/ / Chronometer - what is this mechanism, or Accuracy - the politeness of kings

Chronometer - this is what the mechanism, or accuracy - the courtesy of kings

Every person is missing something.One money, another attention and love, the third health. But what is lacking unequivocally for everyone is time. That is why people have always dreamed of inventing a device with the help of which they will be able to accurately calculate the time in order to rationally manage them.

However, most of the first hours were veryunreliable and dependent on environmental conditions. But once a high-precision time measuring device, a chronometer, was invented. This amazing invention, oddly enough, influenced not only the lives of ordinary people. First of all, the invention of this device helped sailors to better navigate in the open sea.

Chronometer is what?

The word “chronometer” itself comes from a combination of two Greek words: “time” (chronos) and “measure” (meter).

chronometer it
From the very name of the device it becomes clearthat its purpose is to measure time. In other words, the chronometer is a clock, but very reliable, able to continue working in any conditions in cold weather and in tropical heat.

The history of chronometers

Chronometers were not the first mechanical watch.However, the clock mechanisms before them were very fragile and easily broke under adverse environmental conditions. Moreover, even in normal circumstances, the watch eventually began to “lie”.

But that all changed in 1731, when a certainBritish watchmaker by the name of Garrison invented the chronometer. This invention has become very important for the development of maritime business. Since Garrison's device continued to show absolutely accurate time in any conditions, this helped the crew determine the longitude and, later, the coordinates of the vessel’s location.

Despite its high cost, the chronometer became quite often used on ships, and with the development of aeronautics and on airplanes.

It is noteworthy that the design of Harrison wasso perfect that over the years almost unchanged. The only thing was that some chronometer materials were replaced with more modern, light and durable ones.

Marine chronometer

Harrison’s invention (before histhe twentieth century began to crowd out simpler and cheaper sea watches with stabilization of the course using quartz resonators, as well as GPS) was the most reliable means for sailors so that they could determine their location.

marine chronometer

As a rule, all marine chronometers hadidentical standard design. A clock mechanism was placed in a special (most often wooden) case. Due to the hull design, in any situation he kept the chronometer in a horizontal position. The case protected the clock mechanism from the effects of temperature changes on it, as well as the change in the position of the device.

Chronometers in wrist watches

With the invention of ultra-accurate hours, many privatepeople began to dream of having the same at home. On the basis of the invention of Harrison, at first they began to make wall and desktop ultra-precise clocks for the house. A little later, the technologies allowed reducing the mechanism and creating wrist chronometers, which are so necessary for busy people, for whom every second is worth its weight in gold.

Swiss chronometer

Since wristwatches appeared with accuracychronometer, several decades have passed. And today, every self-respecting company for the production of watches has in its lineup a model with a chronometer. Despite this, the most accurate and high-quality, of course, is the Swiss chronometer.

chronometer in hours

Moreover, it is in Switzerland thatchecking of watch movements from all over the world, claiming to be chronometers. For these watches, a specialized quality standard ISO 3159-1976 has also been developed.

How to find out if there is a chronometer in the watch?

Everyone has a very accurate watch.And although most wrist accessories for measuring time indicate whether there is a chronometer in the watch, there are exceptions. Therefore, you can check on its own presence or absence in its own accessory.

To check it is necessary to make sure thathours a fresh battery or how long they were set up so as not to disturb the purity of the experiment. Next you need to set the exact time. After that, the watch needs to be moved to the position of the dial down and left in this form for twenty-four hours. After the expiration of the time required to turn the clock dial up and leave for another twenty-four hours. Now you can check with real time. If for two days of non-standard position the watch began to “lie” for only +/- 8-12 seconds - this is a chronometer. For large values ​​- the usual hours.

Можно попробовать провести домашнюю проверку и in other ways. For example, to hang the clock on the wall - twenty-four hours in the usual position and the same way around. You can also check the temperatures. However, it should be borne in mind that the clock should not be cooled for a long time less than eight degrees above zero and more than twenty-five degrees.

Chronometer and chronograph: what is the difference?

Speaking of wrist watches, many often confuse such similar concepts as chronograph and chronometer. And although the words are very similar, their meaning is completely different.

Если хронометр – это часы со специальной the design of the mechanism, which allows to accurately show the time under any conditions, the chronograph is tiny additional dials in the watch with autonomous movements. Sometimes chronographs show a specific time or are intended for the second hand.

wrist chronometers

Более двухсот пятидесяти лет прошло с тех пор, The chronometer was invented. Since then, it is no longer so popular in the maritime business, especially with the invention of GPS navigation. However, its incredible accuracy still remains unchanged. Therefore, many still dream of having a Swiss watch with a chronometer and always know exactly the time.