/ / How to learn the art of dance? How to dance in a guy's club?

How to learn the art of dance? How to dance in the club guy?

Your friends constantly visit variousparties and discos, and you, sitting at home, are tormented by the question of how to dance a guy in a club? Are you afraid to look stupid and ridiculous, because you do not know how to move at all? Then this article is for you. After reading it, you can easily find the answer to the question of how to dance in the club.

How to dance in a guy club
First you need to decide on a dancedirection that you want to master. The choice is huge: hip-hop, salsa, latin, R "n" b and more. In order to learn how to dance in a club for a guy, what movements need to be performed on the dance floor, sign up for a dance school. You can easily find friends there, get a charge of cheerfulness and just have fun and have a good time. If you want to lose a few extra pounds, dancing will help you to do it easily. Thanks to the lessons in school, your gait will become more relaxed and free, the internal clips and complexes will disappear. You will become more relaxed, no longer ashamed of their movements.

It is important that dance lessons are heldby professionals. Attend a trial lesson and get an opinion on the school for those who have been involved in it for a long time. Do not choose the cheapest training, because good can not be cheap. To own your body, enough to do a couple of times a week. Do not be afraid to make mistakes! After all, they are made by everyone who is just learning to dance. Be sure to repeat the learned movements at home. The main thing is to enjoy the beauty of your body and music!

How to dance in a club
If for any reason you cannotenroll in a dance school, but really want to learn how to dance in a club for a guy, if you want to become more relaxed and be able to make beautiful movements, try to learn it yourself at home or at a disco.

Находясь в клубе, внимательно понаблюдайте за guys dancing on the dance floor, try to remember these movements and repeat them at home to the music. Be sure to look in the mirror, listen to the rhythm and feel like the best dancer in the world. Self-hypnosis at the same time plays a significant role.

Learning to dance
You can also view music videos andrepeat the movements that you see on the screen. On sale are special discs for teaching dancing. Repeat the movement daily, and you will quickly feel the results.

In order to become more relaxed andmove more confidently, start going to the gym. That way you keep your body in top shape. Do it at your convenience and for as long as you wish.

Believe in your own strength, and then they will believe in youeverything. Do not hesitate and do not look at the rest. Feel the music, enjoy your movements. You should like yourself. Only in this case others will be able to notice you.

Believe that admiring glances of girls will not take long to wait. Just look, do not overdo it! And always be yourself.

I think now you know how to dance a guy in a club. Dare and in no way be afraid of anything. You all must succeed!