/ / Edward Flerov: Filmography and features of the creative way

Edward Flerov: filmography and features of the creative way

Some believe that for a successful careermust be born in the capital. However, many actors and stars of show business were born and educated thousands of kilometers from Moscow. Edward Flerov, the filmography of which is of great interest among the public, originally from Siberia. His success proves that everyone can become famous, regardless of place of birth.

short biography

Edward Flerov Filmography
The actor was born in 1966 in Krasnoyarsk.All his childhood he lived in this wonderful city located on the banks of the Yenisei. Then he graduated from the regular school number 41, which is now renamed lyceum number 13. For a long time, Edward Fleur was looking for himself. Although his personal life remains a secret, information leaked to the press that before leaving for St. Petersburg, he changed several educational institutions in Krasnoyarsk, and also managed to marry. In marriage, the actor had a son who now lives in this Siberian city.

Edward did not always know exactly what he would become.In Leningrad, he received an acting education, but in a very unfortunate time - the year was 1991. Therefore, for some time he did not act in film, but played in the theater and worked in other possible ways. After 11 years in St. Petersburg, he moved to Moscow. It was in the capital that Edward received the first experience of participation in films. Currently, the actor is in demand and recognizable. When asked about his marital status, he answers that he is single.

Carier start

edward flerov personal life
Initially, only on the theater stage workedEdward Flerov. Filmography began its countdown only in 2003. By this time he had been a certified actor for 12 years. In the 2000s in the Russian and world cinema began to release more TV shows. Multi-part films are not too demanding of the budget, therefore, more and more often, directors took it for them. The actor's profession at the time received a second life, as multi-part tapes required a large number of people for extras or episodic roles.

It is with such small appearances in the series andbegan his film career Edward Flerov. His filmography now has several dozen paintings. Because of his truly masculine appearance, he was most often taken on the role of gangsters for serials about law enforcement or military. The turning point in Edward's career was the role of Charles XII in the film “The Servant of the Sovereign”. She was secondary, but very bright. After it was involved in the filming of the film "The Spirit", which jointly created the cinematographers of the United States, Britain and Russia. This short film could bring Edward to Hollywood, but he refused such an opportunity, and for good reason. Very soon, the actor began to receive the proposals of the main roles.

Main roles

Every actor’s career has a turning point.So, 2009 will be remembered forever by the spectators and Eduard Flerov himself. His filmography was replenished with the TV series "The Sword", where he played the main character. He was invited to this role when several series were already filmed with another actor already known to the public. However, the director realized that the role should be given to Eduardo. This project was very successful. Actors began to learn on the streets. Later, the issuing channel ordered the continuation of this film, which brought together a smaller number of viewers. Currently, negotiations are underway on the third part of a multi-part tape.

The main roles of Edward Flerov have a smallsimilarity due to the type of actor. After the action movie "The Sword", he was invited to the historical detective story "The Cop". Only the image that he embodied on the screen is similar - a real man who does not crawl behind the word in his pocket. Most often, his characters solve issues in terms of strength.

Participation in other projects and hobbies

starring edward flerov
Despite Siberian origins, Edward is veryloves football. He is a fan of the St. Petersburg club "Zenit", although earlier he was impressed by Moscow Torpedo. He knows the schedule of all Zenit games and tries to find time to cheer on his favorite team.

Edward is often invited to all sorts ofreality show. He participated in "Dancing with the Stars", where his partner was Svetlana Bogdanova, but he did not like the backstage intrigues of this show, so he did not seek victory. Also, the actor was invited to the reality show "The Island", but he was forced to give up because of the tight shooting schedule.