/ / How to draw a bus: a description of a simple way with pictures

How to draw a bus: a description of a simple way with pictures

Passion for technology is manifested in growing upbabies from the earliest years. And as soon as your little boy learns to hold a pencil in his hands, all sorts of cars, tanks and airplanes will immediately appear from under his pen. That's the way male nature works. Fascinated by this theme, the young artist, starting roughly from the older preschool age, becomes interested in more complex models of transport. Therefore, the detailed instructions below on how to draw a bus in stages, will be very interesting and useful to him. In addition, the description of the work is accompanied by step-by-step sketches, by which the entire sequence of actions is clearly visible.

how to draw a bus

Make sketches

Consider how to draw a bus in the form of a two-story modern express:

1.On a piece of paper with a simple pencil draw a shape that looks like a rectangular block. At the same time, position it slightly obliquely, visually moving away and slightly tapering back. The proportions of the front (smaller in size) face are approximately equal to 2: 1.

2. Mark along the entire length of the wide side several parallel lines. Form from them a kind of two large oblong windows (1 and 2 floors).

3. Place the same cells on the front side facing forward. The lower cell will be somewhat wider in relation to the side, since this area is the windshield of the driver's window.

4. In two places on the bottom line of the body, draw the two wheels as simple circles.

draw the bus in pencil

How to draw a bus more realistic? Specify details

Following the instructions on how to draw a bus, and the accompanying sketches, apply all the finishing touches:

- divide long areas of windows with transverse lines, and then draw each of them with a double contour;

- Decorate the driver's windshield "wipers";

- issue the wheels, a little “immersing” them inside the case;

- make the bus "alive" by drawing on free places advertising signs and emblems.

how to draw a bus in stages

How to simplify the image? We draw the usual bus

Children are very impulsive and unpredictable fromof nature. And what if the baby wants to simplify this modern technique when he starts to draw? How to help him gently transform the superexpress? To draw a bus in pencil in the form of ordinary transport (that is, without the second floor), you can choose one of the options for working:

one.In the first stage, make some adjustments to the original layout. To do this, simply do not need to portray an additional floor. As a result, the extreme upper bounding feature of the hull will be the lower line of the upper windows. To roughly imagine what a simple picture would look like, attach a piece of paper to a photo, covering the upper part of the bus with it.

2.In the event that the pencil drawing is almost ready, the principle of action will be the same. Simply erase the excess lines in the required places (the area of ​​the upper glass and case) and correct the work.

Relive the picture with multicolored shades

Even with all the finishing parts givenThe image is somewhat boring, is not it? Of course, the black and white layout is no match for a bright photo. Try to revive it, for example, decorating with pencils or paints. Want to be surprised? Entrust this work to the child, and there will appear the likelihood of making the sketch into quite a fantastic express from another planet. Tell him how to draw a bus the way it happens in reality - one in color, with a moderate number of advertising signs and with symmetrically arranged finishing details (signal lights, identification marks).