/ / Religious heroes of the militants of the 90s (photo)

Religious heroes of the militants of the 90s (photo)

In the 90s, the "monster" for the production of militantsHollywood remained, therefore practically in all parts of the world they know and remember “Iron Arnie”, “chosen” Keanu Reeves, charming Mel Gibson and other heroes.

Heroes of old militants: Arnold Schwarzenegger

action heroes
It’s impossible to imagine the 90s without Schwarzenegger. And the 80s, 2000s, too. "Iron Arnie" steadfastly rests on the movie leverage for nearly thirty years.

In the 90s Schwarzenegger was widely known to the public,but his cult roles were only ahead. First, the fantastic action movie “Recall All” appeared on the screens. The film was directed by Paul Verhoeven, and Arnie's partner is Sharon Stone herself.

In 1991“Terminator 2” was released, which turned not only the consciousness of TV viewers, but also changed the attitude of Hollywood directors to computer graphics. The film surprised by its budget of 102 million dollars, but even more struck by its box office in the world, which amounted to almost 520 million.

In the same 90's fantasticthe action movie “The Last Motion Hero”, the comedy action movie “True Lie”, where Jamie Lee Curtis became Arnold’s partner, and also saw the films “The Eraser” and “Batman and Robin”.

Mel Gibson

action heroes photos
Mel Gibson, who at the moment is already behindsixty, in his youth was good at everything: a pretty face, a prepared athletic body, a charming smile. That is why the militants with Mel were not averse to seeing the ladies.

Gibson's career began in the 70s, and by the 90sthe actor was already bathed in glory. And Mel owes it precisely to the militants. The first role of Gibson was insignificant, he played it, while still living in Australia. Then came a melodrama, and then Gibson hit the jackpot and immediately went to the main role in the cult Australian militant Mad Max. Since then, things have been going great for Gibson.

In the 92nd the third part appeared on the screens for allfamous action movie "Lethal Weapon", then there was a wonderful western "Maverick" and historical fighter "Braveheart", a comedy-fighter "Bird on the wire", where Goldie Hawn became the partner of Gibson, as well as "Lethal Weapon 4" and action -drama "Payback".

Harrison ford

Harrison Ford is also considered the star of the 90s. Back in the 80s, he became famous for his participation in the Star Wars franchise and the Indiana Jones epic.

The 90s were marked for the actor by the participation in such action films as “The Games of the Patriots”, “The Fugitive”, “Direct and Obvious Threat”, “The Plane of the President”, etc.

Movies with the actor almost alwayspays off. For example, the “Patriot Games” collected $ 261 million in world hire with a budget of $ 25 million. Ford played the role of Jack Ryan, a CIA officer who opposes the terrorists.

In the movie "The Fugitive" Harrison Ford performs inthe role of the surgeon Richard Kimble, who was unjustly convicted for the murder of his wife and escapes from prison. And of course, the fighter "Plane of the President", where Ford embodies the role of the American president on screens, who alone confronts the terrorists who seized the plane.

Jackie Chan

action heroes 90
Герои боевиков часто становятся unclaimed when their time "passes." But this unspoken rule does not apply to the smiling and plastic Jackie Chan, who to this day is one of the brightest stars of the militants. The actor is known for performing all the incredible movie stunts on his own.

Jackie has been in the movies since 1962.But real glory came to him when Chan got to Hollywood. Throughout his career, he has appeared in more than 114 films, only in the 90s 20 films were released with his participation. But the most memorable project in this period was the comedy action movie "Rush Hour".

Джеки Чан играет в картине инспектора из Hong Kong, who arrives in Los Angeles in search of the kidnapped daughter of the Chinese consul. FBI officers cannot formally deny the consul a request to allow his people to investigate, but they are not going to help Chan. On the contrary, they assign him a Los Angeles policeman played by Chris Tucker, who must keep the intrusive Chinese inspector away from the investigation.

The comedy duo of Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan just blew a rental: the painting “Rush Hour” with a budget of $ 33 million earned 244 million.

Bruce willis

action heroes now
Bruce Willis occupies an honorable place in the list of “Heroes of the 90s militants”, because it was during this period that the actor was simply a mega-star.

В конце 80-х на экраны вышла первая часть “Die Hard,” and Willis’s acting career flourished just in the period from the 90s to the 2000s, since at that time he starred in a record number of fighters.

Началось все с того, что в 1990 году вышел “Die Hard 2”, which consolidated the success of the previous project and provided the film with 4 more continuation films. Then there was the comedy thriller “The Last Scout” with Helly Berry, “At a distance of a blow” with Sarah Jessica Parker and, of course, “Pulp Fiction”. In the latest film, Bruce becomes the central character in the short story “The Golden Watch”, where Butch, a professional boxer, plays.

За «Криминальным чтивом» тут же последовал "Die Hard 3", which again broke the jackpot at the box office. Bruce Willis was just like hot cakes, one after another successful projects followed: “12 monkeys”, “Lone hero”, “Fifth element”, “Jackal”, etc.

Will Smith

The heroes of the militants in the 90s were mostlywhite-skinned guys. Will Smith changed the situation. It was in the 90s that this actor had time to light up in box-office memorable films, which ensured his popularity in today's days.

Smith's business card is "Men in Black."The fantastic comedy fighter Barry Sonnenfeld was produced by Steven Spielberg himself. At the box office the film collected 589 million dollars with a budget of 90 million. Will Smith acted as an agent who fights in alien aliens.

