/ / "Henpecked" (performance): reviews, comments, description and actors

"Podkabluchniki" (performance): reviews, comments, description and actors

Plays of the Croatian writer Miro Gavran receivemore fans around the world. Recently, one of his works was delivered in Russia. The people who watched the play leave different reviews about the play "Henpecked". CDC sells tickets to this show again. The material will help decide whether to go to the theater or not.

Family comedy

Сегодня все больше мужчин и женщин снова interested in theater. And it is not surprising, because there you can relax after a hard week of work and laugh heartily. "Henpecked" is a new production. The first thing that potential ticket buyers need to know is that the play belongs to the comedy genre.

henpecked performance reviews

On stage, the original family drama unfolds. Heroes are trying ordinary ways to solve their problems. Everyone who comes to the play can recognize themselves in the characters, say the visitors.

First of all, the audience noted the author of the drama.The play "Henpecked" on the play Miro Gavran. This is a talented Croatian novelist. Works of masters put around the world. However, in Russia only recently began to turn to the works of this playwright.


The original title of the work is “My husbandwives". The plot tells about the emergencies that occurred in a simple family. The main characters are Marco and Anna. Most recently, the couple celebrated the first anniversary of their life together. But to enjoy the comfort they were not destined. Suddenly, Anne's ex-husband, Ivo, is returning from prison, whose name has been replaced by Russian directors with a more familiar Russian audience: Boris.

These three individuals will have to live under one roof.History shows that the two men of Anne are weak and malleable. All that is played by henpecked, is a performance. Reviews about the production are very different. One audience liked the interesting and fresh topic of the play. Other guests complain that it was necessary to put more sense and intrigue into the work, which is practically absent. 2 hours continues setting. There is an intermission.

performance henpecked by Miro Havran

main character

Многие люди не знают о значительных достижениях famous writer Miro Gavrana. However, the play interests them because of the stellar, albeit a small number of artists. The actors of the production are known to television viewers on many TV shows and films. Thanks to an excellent troupe, the henpecked work (performance) received good fame. Feedback on performers is usually positive.

The role of Anna's emotional and strong personalitywent to the beautiful Natalia Bochkareva. She is familiar to many viewers from such a TV series as Happy Together. She managed to successfully reflect the inner world of the heroine, the audience shared. Thanks to many years of experience of the actress in the theater, the image of the main character was very vivid and emotional. Many because of Bochkareva go to the show.

henpecked reviews of the performance

Men's team

Another star - the favorite artist of many RussiansAlexey Maklakov. The man is known for the role of Ensign Shmatko from the TV series "Soldiers." The actor has become a peculiar highlight, which differs from the other works of the performance "Henpecked". Moscow, Minsk and even London applauded this artist standing.

Another performer - Boris Shcherbakov. His audience remembers, for example, on such a screen role, as Colonel Borodin from the same series “Soldiers”.

It should be noted that the actors of this performance have long been familiar with each other, so even the viewer sees harmony and mutual understanding between them on the stage.

Of course, a comedy wouldn't have been such a success.if not for the directorial work, which Nikita Grinshpun was engaged in. This rather young director has already managed to declare himself. He is considered a talented theater with his own taste and style. Viewers claim that each of his work is interesting and original.

performance henpecked in cdkzh

Drama Features

Viewers leave a variety of feedback and comments.to the play "Henpecked". Some visitors say that they liked the production very much. The plot is quite fresh, not previously used, although the topic of family relations is very popular. The guests of the theater are delighted with the new jokes and scenes. The play looks very easy. There are no deep philosophical phrases in the text. The whole essence of what is said on the surface. The author gave his idea very well. Such a performance can be watched by the whole family. He is perfectly relaxed and will cheer up after a hard day's work. It will be funny to both men and women.

However, there are those who did not like"Henpecked" (performance). Reviews about the content are negative: the plot is not interesting, events unfold slowly, it is very easy to understand how the production will end. Some people point out that the first part is pretty boring. After the intermission becomes more interesting. Others complain that this comedy did not bring anything useful to their lives.

henpecked Moscow

Contrast in voices

Natalia has a very clear, beautifully set voice. Her every word is understandable. The woman successfully shouts out her lines, despite the laughter that is heard in the hall.

Very emotional is the setting"Henpecked". The performance (reviews received by other artists) is liked by the fans of the series “Soldiers”. But unlike Bochkareva, Alexey Maklakov, in the opinion of many visitors, has minor problems with diction, although he attracts the audience with his charisma. His remarks are sometimes quite difficult to disassemble. The actor has a pronounced style of speech, which makes him a unique artist. A man ideally reflects the image of his hero and becomes the "calling card" that the play offers. But sometimes the public is hard enough to make out what the actor says from the stage. Nevertheless, the guests of the theater say to enjoy the family drama, it is not necessary to take every word.

Lots of comments from the audience about the play"Henpecked". Reviews of the play concern and Boris Shcherbakov. He on the background of his colleagues does not seem so emotional. The voice sounds quiet and colorless. But this creates a certain effect of contrast, visitors are sure.

Age limits

Not pleased with many guests and scenery.The scene is very poorly furnished and simple. The performance would be much brighter if the actors played in a beautiful interior. Other visitors note that in order to enjoy the play, lush scenery is not necessary.

Reviews of the performance henpecked cdkzh

Has age restrictions play"Henpecked". The theater (the poster gives all the necessary information), unfortunately, is not open to everyone. The administration offers to watch the production from the age of 16. Although people who have already seen this show, they note that it is better to come to the comedy for senior people. Young people do not understand the humor of the situation. Also, persons who have never been in a routine of domestic disputes and scandals will not appreciate this performance.

Conversely, more satisfaction and joy fromperformances are given to couples who have lived together for years. For middle-aged people created this statement. Therefore, the henpecked play has its own age category. In CKDZh, for example, where its own, adult audience has already formed, comedy always goes off with a bang.