/ / Russian futurism in literature - poetic blow to aesthetics and life

Russian futurism in literature is a poetic blow to aesthetics and everyday life

Russian futurism in literature appeared at the beginningThe twentieth century, namely in 1912. This time coincided with the favorable social and political situation in the country for its development. As it should be, critics and high society did not perceive the futurists, but the common people treated them with respect and love. Often, when the first writers of this direction recited their own works, this did not cause the listeners anything other than the usual perplexity.

Русский футуризм в литературе на заре своей The stories differed significantly from the same trend in other countries. Foreign writers were too radical and sharp. As for Russian authors directly, some kindness, gentleness, sometimes even sincerity were seen in their works, and there was no pronounced aggression against the authorities and an established political system. They tried to speak out in a satirical vein. That is why the first Russian futurists could not be called idealists of their own direction, but their role in world literature does not diminish from this.

Russian futurism in literature

Представители футуризма в русской литературе во owe much to their Italian colleagues. The fact is that various innovations in any art reached St. Petersburg with some delays. If the first examples of futurism came to Russia a decade earlier, then this direction in the country simply would not exist, since the absence of a crisis in culture and sociology would not involve rebellion and anarchy in verse and prose.

futurism in russian literature
Вообще, футуризм в русской литературе был открыт Khlebnikov. Initially, he was a symbolist, but he could only imitate this direction. In many ways, this was because his principles were quite different from the generally accepted ones: they were free, unshackled by the usual poetic canons. Thanks to this thinking, it turned out to be the ideal futurist - the founder of the Russian poetic rebellion, anarchy and denial of cultural traditions. It should be noted and the real genius of this literary movement - Mayakovsky. However, his late appearance was due to the fact that critics began to treat futurists sparingly. And also many publishing houses did not refuse from the large-circulation printing of similar authors, so it was much easier for him to develop his talents.

Russian futurism in literature is not limitedonly by writing. Many poets knew how to draw, because avant-garde painting was closely connected with poetry, and futurist artists wrote prose and poetry. In addition, it should be noted that this trend in art broke into everyday life. In fact, every futurist departed from the usual restrained style of dress, his image was so incomprehensible to the then bourgeoisie, that she refused to sober criticism of the works. That is, figuratively speaking, the verses were not perceived only because they were told by the author in yellow pants. Critics could with relative calmness perceive a mockery of any classic, but they did not want to see another color or a cut of trousers.

representatives of futurism in Russian literature

Perceive Russian futurism in literature asan independent artistic style will not work, since all avant-garde trends in the country were called this way, even those that did not correspond to him at all. In addition, it is worth adding that over time began to appear more adequate evaluation of works. And in the end, the talent of the futurists was recognized.