It is impossible not to mention the game of Smith in the action movie "Enemystate. " In the film, which collected $ 250 million at the box office, Will plays lawyer Robert Clayton Dean, who by chance was drawn into political games.

In 1996another successful film project featuring Smith, Independence Day, is coming out. This fighter not only earned $ 817 million at the box office, but was also nominated for numerous awards, including two Oscars.

Keanu Reeves

heroes of old militants
Культовый боевик «Матрица» вышел на экраны в 1999 year and became just a sensation. Glasses like Neo have become fashionable, a cloak like Neo and so on. The handsome Reeves, who plays the leading role, woke up as a celebrity, and the action heroes accepted another “superman” into their ranks.

We must pay tribute to the actor - his name is avidfilm lovers were known before the release of "The Matrix". For example, the fighter of 91 years is known to everyone. “On the crest of a wave”, where Reeves played the main role along with the famous Patrick Swayze. Until now, lovers of action films are happy to revisit the film “Speed” of 1994 with the original plot and star cast.

Due to his ability to choose standing projects, Reeves still remains in demand: only for 2016 the actor has 4 movie premieres scheduled.

Sylvester Stallone

Usually action heroes begin their careers withepisodic roles. Sylvester Stallone immediately began with the main characters, but ... in porn movies. “Italian stallion” Stallone at the time was impoverished and homeless, so I was glad even to such work. A normal movie role in the Italian did not give because of the strong emphasis.

After a string of cameo roles and a couplePornofilm Stallone wrote the script about the loser boxer Rocky. Sylvester was able to negotiate with the producers who bought the script, that he played a major role in the film. After this, Stalonne was knocked out, and his affairs went like clockwork. The heroes of the militants, whose photos were in the magazines, were pressed together - another actor joined their ranks.

The 90s Stallone met a celebrity.And of course, the role of the actor of militants, which Sylvester adhered to, was assigned to him. In the 90s, one after another on the screens flashed action pictures with his participation: "Tango and Cash" (with Kurt Russell), "Rocky 5", "Rock Climber", "Destroyer", etc.

Nowadays, Stallone continues to be shot, moreover - he leaned into the direction and created a very successful series of films "The Expendables", the fourth part of which will be released in 2017.

Heroes of Indian Militants: Aamir Khan

heroes of indian action movies

At this time in Bollywood, too, did not lose timefor nothing. The heroes of the American militants, of course, are cool, but they cannot fight as much as Indian supermen (meaning a specific sound with fists).

Aamir Khan is considered in India one of the mosthighly paid actors. In the 90s, the hero of the melodrama flashed in several iconic Indian action films - “Malicious intent” (1999) and “Disobedient destiny” (1998). In both films, Khan plays characters who oppose criminal gangs, and in both cases his hero avenges the death of people close to him.

Aamir Khan appears in cool Bollywood action movies today. For example, his last work is filming Bikers 3, which was the first Indian film released in IMAX format.

George Clooney

heroes of fighters 90 x
George Clooney, like any guy, was interested in the heroes of the militants, whose photos were on posters of cinemas. But to “draw” on one of these posters, Clooney did not dream.

George began his acting career in 1984 at the age of 23. But only 33 became popular, thanks to the series, not the full-length film.

Удача улыбнулась актеру в 90-х, и он стал одним of the main characters of the cult action movie R. Rodriguez "From Dusk Till Dawn". And then Clooney's affairs went altogether well, and he became the leading man in the movie “Batman and Robin,” directed by Tim Burton. Such a role could not help his career in good service: since then, Clooney firmly established himself in action and action films: Peacemaker (1997), Out of Sight (1998), Thin Red Line (1998). .) and the Three Kings (1999). But at this Clooney's filmography does not end there - today he is one of the highest paid actors.

Nicolas Cage

heroes of the militants then and now
Nicolas Cage's asterisk also began to risein the 90s. The heroes of the militants of the 90s were brutal and tough men, Cage, even in action, looked sensual, sentimental, and in some moments gallant.

The 90s began for the actor from the action movie “Fierybirds ”, which did not cause positive emotions among critics. But further, the actor’s affairs went much better: the war drama “Time to kill,” where Cage played the lieutenant of the troops of fascist Italy, and the criminal fighter “West of the Red Rock”, where he was joined by Dennis Hopper, are released. Then, together with Samuel L. Jackson, Cage was shot in the action movie “Kiss of Death”, in 1996 - With Sean Connery in the action movie “The Rock”.

Next, Nicholas is shot in one action after anotherand always in a stellar company: with John Travolta in the action-free thriller “Face Off”, with John Malkovich in the film “Air Prison”, with Angelina Jolie in “Gone in 60 Seconds”.

Nowadays, Cage also shines on the screens, but more and more in dramas and psychological films.

Where do militant heroes live and do now?It is safe to say that they are not in trouble, and their fate has developed more than well. Stallone, Reeves, Clooney, and others are in demand today: at least three films with their participation are released annually.

Герои боевиков тогда и сейчас живут на полную coil: change wives, buy expensive villas, appear on the red carpet. Because the genre in which they work is almost always in demand. Who does not want to get comfortable on the couch in the evening and, cracking chips, to distract from everyday problems, watching how invulnerable and indestructible heroes solve all their problems with a fist?