at a party in May 2011. A common friend invited them to the celebration. At that time, 1.5 months have passed since the death of the first wife of the footballer Marina. Then Vyacheslav did not think about his personal life. But Katya liked him at first sight. Their romance began later. They met by chance in a restaurant where Catherine celebrated receiving a diploma. Vyacheslav all evening congratulated her on the successful completion of the university. Then he asked the girl for a phone number.

Catherine malafeeva biography

A family

The relationship of Kati and Glory developed rapidly.Just a couple of months from the date of his acquaintance, he decided to introduce his new darling to children - 10-year-old daughter Ksyusha and 7-year-old son Maxim. Catherine was very worried before meeting with the kids. But everything went fine. Ksyusha and Maxim warmly received her. Soon our heroine moved to the house of Slava and children. She was quickly able to bring comfort and surround the babies with maternal care.

In December 2012, the girl said farewell to hermaiden name. Now she is Ekaterina Malafeeva. Photos from them with the glory of the wedding spread all over the Internet. The groom was in an elegant suit, and the bride - in a snow-white dress, emphasizing her slim figure.

May 10, 2013 in the family Malafeev happened replenishment. Katya gave her husband a charming little son, who was named Alex.


Now you know where Ekaterina Malafeeva was born, studied and lived. We also told the details of her acquaintance with a famous football player.