/ / S.T. Aksakov, "Childhood of Bagrov-grandson": a summary of the chapters

ST Aksakov, "Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson": a summary of the chapters

In 1858 he created Aksakov "Childhood Bagrova-grandson." The summary of the work of interest to us prefaces the story of its features.

Aksakov childhood years Bagrov grandson summary on chapters

This is the 2nd part of the autobiographical trilogyAksakov Sergey Timofeevich. The story "Childhood of Bagrov-grandson," a brief summary of which we set forth below, introduces us to the first ten years of a child’s life, spent in the villages of the Orenburg Region and in Ufa (1790s). The author of the work reproduces the perception of the child. Everything was equally important and new for the boy from the story “The Childhood of Bagrov-grandson”. Summary therefore make up is not so easy. Events are difficult to divide into more and less significant ones, and there is practically no plot in the work. However, we will try to highlight the main points of the story “Childhood of Bagrov-grandson”. The summary below will give you an idea of ​​the most important events that influenced the formation of the personality of the boy.

Memories of infancy

the childhood of the grandson

The story begins with a bright, ramblingmemories of infancy. The child remembers how he was taken away from the nurse, as well as a long illness from which the boy nearly died, a bottle of Rhine wine of a strange shape, etc. The road is the most frequent image in the work “Childhood of Bagrov-grandson”. A summary of each chapter will be described sequentially. Note that most of the work takes a description of the moves.

Seryozha (that was the name of the boy) is recovering afterIn fact, when he became very ill on a long journey, his parents, who were forced to stay in the forest, laid him on a bed in the tall grass. Here the boy lay for 12 hours, and then "just woke up." A child after an illness feels pity for all who suffer. With the memories of the boy merges the presence of the mother. She managed to get it out. She loved him, perhaps, therefore, more than other children.

summary of the work of the childhood years Bagrov grandson

The emergence of a passion for reading the hero of the story "Childhood years of Bagrov-grandson"

Summary of chapters continuesdescription of successive memories. They start at Serezha from the age of four. They are devoted to a separate chapter. It is called “Sequential Memories,” and it is preceded by “Fragmentary Memories” (Chapter Three). The boy lives with his parents and his younger sister in Ufa. His nerves are brought to the disease "to extreme susceptibility." He listens to the nurse's stories and begins to fear the dark, the dead, and so on. (various fears will continue to torment him). He was taught to read so early that Serezha did not even remember when. He had only one book, and the boy knew it by heart. Seryozha read this book every day to his sister. Therefore, when S. I. Anichkov (a neighbor) presented the boy with the “Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind”, he was so carried away by the books that he was “like a madman”.

New impressions

Mother was afraid that she was ill with consumption, exhaustedson's illness. Her father decided to go with her to a good doctor in Orenburg. They took the children to their father's parents, in Bagrovo. The road struck the boy: crossing the river, large trees, fossils and pebbles, spending the night in the field, fishing, which he loved no less than books. He was curious about everything. His father, along with Sergei, was glad of all this, and his mother was indifferent and even somewhat disgusting.

People who met on the road are new and incomprehensible. The boy, for example, can not understand the relationship of the peasants with the elder. He sees the harvest in the heat, which causes compassion in his soul.

Life in Bagrovo

Aksakov childhood years Bagrov grandson summary of each chapter

Grandmother's life is devoted to the head of the grandfather"Crimson". Serezha does not like patriarchal life. The house is sad and small, its inhabitants are dressed no better than the servants of the parents in Ufa. Terrible and severe grandfather. Seryozha witnessed one of his attacks of anger. Somewhat later, when his grandfather realized that the boy loves his father, and not just his mother, his attitude towards Sergei changed dramatically. In Bagrov, they do not like the children of a proud daughter-in-law, who "disdained" her relatives. Here the guys lived more than a month. Bagrov was so inhospitable that his brother and sister were even poorly fed. Serozha was amused by the fact that he scared his sister with stories about unprecedented adventures. He read aloud to her and the "uncle" Evseich. Some vaudeville and “Dream interpretation”, which the aunt gave the boy, had a strong effect on his imagination.

Meet the Uncles

После Багрова Сережа вдруг повзрослел.The parents' house is visited by the mother’s young brothers (the chapter “Winter in Ufa”). These are the military who graduated from the noble university boarding house in Moscow. From them, the boy learns what poems are. Seryo teaches to draw one of his uncles, which is why he seems to the child to be a "higher being." A neighbor gives him a new book: "Children's Library", written by Shishkov, and Xenophon's "Anabasis".

Дяди и Волков, их адъютант и приятель, шутя, they are teasing the boy, including the fact that Serozha does not know how to write. The child is seriously offended. Once he even throws himself into a fight. Seryozha is being punished and demanded to ask for forgiveness. The boy does not want to do this - he believes that he is right. Sergei stands in the corner and dreams. In the end, from fatigue and excitement, the child falls ill. Adults are ashamed. Common reconciliation ends this case.

Learning to write

The boy, at his request, begins to learn to write.To do this, from the national school invite teachers. One day, probably on the advice of someone, he is sent there for a lesson. The rudeness of the teacher (and in fact he was so kind to him at home) and the disciples, whipping the guilty strongly frightened Seryozha.

