/ / "The City of Predators": actors and plot

"The City of Predators": actors and plot

Repeat the success of the show "Sex and the City"many scriptwriters and directors tried. The theme of a single woman and the search for a new love is incredibly popular among TV viewers, so the show "City of Predators" showed good results. Actors Courtney Cox, Dan Bird, Bizi Philipps, Brian Van Holt, Krista Miller and others made an excellent team.

The premiere of the series took place on ABC in2009. However, after two seasons, the management decided to close the project. Fortunately, the "City of Predators" did not remain without sponsors - shooting and broadcasting of new series continued the cable channel TBS. The story of a lonely beauty Jules was interested in the audience for six seasons. The final episode was released on May 31, 2015.

city ​​of predators


Interested in the "City of Predators"? Actors and roles, sparkling humor and female friendship - this "rattling" mixture promises you a preview of the series.

In the center of events, 40-year-old Jules Cobb -charming woman who lives with her teenage son. After the divorce, the main character comes to a disappointing conclusion - to build a personal life at her age is not so simple. On the way, Jules comes across only young gentlemen, and meetings with them are reminiscent of the old days.

The best friends of Miss Cobb - Laurie and Ellie arecomplete opposites. Ellie is happily married and has a little son, and Laurie disappears at noisy parties, making novels with handsome men. In addition, friends sincerely hate each other and do not miss the opportunity to show it. A banal, at first glance, plot "The City of Predators" actors were able to "revive" their talent.

actors and roles

История была бы неполной без еще одного персонажа.On the contrary, Jules does not live the friendliest neighbor Grayson. Age, divorce and loneliness - two heroes do have a lot in common, but Grayson is not allowed to miss young girls who often stay overnight. From the very beginning, the relationship between Jules and Grayson does not go beyond the neighborhood, and later the main character begins to notice other feelings, gradually developing into attraction and even passion.

Courteney Cox

A lot of positive emotions promise to the audience the film "The City of Predators." Actors tried to glory - the show is not loaded with serious themes and it looks very easy.

The role of Jules Cobb was played by incomparable CourtneyCoke, which needs no introduction. But unlike fellow Jennifer Aniston, Courtney is not as often seen on the big screen. After a ten-year television show, Cox took part in the projects "Scream", "All or Nothing", "Fairy Tales for the Night" and others, and also appeared as a guest star in the popular show "Clinic."

film city of predators actors

Кортни Кокс вместе с бывшим супругом Дэвидом Arquette joined the producer team of the series "The City of Predators", the actors of which were a brilliant company to the star of the legendary "Friends". In 2010, Courtney Cox was nominated for the Golden Globe Award.

Krista Miller

Some viewers saw similarities betweentelevision shows "Clinic" and "City of Predators." Actors and director Bill Lawrence smoothly moved from one series to another. For example, Krista Miller and her character Ellie Torres desperately resemble the tough and sarcastic Jordan Sullivan.

Father Crista was against a career in art, butdaughter decided otherwise. Miller pretty early started working as a model in European and Japanese magazines, and after moving to Los Angeles began to actively star in television and cinema.

The actress is married to Bill Lawrence. Together they worked in the comedy series "Clinic". The couple have three children, and the last two pregnancies blended into the show's script.

Bizi Phillips

If married Ellie with a stretch can be called"Angel", then windy Laurie acts as a "devil". She provokes Jules on adventures, hangouts and dating with young handsome. Laurie is funny and a bit stupid, not capable of serious deeds and decision-making.

plot of the city of predators

Career Bizi Phillips began in 1999 with a rolein the show Freaks and Geeks. A year later she debuted in the movie "Bad Girls". In 2001, Bizi won the role of Audrey Liddell in the teenage series "Dawson's Cove".

One of the latest works by Bizi Philipps was a project"City of Predators", the actors of which worked together with the invited stars. The audience was happy to see Sheryl Crow, Jennifer Aniston, Zach Braff, Lisa Kudrow, Sam Lloyd and Matthew Parry.