The Bermuda Triangle - one of the mysteriesof humanity. No one has yet been able to solve it. Apart from many different arguments, hypotheses, versions. And if all of them are quite plausible, then there are still no official explanations for the loss of ships in this place of the Atlantic Ocean.

This is an amazing and multifaceted area.fiction, a reflection of which can be found in cinema. Films about the Bermuda Triangle are among the most interesting projects. For several decades, film companies have offered viewers vivid examples of this topic. Despite the fact that they are all united by a similar plot, each of them is unique and interesting. And therefore deserves special attention. So what are the films about the Bermuda Triangle? The brightest of them will be considered later in our article.
Secrets must be stored at the bottom of the ocean
One of the first feature films,telling about the disappearance of ships and the strange anomaly occurring in the area of the Bermuda triangle, is the 1978 Italian-Mexican production of the same name. The narrative is built around scuba divers, archaeologists, trying to find any evidence on the ocean floor. All they discover is a strange doll drifting on the waves of the sea. To their surprise, she is able to unlock the secrets and not allow them to go public ... One of the roles in the film was performed by Marina Vlady.

Not exaggerated “Bermuda Triangle”
The BBC documentary is different inwhich offers the viewer not a picture created according to the idea of the scriptwriters, but real video materials collected over several years from various sources. There are military archives, interviews with members of expeditions, eyewitness accounts. Several scientists exploring this direction share their views on the basis of analytical data. Will they be able to lift the veil of truth? This will tell the documentary “The Bermuda Triangle”.
From secrets to detective motives and horrors
American picture 1996 wearsan adventure character that, at first glance, has nothing to do with the secret of the anomalous place. The plot tells of a young family, resting on a yacht. Watching a strange solar eclipse with a storm and a hurricane, all its members, including young children, wake up on a mysterious island. Its inhabitants got here in a similar way. The intrigue is that it is impossible to get out of the island ...

Films about the Bermuda Triangle include anda more modern film version - 2001 tape of the same name. The huge liner “Crown Queen” disappeared in 1972. Decades later, a team of navigators discovers him in the middle of the ocean. The find turns into a sensation! Reporters from all over the world are in a hurry to capture the lifeless vessel, not knowing yet what forces have settled in it ...
Mini-series 2005, consisting of threeepisodes, tells the story of billionaire Eric Beniroll. He was sick of all his profitable ships disappearing in the depths of the sea. He collects a group of researchers who are sent to a mysterious place. Soon the team ceases to understand who they are and what they have forgotten in that area ... This picture is distinguished by an impressive budget for this kind of films - $ 22 million, as well as the use of special effects in more than 800 different scenes. The mini-series “The Bermuda Triangle”, of course, should be included in the category “Best films about the Bermuda Triangle”.