Sergeevskaya wasteland

The father of the main character buys 7 thousand.acres of land with forests and lakes. He gives them the name "Sergeevskaya waste". The boy is very proud of it. Parents go to Sergeevka for the mother to recover from the Bashkir koumiss in the spring. Serezha is following the flood and ice drift with tension.

The house for gentlemen in Sergeevka is not completed, howevereven that is fun. Serezha, along with Yevseich and his father, are fishing on the lake until the end of July. Kiishki. The boy is watching a rifle hunt for the first time and feels "some kind of greed," "unknown joy."

childhood grandson of a very grave

Only guests spoil the summer. True, they are rare. Seryozhu strangers, even peers.

Return to Ufa

Ufa boy "disgusted" after Sergeevka.Only new books donated by a neighbor entertain him. Koraskov's "Rossiad" poem is recited by the boy. He tells invented them the details of her characters. Comes the news that Catherine II died. The people swear on tsar Pavel Petrovich. Serezha listens attentively to the conversations of concerned adults, though not always, he understands.

Grandfather's death

Приходит известие о том, что дед умирает.The family goes to Bagrovo. The boy is afraid to look at the dying grandfather. He thinks the mother may be sick of it all, that they will freeze in the winter along the way. Sad premonitions are pursuing Seryozhu on the road, and since then faith in them has taken root in him forever.

Summary of the story "ChildhoodBagrova-grandson "continues because a day after the arrival of his relatives, the grandfather dies. The children have time to say goodbye to him. Seryozha is afraid, and this suppresses all his feelings. In particular, he’s amazed at the explanations of Parasha (nurse), who says: he does not cry because he is paralyzed. He looks into all his eyes and moves his lips with only his lips. The boy feels the infinity of flour.

Ребенка неприятно удивляет поведение багровской Rodney. Fallen brother in the legs, howling 4 aunts. Grandmother emphatically gives mother power, and the latter is unpleasant. At the table, everyone eats with appetite and cries. After lunch, the boy looks at Buguruslan and for the first time realizes the beauty of winter nature.

Birth mothers and chat with grandmother

Sergei, returning to Ufa, again experiencingshock. Mother, giving birth to a son, almost dies. After becoming the father of Bagrov after the death of his father, his father retires. The whole family moves to live in the village. Seryozha is very occupied with rural works (mowing, threshing, etc.).

Childhood years of grandson grandson summary grade 4

He does not understand why the little sister and motherindifferent to this. The boy tries to console and pity his grandmother, who quickly became decrepit after his grandfather died. He, in fact, had never known her before. However, the habit of this woman to beat the yard, in the landlord's life is very familiar, quickly turns her grandson away from her.

Visiting Praskovya Kurolesova

Praskovya Kurolesov calling Serezha's parents inguests The father of the protagonist is considered her heir. Because of this, he does not dare to contradict this kind and intelligent, but rude and imperious woman. The house of the widow Kurolesova, rich, though a little coarse, at first seems to Serezha as a palace, which is described in Shakherezada’s fairy tales. Praskovya, having befriended the boy’s mother, for a long time does not want to let the family go to Bagrovo. And the bustling life in this house, which is always filled with guests, tires Sergey. He is looking forward to returning to Bagrovo, which is already sweet to him.

Aksakov childhood years Bagrov grandson summary

Back here, boy for the first time in his lifetruly sees the spring. From the excitement he begins insomnia. The keynote book, Pelageya, in order for Serezha to fall asleep better, tells him fairy tales, including “The Scarlet Flower” (it is attached to the story).

Grandmother's death

On demand Kurolesovo autumn Bagrovs spendin Churasov. The boy's father promised his grandmother to return to Pokrov. However, Praskovya does not want to let go of the guests. Father on the night of Pokrov sees a bad dream. And the next morning comes the news that the grandmother is sick. Heavy autumn road back. Crossing the Volga near Simbirsk, the family almost sank. In the very cover died grandmother. It is very striking and capricious Kurolesov, and Sergiy's father.

Final events

Опишем заключительные события повести "Детские Bagrov's grandson’s years ". Their summary is the following. In winter, the Bagrovs gather in Kazan to pray to the miracle-workers. Not only Seryozh, but the boy’s mother has never been to this city. everything turns out differently: the boy is waiting for the start of a very important event - he will be given to the gymnasium. This ends Seryozha’s childhood and adolescence begins. not part of ours dacha.

Note that the work of interest to us is verypopularly. It is included in the school curriculum for literature. Therefore, the description of the work “Childhood of Bagrov's grandson” (summary) is very relevant today. School grade 4 is the time when we first meet him. However, many are interested in this work after school. In order to remind him of the plot, we created this article. It can also be useful when you first meet with the story - the events of the work “Childhood of Bagrov-grandson” are described in detail and consistently in detail. A very brief content is unlikely to be useful to those who decided to discover this creation of Aksakov. And the best way to read the story in the original. The summary of the work “Childhood years of Bagrov-grandson” gives only a superficial idea of ​​it.