/ / TV presenter Inna Karpushina: biography, professional activity, family

TV presenter Inna Karpushina: biography, professional activity, family

By reviewing news and other programs, weoften pay attention to the leading. These are always beautiful, competent and sociable people with a well-set and pleasant voice. One of these is Inna Karpushina. Biography, family and professional activities of a talented journalist are of particular interest to her fans. This is what we will tell in the article.

inna karpushina biography

Summary from Inna's biography

Inna was born on November 20, 1972 in Leningrad.She grew into an inquisitive and intelligent child. Immediately after school, she entered the State University of Culture and Arts at the Faculty of World Culture. When Karpushina received her diploma in 1994, she decided to find a job that would bring joy and allow cultural development. At that time, her choice fell on television. And since the future journalist was very lucky, she managed to realize her plans. So she got on our blue screens.

Career growth Karpushinoy

After Inna Karpushina (biography of thisJournalists presented in detail in our article) came to work on television, her career quickly went up the hill. For example, the presenter was lucky to work on a news program. First, she aired on TV-6. Then Inna appeared in the program "Vesti-Sport", created with the support of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company RTR-Petersburg.

Затем нашей героине повезло совместить должность TV host and journalist of the RIA Novosti news agency. A few years later, representatives of the Peterburg shopping and entertainment center invited her to a management position in the Public Relations Office.

inna karpushina family biography

Since the end of 2004, the lead has ledpress service of the Russian Museum of Ethnography. Here it is how multifaceted and talented - Inna Karpushina. The biography, family and professional activities of this interesting and charismatic person will be described below.

Participation in TV projects

During his time on television, Innatook part in the mass of television projects. And later she herself began to offer her own versions of new TV shows. For example, a museologist managed to get into the following rating TV projects:

  • Sherlock Holmes and Freud's Method;
  • "Peter Leshchenko" and "Goryunov".

In all these programs, Karpushina acted as a casting director and was responsible for selecting characters and people to fill the auditorium.

Inna Karpushina 5 channel biography

Inna Karpushina (Channel 5): a biography

In mid-2007, Inu invited managementfifth channel. From that moment on, the journalist began to conduct a daily information and analytical program called the Petersburg Hour. In early September, Karpushina first aired as the host of this program.

Since 2010, TV presenter Inna Karpushina(her biography is fully presented in our article) was invited by the TV channel “100TV” to two TV projects at once: “Parallel Life” and “Reflection of the Day”.

In mid-2011, Inna is somewhatretrained and began to conduct exclusively morning programs. For example, she became the presenter of a TV program such as "Morning at 5". And closer to 2015, she herself managed to invent and push two new information headings into the masses at once: “In Private with Inna Karpushina” and “Guide”. In the same year, she again returned to Channel Five, where she began to conduct the social-political program "Open Studio".

According to the TV host herself, her appearance in"Open Studio" happened "on the exchange." The creators of the project decided to “promote and expand the audience” of the program and for this, Inna and Roman Gerasimov were swapped. As a result, Roman became the host of the Morning by 5 program, and Karpushina changed it at Open Studio. This was told by the host Inna Karpushina. The biography of this remarkable woman, as you see, is directly connected with journalism. More details about the project below.

inna karpushina biography age

Work in the project "Open Studio"

Самым своим большим достижением в жизни the forty-three-year-old Inna considers participation in the Open Studio project. With the help of this program, she not only talked about the interesting events of St. Petersburg, but also started a conversation about the most burning urban problems of ordinary ordinary citizens. At the same time, the project perfectly combined expert opinions, real stories, city news, and also carried out a real journalistic investigation with the identification of the perpetrators.

Recall that the primary idea of ​​the programIt belonged to Tatyana Alexandrova, who has been working on the project since autumn 2006. At the moment, 70 people are involved in the behind-the-scenes television program, among them there are directors, correspondents, cameramen, editors, and even psychologists. Inna Karpushina is also working there. Her biography tells about the time spent in the project. But the journalist prefers not to make her own feelings and opinions concerning the transfer and work on television. Although sometimes she even spends lectures on the topic of difficulties and freedom of speech in the work of television. We will discuss this further.

Participation in lectures and presentations

Inna - comprehensively developed and sociablea person who likes to be the center of attention. She considers her profession difficult but worthy. After all, with its help, she gets an invaluable experience in communicating with people, and her work also allows her to develop creatively.

On the difficulties of modern journalism Karpushinaonce told a large audience of people. According to her, this happened in early August 2013 during the presentation of the second season of the television series The Newsroom. At that time, this was a great occasion for a great discussion and a long lecture.

Well-known bloggers gathered in the audience.presenters, journalists and other members of the press. With her lecture, Inna Karpushina (biography, age and other information about the presenter is here) opened the film screening. In addition, she shared her opinion on the series itself, and also touched upon the problems of the modern journalistic profession.

TV presenter Inna Karpushina biography

Participation of family members in the work of a journalist

Inna is currently married.Her husband is Dmitry Igorevich Karpushin, who holds the position of general director of the company called “St. Petersburg newspaper complex”. According to Inna, too close work schedule does not prevent her from communicating with her family. Her husband is also a very busy person, but he finds time to relax together.

In addition, as Inna Karpushina says(the biography, family, and personal life of the journalist are discussed in this article), the husband regularly supports her in all his endeavors, but at the same time he is the strictest judge. He will never pretend that he has not seen some of her mistake. But be sure to find out the reason, the spouses will discuss it and together find a way out of this situation.

Leisure time: hobbies, hobbies

If the TV presenter manages to carve out freea minute, she tries to spend it with her family, and also does not miss the moment to quench her cultural thirst. Sometimes she goes to the Hermitage at a time when there are few visitors and tourists. Inna also enjoys French culture, loves to cook, learns foreign languages ​​and takes vocal lessons.

leading inna karpushina biography

Travel to other countries

Если Инне удается отправиться за границу, она tries to go to interesting cities and countries that are famous for their history and culture. So, in the summer she went to Italy, visited Dagestan and the Dominican Republic, visited Montepulciano, Arezzo and San Gimignano.

Here she is so smart and beautiful - Inna Karpushina.The biography briefly presented in this article does not reflect the whole character of the journalist, but clearly shows the most significant moments in her life.